2-min walk from Exit B2, Kwun Tong MTR Station continue reading
The Korean cafe specializes in coffee and toast. The signature dishes included sweet potato latte and s'more toast. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 20:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (125)
Level4 2019-02-01
Went here with my friend just for V cupholders AHHAHA there was V posters and pictures everywhere and even videos of Vlives and V fan cams playing on this big screen 😂 The decorations were so cute! I tried the hazelnut latte ($29 HKD) but I didn’t taste much hazelnut 😕 I asked the barista if I could get a cup holder and there were 3 different kinds and I wanted the starry night one but he gave me the idol one so I asked him if I could get the other one and he switched it but then I asked if I could get both and he just gave them to me 😭❤️ so nice of him ahhh.. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
早前出席化妝美容活動,位於觀塘 KC Korea進行。店地方好大, 一站式提供美容及餐飲,成為韓風時尚之地。*另外,小店的一角有小型 Cafe有提供食物及飲品。*果日大會安排了這party活動食物, 十分豐富,好有韓風特式食物。**點了雜莓乳酪奶昔,具濃濃雜莓味,不會過酸, 十分好飲。**這薄餅餅底柔軟,配上餡料香,味美而不膩,十分好食。**韓式紫菜飯,內有好多料, 味道一般;炸魚形燒餅,好特別, 內有紅豆榕,好似甜品。**炸雞入口外脆肉嫩,帶微辣,十分惹味。**炸魚旦棒入口外脆內彈牙,仲有粒粒口感,十分好味。**韓國辣味醬油蟹,勁辣刺激, 加上蟹的鮮味,回味無窮,仲有唔辣醬油蟹食呢!**爽滑彈牙的醬油蝦,配上調味醬油,味道鮮味可口。**醬油鮑魚夠大隻,除左醬油味,仲保留到韓國鮑魚鮮味,味道不滋味無比。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-09-05
真心是為了2pm 10周年的活動才來到KC cafe 😁😁,一到cafe shop發現不只cafe咁簡單,原來仲有好多韓國護膚品可購買😉😉,令我大開眼界👀👀。cafe面積也很大,而且仲有好多公仔任人影相,又真係幾好喎😌😌👏🏻👏🏻。飲食同食物都好多選擇,為2pm打氣,一定要幫襯佢哋嘅棉花糖多士, cappuccino 同latte 啦。購買完飲品後,佢哋會畀一部機器你拎回座位去等候用餐,韓國嘅cafe也是一樣得,好令人懷念啊~😌😌。咖啡及食品,味道是不過不失合格的。cafe不定時都會有韓星應援活動,唔知下次又會有邊個韓星呢~好期待啊~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
最愛買韓國護膚品因為平, 靚, 正其實韓國不少護膚品牌要搵晒出黎真是不易今日出席美容活動去觀塘KC Cafe 度看韓國不同化妝品, 護膚品等等我都大吃一驚因為有不少韓國品牌當晚第一件事好出奇,店內除了護膚品及化妝品外另一旁, 有不少朋友排隊取飲品自己選了雜梅乳酪飲品顏色超靚,之後大會更安排不少正宗韓國美食.自己最愛是韓式醬油蟹及醬油蝦及鮑魚醬油蟹雖然顏色比較深辛辣味道好像好勁其實入口都不會太辣而且辛辣味道超正另一款以水浸的醬油蝦同蟹比較清淡而鮑魚以新鮮大鮑魚為主好厚肉又大隻一隻已經飽飽.當晚大會除了安排以上食物外.店內仲有其他食物,下次同囡囡一齊來又可以買化妝品品又可以坐下慢慢享用。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-08-12
前兩天參加美容活動,於觀塘 KC Cafe 裡舉行,位置近地鐡站,地點方便。環境時尚美觀,地方寬闊,好有韓 feel ! 這裡設有幾個化妝間及售賣多款韓國化妝品和護膚品,可以一邊享受韓國美食之餘,也可以一邊化個靚妝 ; 而坐位以半卡位形式,梳化旁邊放了很多可愛的大公仔,心情也即時開心又輕鬆了!餐廳主要是韓國 fusion 食品,我好開心第一次品嚐韓國醬油蟹,有辣味和醬油味,我吃的是醬油味,少少咸,但味道鮮美,滋味無比!冷凍原隻醬油鮑魚和蝦,肉質結實鮮甜的鮑魚,咬起來有口感,好吃。新鮮生蝦,醬汁香濃,不錯。甘香的炸雞外脆內嫩,鹹香惹味,美味可口。韓式薄餅質感軟綿綿,香噴噴,加上餡料豐富,好吃不油膩,酥脆口感真的非常美味!還有其他特色的韓國小食,炸魚形燒餅、香腸卷、魚肉棒棒等,炸得香香脆脆,越吃越起勁,太好味啦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)