Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (11)
每年初二回老豆家開年一定食午飯,但今年特別啲,大哥話食晚餐食好啲,喺九龍城訂咗枱食一圍全包宴差唔多四千,但早幾日落訂就有折$3,300左右,諗住過年都唔會好得去邊,但估唔到又唔太差,份量足招呼好最後有甜品還送大金,姐夫想飲紅酒,大哥就出咗去買二枝回來,但家姐就話開酒費貴過喺到叫,咁就搵經理問,又唔貴$88或$168一枝,姐夫話我哋自己帶咗嚟,經理好好話唔需要另收費,飲自己個枝就得唔洗另收費,還借開紅酒器比我哋,記得用完比返就可以,大家開開心心又影相,傾傾講講好快又十點 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-06-18
富臨好多間 ..... 間間唔同質素今日去太子道九龍城分店門口 & 內部 都比較舊 街坊格局早茶 都好多客 有啲嘈就緊㗎啦隨便搵位搭枱 冷氣夠凍 侍應 & 傳菜 都手快 爽 有笑容缺點係 男女洗手間 嘅 大門常開.....尷尬閒日早餐特價紙 很多選擇 心大心細 點咗成枱都係連茶加埋一 $110元有找 點心即叫即蒸 山竹牛肉 熱辣辣 大大嚿 加咗馬蹄粒冇梳打味 少肥豬肉 唔膩柴魚花生排骨粥 ~ 大碗 清清腸胃首選粥味清香柴魚味 花生夠淋 排骨用鹽醃過至煲 冇乜鮮味凍肉處理得冇雪藏味 可以棉花雞 ~ 魚肚夠多 芋頭都多 雞柳肉冇鮮味 梅菜肉餅飯 ~ 媽媽味道 餸多但飯太硬 蒸唔夠牛肉腸粉~ 腸粉唔算太滑 料多 好味仲有 金菇肥牛卷 鮮虾菜苗餃 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-06-10
香港人喜愛海鮮,我也不例外。久不久,海鮮癮起,便約朋友擦一次海鮮大餐。最近跟一班朋友,來到富臨食海鮮,而我們的主要目標,是啖啖肉的龍蝦和鮑魚!先來幾道貝類。「冰島蟶子皇」($98/4條)和「蒜茸蒸大元貝」($88/4隻)都以蒜蓉蒸的方式炮製。貝類海鮮和蒜蓉一向都是最佳拍檔,而來自冰島的蟶子飽滿彈牙,元貝大粒又鮮甜,加上吸收了醬汁的粉絲,無得彈。 「油鹽水浸紐西蘭馬刀貝」($88)大件而爽口,浸在添加了胡椒的油鹽水湯之中,更加香甜味美。 重頭戲是「加拿大龍蝦」($88/隻)。龍蝦肉質鮮甜飽滿,配濃香誘人的芝士汁,以及伊麵底,大家都吃個津津有味。而且龍蝦正在做特價,很抵食呢! 另一位主角是「果皮蒸大連鮑魚」,與「紅燒乳鴿」一起打孖上,價錢為 $158。鮑魚一口一個大小,勝在夠入味;紅燒乳鴿則做得香脆少油,嫩滑惹味。 再來一碟十分香脆的「椒鹽鮮魷」($72)。 食了很多海鮮,需要一些素菜平衡一下。「蝦籽草菇海參煲」($88)清香少油,吃得健康。「海皇燉冬瓜盅」($78)材料豐富,湯頭清甜鮮美,配合各種清新的食材,以及燉得腍香的冬瓜肉,是夏日消暑佳品。 小評:這次海鮮宴味道不俗,而且可以用大件夾抵食來形容,性價比甚高,值得回頭。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-05-25
近排小弟在鍛練肌肉,蛋白質有助肌肉增長,而海鮮就是肉類之中含豐富蛋白質,又相對可清可濃都可以做得好吃。「冰島蟶子皇」$98 / 4條不好意思地叫了少油,要各位朋友陪我減油。蟶子可以揀蒜蓉蒸或豉汁蒸,挑了前者,蒸的時間剛剛好,長條爽口,味鮮,大家也很愛碟底的粉絲啊,爭着吃。「油鹽水浸紐西蘭馬刀貝」$88馬刀貝像更大隻的花甲,又是爽口份子,湯汁加了大量胡椒,吃起上來像「胡椒豬肚湯」的味道,有很多粉絲,這個我大愛啊。「海皇燉冬瓜盅」$78非常抵,我們十個人分享了一盅。足料,而且重點是吃得出沒有下味精,瓜肉燉得腍,再加夜香花,清甜消暑靠曬佢。「加拿大龍蝦」$88 / 隻晚市優惠,龍蝦在做特價 (溫提,二至六位一隻,七位以上可以兩隻),一隻一碟,份量也很大,沒有欺場。可以選擇上湯焗或芝士焗,我們選了後者,配伊麵底,芝士汁滿瀉,麵與汁愛恨纏綿,好吃得邪惡,吃得我欲拒還迎。「蒜茸蒸大元貝」$88 / 4隻「果皮蒸大連鮑魚」/ 「紅燒乳鴿」(孖寶) $158打孖上,鮑魚有少許遜色,反而乳鴿炸得脆而不油,肉亦嫩,可以連骨吃。「蝦籽草菇海參煲」$88「椒鹽鮮魷」$72我喜愛魷魚,這個卻沒有吃,要戒油炸。最後來個蔬菜「泰皇通菜」$58 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Gathered with friends to have some seafood and Chinese dishes here.On the menu, they have monthly specials and the Canadian lobster with noodles was on promotion for $88 (the normal price is $218).Here was what we had:★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Canadian lobster with e-fu noodles in cheese sauceThe portion was big with noodles covered in thick sauce topped with lobster pieces.Each piece of lobster was succulent and the cheese sauce was creamy with a mild cheese flavouring.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Dalian abalone steamed with fruit peel $128The abalone was springy and the fruit peel flavour made them appetizing.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Straw mushrooms, sea cucumber and prawn roe pot $88There were lots of straw mushrooms compared to the sea cucumber in a rich gravy flavoured by the prawn roes.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Steamed razor clams $196The clams were springy with a strong garlic taste and the glass vermicelli was really tasty because it has absorbed all the flavouring from the clams and flavourings.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Steamed scallops $176The scallops were steamed the same way as the razor clams topped with garlic and glass vermicelli.Personally I liked the scallops more because it has a sweeter taste and softer texture,★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Clams in salt and pepper broth $88The clams were plump and juicy and the broth had a lovely peppery taste.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Roasted pigeonThis was a classic, there was soft pigeon meat beneath the crispy skin.r★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Wintermelon soupFinished the meal with this nourishing wintermelon soup.It was decorated with seafood with a huge chunk of wintermelon that is mushy and healthy to eat.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)