4-min walk from Exit A2, Tin Hau MTR Station continue reading
65875174 (WhatsApp)
狂飲且共樓頭醉,酒虎詩龍各自豪 continue reading
Opening Hours
18:00 - 00:00
Mon - Sun
18:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (21)
Level4 2024-06-09
Dinner on a weeknight. Quite Busy- those without reservations had to wait a while.Here’s what we had. -Watermelon with Spicy Mala Sauce, a surprising combination blending the refreshing sweetness of watermelon with the fiery kick of Mala sauce.-Chicken Skin Crackers- wafer-thin, crispy and crackling.-Bean Sprout Salad with Sesame Oil- light, fresh and refreshing.-Crispy Grilled Mackerel- expertly grilled crispy skin giving way to succulent and flavorful flesh.-Deep-Fried Chicken Wings coated in a umami-rich Shrimp Paste - perfectly done.-Chicken Tail- normal one and Black 烏雞.-White Eel with Dried Tangerine Peel and Black Bean Sauce.Grilled Rice Ball with Salted Egg- unique twist on a classic dish: easy to share with the sausage shape; very satisfying dish.Deep Fried Sliver Sillago (鑽魚)- crispy exterior with flaky and melt-in-your-mouth flesh. Size was bigger than expected. Bones went well with our champagne.Char siu made from Iberico pork topped with soy beansHanger Steak served on crispy Toast-a delectable combination of textures.Clams cooked in claypot with fragrant Basil. Server came with the lid closed, poured sake over the lid and instructed that he would be back later to open the lid for us. Simple dish that highlighted the natural sweetness and tenderness of the clams.Grilled Scottish Razor Clams- served with a choice of parsley sauce or special sauce. We tried both, (not being a parsley fan, preferred the latter.)Choy Sum with Preserved Vegetables- very sweet. Grilled Cauliflower Fungus (繡球菌)- crisp and tangy.Dessert: Grilled Sara Lee Cake with ginger Ice Cream- refreshing contrast of warm and cold elements.In summary: thoughtfully prepared dishes with an innovative local twist. Hospitable environment and Servers made sure that we were well taken care of. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-06-04
年初到訪位於天后清風街港式居酒屋酒虎詩龍。氣氛恰好,酒肴選擇琳琅滿目。特別難忘香炸到如紙般薄的雞皮仙貝甜鮮度被四川麻辣醬料提升了的麻辣西瓜厚薄同熟成度滿分的牛舌芯同炭燒义燒同埋鮮味十足的香草焗蠔!回頭值滿分💯留意番佢個隱藏菜單需要提早預定以免失望呵~Throwback Feb visit. Local HK styled bistro nestled in a quiet street corner at Tin Hau. Excellent vibe and a well thought out menu to go with a pint after a long day at work. Daily specials(secret menu 隱藏菜單)need to be preordered a day in advance. Particularly memorable items for me on the day of our visit were the chicken skin crackers that were fried to a delicate crisp, spicy watermelon the sweetness of which was accentuated by the mala sauce that came with it; the beef tongue and char siu that had the right amount of thickness and chargrilled to perfection, and the umami packed grilled oysters. Definitely a resto that I would revisit for the wider range of items on the menu! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-06-03
還沒飽我們就結帳走了,找另一家店再吃,因為確實不好吃。麻辣西瓜太大塊,不夠入味,麻辣味跟西瓜的甜味根本不能融合在一起。豬腩肉的沙嗲味跟花生醬味更加是奇怪的配搭,就像是不合格的沙嗲醬。燒白鱔一d大塊一d 細塊,以致燒得不均勻,皮燒得太燶。雞皮烤得太乾及缺乏調味。簡簡單單的燒牛舌,也是只有雪藏的肉味,缺乏任何調味。。所有東西的調味不夠,都不夠熱!服務員態度差!希望侍應把餐牌收回,她給我反白眼。普通的米酒也要 $5xx 一支,太搶錢了。吃不飽也要人均 $5xx。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-02
天后的「酒虎詩龍」絕對是近期一間難能可貴的港式居酒屋、據說大廚們都師𠄘米芝蓮星級餐廳、眾多菜式都別出心裁、不是隨處可以品嚐得到、食完之後會讓你有一種剛買了一對限量版Travis Scott 的那種獨家感覺麻辣西瓜作為開胃前菜:起初令我聯想到會否是椒絲腐乳炒西瓜那種不倫不類的自創配搭? 誰不知驚喜十足、西瓜的爽甜加上芫荽獨特的香味及些微麻辣可為極度配搭、絕對是一道非常醒胃的一道開胃菜雞皮元貝:晶凝通透,脆卜卜不過分油膩,佐酒哈利普頓立鱗魚酸菜湯: 用西式的做法配上中式的酸菜湯底可其創新但又萬分配合、不失食材及湯底本身的獨有特色之餘又能夠互相配合、「讚」燒鱔:記得還是小朋友的時候10分喜愛澳門時運的燒風鱔,酒虎詩龍的風鱔個人認為比時運做得更細緻及獨到,第一:「懶人食法」走骨、第二: 外皮燒得炭脆之餘、魚身亦做到Juicy 、爽彈、有魚味、個人遇見師傅可能事前做過Dry age 過程才做到這個效果、雖然一串𠄘惠$108, 或許比一般較貴、但功夫及誠意度十足,個人認為是必點菜式個人不是雞腳控也會忍不住試一試他的雞腳、配上些微麻辣、有癖好的朋友必食燒大腸也是內臟控的朋友必點、吃的時候會令我回想到身處台北敦化南路「胡同」的感覺,再加上自家製漬物清膩,美味也隱藏菜式之一的炭燒臘味煲仔飯、個人認為必食其他隱藏菜式,如羊架「醬汁非常特別不劇透自己試試」金不換大蜆煲也可令人齒頰留香黑毛豬叉燒: 香港乃是做叉燒的兵家之地,、我認為他的叉燒未必是你餐牌上必點的菜式燒牛脷芯並不是每間餐廳都能夠做到皆因牛脷芯牛脷最稀有的部位、人有失手、馬有失蹄、發現肉質有問題後馬上更換、老闆再𧶽我們幾杯米酒品嚐,餐廳應有的反應、牛脷芯厚身但爽「正」 正所謂「粉紅色lin頭、可遇不可求」 酒虎詩龍的「煙燻乳鴿」在燈光昏暗底下都能夠看得到乳鴿肉身粉紅色、並不代表他做了刺身給我們、相信是經過慢煮風乾呈現的效果酒虎詩龍從裝修的港式地氣貼近、硬件的執着(用炭爐)、師傅的底蘊、食材的新鮮及創意的菜式幾個元素能夠結合在一起完美演繹、我已經二訪了、book到位的話去試試吧,祝你們好運 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-05-06
第一次光顧,食物品質ok,但服務態度超差,有個長髮曲髮齊蔭女待應非常無禮貌,態度好有問題,唔好講推介有食咩,落單都好似要受佢氣咁,比錢買難受,就算d野再好食都再無下次幫襯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)