5-min walk from Exit B1, HKU MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
11:00 - 22:00
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Signature Dishes
白兄拉麵 赤兄拉麵 黑兄拉麵 火藥拉麵
Review (26)
Level2 2021-07-23
午市套餐(包汽水或特飲一杯)白兄豬骨濃湯拉麵($45)特盛辛辣火藥拉麵($60) 兄井吉列豚王飯($50)另外我哋再加左小食,章魚燒同埋餃子($20)見佢哋平時lunch都好多人,就決定去試吓。不過店舖位置需要行上斜路,夏天就比較熱同埋座位較少。先講佢個招牌白兄豬骨濃湯,嗰陣時人少叫佢轉做烏冬俾我。烏冬口感正常,佢哋個豬骨湯都唔錯,未係好出色但價錢來講算好抵食。嗰兩碗麵分別都有兩塊手掌咁大嘅叉燒😍,味道還可以但係份量好足,我個人就食唔晒。仲有少少配菜:椰菜同木耳。辛辣麵唔係話太辣,識開辣嘅朋友未必滿足到你。拉麵口感正常。吉列豚王飯方面係有咖喱嘅,咖喱都係BB辣,個咖喱汁係唔錯。肉方面就冇乜味,個吉列皮炸得夠脆。小食方面唔錯,個章魚燒明顯有粒章魚喺裏面😆嗰日飲嘅特飲係蘋果紅茶,個人唔係好鍾意太過甜嘅飲品,覺得佢哋糖漿落多咗,建議大家叫嘢飲嘅時候可以少甜😬整體來嚟講算係平價日本菜👍🏻 $50樓下就食到個lunch。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2021-01-19
同朋友嚟食,佢哋就食完個阿姨就趕佢哋走,要我自己一個食不知所謂,服務態度簡直衰到阿媽都唔認得,超級掃興,估唔到真係咁無禮貌,以後唔會再度幫襯,超級不愉快的經歷可恥。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-10-15
玉子燒豚王飯 $50本身呢個飯$50 ,但我係半價時段嚟食,所以只需$25。好抵。白飯上面有炒蛋,又有燒過嘅豚肉,再加啲汁,其實成個Combination雖然唔會話好好食,但都唔錯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
This is perhaps the worst restaurant I have been to in years; this review is to warn others to not make the same mistake we made. Having settled on Japanese cuisine, we walked into this nearby restaurant having done no prior research. We ordered an eel rice, ramen, seared salmon sushi and a lychee drink, all of which did not meet our expectations. The eel rice contained only half the usual portion of eel, the other half replaced by a sunny-side egg. Even then, the eel/egg to rice ratio is completely off. The texture of the ramen is similar to what can be found at supermarkets while the ramen soup was soaked in excessive amounts of fat. Lastly the seared salmon sushi was the most disappointing of all, as the salmon had very little-to-no flavour while the rice was Chinese-style and definitely not meant for Japanese cuisine, let alone sushi. The soy sauce provided also tasted like Chinese-style dark soy sauce usually meant for cooking while the "home made" wasabi had a very unappealing texture and a bitter taste, unlike any wasabi I have ever had. Upon leaving the restaurant, I also had a look at the kitchen area which was filled with rust and untidy surfaces. I usually have no problems paying HK$500-1000 for a good meal for two, but in the end I felt bad even paying the HK$220 for this particular meal as we could not finish it, and resorted to ordering take out later that day. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2020-07-04
三文魚壽司啲飯真係白飯黎!三文魚冇味!拉麵衰過出前一丁!鰻魚飯得一舊仔鰻魚!豉油係生抽味,wasabi係沙泥質地,十年黎食過最難食既野🤮千祈唔好去,第一次寫食評,為咗唔好有人再受害🤢Super super bad restaurant, sushi rice is plain rice with no vinegar, salmon has no taste. The ramen is worse than instant noodles. The soy sauce tastes like Chinese kind of soy sauce and the wasabi (homemade) tastes bitter and weird. please DO NOT go to this restaurant. 🙏🏾 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)