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Review (8)
Level4 2012-11-15
同事建議來這裡Lunch,我沒有異議,跟著行就是。午餐連飲品大概是五十蚊左右,價錢合理,我隨意在午市餐牌揀了個濕炒牛肉河,果然很濕,像湯河一般,河粉仍是疊埋一起,還好是有幾多菜,同埋牛肉不會太韌,勉強都可以接受。下午又是會議,大家邊喝著凍檸茶邊傾,我幾時變得咁勤力? continue reading
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Level1 2012-10-19
前兩天又走到灣仔區,幫襯返之前到過這食店,晚飯時段,人流不多,他們有些套餐供食客選擇。一人套餐有炭燒豬扒、雞扒或豬肉,配飯或湯河祇售$45,小弟當然不會執輸叫返個豬扒飯先,原來仲有特飲送 ,即時叫返杯至愛的青檸梳打,正!😄豬扒飯來到外貌非常對辧,食落又有咬口又有炭燒風味,白飯上面又有d唔知咩乾加蔥油,伴飯食很有味道,埋單仲免加一,盛惠$45大圓走得,真係抵食😊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
平時呢間餐廳,聽講Lunch Time有好多人排隊等位!咁見今日12點經過無乜人就去試下啦~門口貼住左張紙12:30前結賬就9折~一入到去舖位唔係好大,但係啲位擺到密密麻麻~ 啲位好窄坐得好唔舒服! 椅背對椅背根本無得拉後d張椅~搞到我要將我個袋放喺地下.....> < 算!!!之後點左個青咖哩同炒金邊粉~好快就有得食~金邊粉都ok!~.... 青咖哩就略為甜左少少,不過都可以接受~但講到待應既態度就唔可以接受!!簡真係惡劣呀!!我地格離張枱有班客,佢地有個朋友咁啱撞到!企左喺佢地張枱側邊傾左一兩分鐘,由於位置太迫既關係~後面有一個待應拎唔啲嘢食俾果班客~離遠個待應見到就格左張枱既距離~喝果位男仕行開啲,阻住佢同事上菜~咁大聲.....態度非常惡劣! 嚇親我同個朋友....我以為自己去左大排檔食飯.....-_-"由於佢個收銀位同出菜位喺附近~啲客俾錢果陣要企喺果個位~自自然然就住阻住d待應傳菜....成餐飯都聽到待應叫啲客"借借"~啲客走左就大大聲聲同佢啲同事講"明知我拎住咁大碗嘢就行過啲啦!!!!"超級燥底~~~之後又聽到有個待應話走左既客"食嘢好Cheap!!!!"同埋"12:29都唔會俾九折"嘩~ 我覺得佢地真係好唔尊重啲客....到左12:25~ 我地就結帳啦~ 因為可以有9折^^俾左錢之後我地見仲有好多金邊粉未食~未來左少少食埋佢囉! 同埋都仲幾張枱都未有人坐~又未有人等位~ 我諗食果幾啖...應該唔會好耐啫!!點知Around 12:31就有個待應行過黎話我地"12:30前埋左單~唔可以坐咁耐~"之後我地話食埋呢啖就走ga喇~ 咁佢就行開左~ 同其他同事講" 見佢地坐左喺度停晒手無食嘢先俾佢地埋單~ 點知仲喺度食喎!!!~ "我同我朋友都唔會再黎呢間食~ 走果陣先12:32~仲有咁多位~ 又無未有客等位~有無需要趕人走呢?!你話我坐左幾個字就話姐,一兩分鐘。。。。。= ="作為一間餐廳~ 相信係好想每一個客人都好欣賞佢地既食物~至少唔係浪費食物掛?!我覺得呢餐廳既待應唔識尊重客人~ 唔識尊重食物!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-07-08
得知此新店經營多月, 今天路經此地 (其實先後看見一些同類小店在後街, 但不太企理呀 !) 結果都是到來一試 :經理特意走過來拉開門, 實在有點不好意思店內只有兩位同枱的食客 ,仍然唔hea ~!很久沒嚐生牛肉河了, 想像招牌菜理應不太差, 一如所願有點似在某名店的影子 : 湯底夠熱清甜唔肥膩 ,河粉幼滑而細薄,(相信已改良了) 芽菜紅椒香葉另上 , 主角牛肉出色 : 採用上等薄切嫰貨, 恰好可以透過熱力浸熟 , 份量唔嬉場; 凍奶茶冰塊較多但茶味濃厚 !下回一定要嚐試其他美食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2012-06-19
It's a rainy Sunday. Looking for something that's near by and easy. Then realized this newly opened Vietnam restaurant, decided to give it a try. Door opened, it's quite full, just one table left for two, for for us. Set down and ordered their raw beef soup noodle with beef ball and a fried vermicelli with seafood.Food was served quick, and the waitress was very polite and thoughtful, when I asked for extra sprouts. She even said because it's raw, she would have it cooked before giving me, very good.Raw beef soup noodle is fine, acceptable with the price. But the fried vermicelli is too moist, I was expecting it to be much dryer. Well it's poor first try and a quick lunch, but good value for money with only hundred dollars for two, and included two ice drink too. Will go back and check out other stuff as well. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)