12-min walk from Exit D1, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
The french restaurant exudes a casual elegance and warm and cozy atmosphere of a Parisian street cafe. continue reading
Good For
Romantic Dining
Special Occasion Dining
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Mussels in White Wine Butter Sauce Homemade Fries US Grain-fed Black Angus Rib Eye Steak with Cafe de Paris Butter Pan Fried Foie Gras
Review (78)
Level3 2017-01-24
難得星期一約齊六個同學,當然要用呢個機會享用Super Monday 嘅優惠, 見Cafe De Paris 啲主菜價錢都係二百幾,唔過份,一於去試下羊架叫咗兩份,五款主菜最出色係羊架,其他都係一般,慢煮鴨肶有啲咸我哋order三款甜品,可惜上到枱時雪糕已經溶了一半,而且味道亦一般最想講嘅係大隻經理嘅服務真係非常非常一般,每次他放低碟,水杯在枱上都好大力,令到我哋深深感受到付出多少金錢就得到多少嘅道理 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-01-23
提前慶祝男朋友的生日 巧合下見到openrice做緊訂座後主餐牌7折 就決定一定要試!Crab cake--個面煎到脆脆地 蛋黃醬香但唔會蓋過個蟹餅味 但如果可以再濃既蟹味就好Beef tartare--男朋友想試好耐 比較少餐廳會提供呢樣菜色 一嚟麻煩 二嚟係要靚質素既牛肉先比人生食,但我個人就覺得可以吧 因為我本人唔太好生牛肉 但佢食落其實唔會有嘔心既質感同味道 有興趣既人可以一戰Duck confit--法國菜中既經典 聞名不如見面 煎香左既鴨皮好香  入口即溶 鴨皮係嘴裡面化開 充滿油香  啲肉又腍身 連啲配菜都非常入味同配合 推薦!好多去食過既人都推介佢 對於非常中意食甜點既我嚟講簡直不能抗拒  無論係雪糕定個cream brûlée都有加雲呢拿籽 好香好順滑  個焦糖面亦很脆口  很夾!整體:野食水準都幾高 店員服務亦好好 餐廳燈光有少少暗但好適合情侶或者三五知己一聚7折真係好抵食 大家把握機會! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2016-12-06
On a weekday the two of us decided to try out new places... After searching for the credit card recommended place for 50% discount, we decided to go to café de Paris for a little French cuisine~The restaurant was located in Elgin street that we can easily walked up through the mid level elevators~ Being different from other restaurant on the list, I was first surprised that it is actually a very small but cozy restaurant~ the decoration in the restaurant made me feel that the owner like France a lot or may be it is just that it is called café de Paris that it HAS to match the theme the bread come warm and soft, they come just in time for the starving two of us~I ordered a mushroom soup and my partner ordered the crab cake...The mushroom soup was very rich with strong taste of mushroom that I like it very much! the crab cake was really a surprise!!! It was freshly made, crispy on the outside yet soft and tender inside.Then it comes out main dishes:the sea bass was nicely cooked, the mayonnaise sauce is a bit special It was then the pork chop ~ normally there is risk ordering pork chop that it could be tough or over-cooked... I wonder if the shop uses slow cook for the pork chop as i believe it nailed the timing for cooking the protein ~ After all the delicious dishes above, we decided to try out the dessert here ... the shop recommended the chocolate cake but I think it is rather disappointing having considered the quality of other courses we just had.After all, it is a very nice and cozy place for dinner~ the services of the attentive waiter was well appreciated too continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2016-12-03
相約舊同事食飯...這次來到位於中環蘇豪區的一間法國餐廳。環境不錯,約有十幾張桌子。事不宜遲,向大家介紹品嚐過既菜式:1. 洋蔥湯本來對洋蔥湯好高期望,但最後換來失望😔。塊芝士唔好食之餘,個湯仲要好鹹...建議大家試下其他款式。2. 牛扒除左魚,我地仲叫左牛扒。六成熟(medium),配左個醬汁都幾好食🌝。薯條炸完擺左一段時間。整體黎講都唔錯啦!3. 雜菇白汁意大利粉好惹味,份量十足,推介!😉4. 甜品大推介!其實成晚最好食既就係甜品,同之前果啲菜式差太遠。甜品餐牌一共有四樣,除左Lemon Tart 我地都有叫...焦糖燉蛋好重蛋味,塊焦糖都好好食!最正係個雪糕,超濃,雪糕迷至愛!巧克力蛋糕都好正呀!🙈我地仲叫左田螺,三杯餐酒同一個cocktail。埋單每人大約550。其實在附近這個價錢可以有更多選擇...建議大家有AE卡才過來一趟吧。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-10-05
有過之前在中環午餐處處碰壁踩雷的經驗,現在學精了,有時間的話還是往蘇豪方向進發,人少很多價錢又較相宜。是日走到扶手電梯最上的伊利近街,看看有什麼小店合心意,當我們準備進入其中一家店時,隔壁的店員盛意拳拳地邀請我們看一下他們的餐牌,起初見內裡空無一人也怕中伏,抱著大無畏的精神姑且試試。 推門望見右手邊靠窗的圓桌甚為雅致可愛,好感頓時提升,再望清楚全店裝潢,酒紅色的牆身鑲嵌了幾塊鏡子,牆上貼有富懷舊電影感的海報,而頭頂上面有幾個火車行李架,一些放上紅酒一些放了皮篋做裝飾,加上黑白格仔地磚,整體很有歐洲小酒館的感覺。 青瓜沙律除了一般的羅馬生菜和紅邊菜外,還加入了少許火箭菜,蔬菜新鮮爽脆,清新甜美,驚喜的是醬汁帶點芒果香,令整個沙律生色不少。 南瓜湯伴餐包點餐時以為是沙律餐湯二選一,怎料店家大方的提供兩樣,南瓜湯奶滑濃郁,質感不太稀不太杰,一向不特別愛喝西湯的我原先只想淺嚐數口,最後卻喝得一滴也不剩;伴上的迷你拖鞋包帶有微溫,簡單塗些牛油也屬不錯。 香煎盲鰽魚伴蕃茄雜菜、香滑薯蓉和牛油汁 $115午市套餐有三款選擇,一豬一魚一意粉,待會兒要做運動便吃清一點。成品上來也挺大份,魚皮煎得香脆,魚肉嫩滑,底下的薯蓉散發著滿滿牛油香,加上令人討好的蕃茄燴雜菜,吃得稱心滿意。 頂級澳洲肉眼牛扒$98 (+$48轉成午市套餐)入內才得知此店是Cafe Deco Group期旗下,早前在網上見它在做牛扒期間限定已欲一試,還未特地拜訪卻悄悄出現在身邊。宣傳品上聲稱牛扒由澳洲牧場直送,以多種優質穀物餵飼令牛肉油花均勻,加上餐廳以14天濕式熟成方法處理牛肉,讓牛肉肉質香甜多汁,說得天花龍鳯,就我看來吃起來味道好才是皇道。帶有格仔坑紋的牛扒質素不錯,肉味濃郁,可惜要求五成熟但來到覺得七成有多,扣了少許分數。 是日甜品小小旳一件芝士餅十分香濃,份量剛好滿足到甜牙齒,配上一杯解膩檸檬水,完滿矣。 可能內進時沒期望,吃畢倒是覺得有點驚喜,而侍應對我倆的服務亦甚為貼心,勤加水又留意我們的進食進度,適時上菜;不過面對其他遲來的客人就表現得不太專業,明明人不多但收碟和上菜都像追追趕趕似的,人家只是停下來聊幾句就問他們是否吃完,還在享用主菜就上甜品,是阻著他們落場的意思嗎? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)