+853 65527902
Opening Hours
12:00 - 18:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay BoC Pay WeChat Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (8)
澳門朝聖!❶奶酪花杯子❷抹茶花杯子❸伯爵茶可麗露全部都帶左返香港焗返熱食🤭🤭焗返熱個外皮好脆~~~明白點解啲人話原味仲好食因為抹茶唔算好濃郁,重度抹茶控覺得唔滿足弓都係原味好食啲🤭起碼食到好香蛋香伯爵茶可麗露 估唔到焗完甜>茶味第一次伯爵茶可以做到咁淡既味😂結論記得去氹仔店不用排隊🫶🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
澳門🇲🇴Goat🐏Bakers🥧好耐無嚟澳門了 咁多人講呢間🐏流心奶酪花杯子🌸🥧就試下啦今次去嘅係氹仔店,聽講氹仔店鋪面靚啲同少人啲,12:30嚟都唔多人 唔洗排隊就買到1️⃣流心奶酪🧀️花杯子-$38大過我手掌🖐🏻 尺寸我估有葡撻1.5倍唔好睇佢似葡撻💁🏻‍♀️佢內餡係乳酪🧀️嚟㗎千層酥皮 外面好脆 🥳一咬爆汁 乳酪流哂出嚟💦(提大家食前要拎定啲紙巾🧻🤡)流心乳酪係偏水狀 清清地嘅酸甜 雖然多汁配埋千層乳酥皮就唔會好滯 🥳🤤會好想快啲啜哂啲汁佢2️⃣🍇青提乳酪條💚 $32見到青提都幾靚就叫埋嚟試啦😍上面5片開半嘅青提 落左糖漿下面就係奶酪醬同酥皮條青提食落酸甜多汁 同奶酪好夾💡呢個奶酪應該同花杯子個隻唔同🌸花杯子酸甜流質呢款奶酪甜啲偏企身 cream狀😍同🍇青子酸甜多汁好夾千層酥皮就同花杯子差唔多🥳兩款都好好食🤤又唔滯 次想試埋其他同咖啡☕️門口有凳💚又無咩人可以打卡📸📍Goat Barkers 🐏氹仔店 澳門巴波沙總督街72號錦繡閣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-03-03
Goat bakers 已是N刷,每次來我都會買一大推花杯子回香港。以往都只能夠在澳門的一間分店購買,每次都大排長龍,現在氹仔也有分店啦!而且毗鄰官也街,掃街後再來買手信,十分方便。😋花杯子是以法國著名的羊角包配以日本聞名中外的流心芝士醬作結合。配上花型模具發酵而成的羊角包。在高溫烘烤下,外皮包裹著焦糖化的面層。流心芝士醬酸酸甜甜,而且爆餡,焦糖化的面層非常酥脆。店內亦有其他法式酥類供選擇,不過專一如我,每次都是選擇花杯子,下次再試其他啦。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-10
只要大家係社交平台search 澳門必食、必買~一定會出現既花杯子🫣小編第一次食個時係高士德個邊既分店~排長龍加地點唔多方便🥹最近終於開左係氹仔,官也街行過黎都非常方便🥰仲要冇乜人排隊🤣🤣🤣(咩事??)呢日小編就一共買左3個番香港做手信啦💓🧁 奶酪花杯子 mop38外表好似葡撻,但食落完全係同蛋香味無關hahaha奶酪有種酸酸甜甜既感覺~啲餡基本上多到食每一啖都有😋講真!食完一個都好飽了🥶🥶🥶🥶花杯子既外皮超級酥脆同好甜🥹 好食!🧁 抹茶花杯子 mop40奶酪既顏色係比較igable~不過抹茶味一啲都唔遜色😚(味道上~)好濃抹茶既個種苦澀味😆 同超甜既外皮有平衡既作用!不過,都係食完一個都係會超飽🤪 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-12-24
Using ingredients from France, the bakery serves handmade baked goods that aims to be “Greatest Of All Times” (GOAT).It was a regularly weekday when we visit, avoiding the peak hours. We were immediately attracted by the colourful croissants, canele and other baked goods. The cheese flower cup is their signature, which is also a twist to the Portuguese egg tart, using the crispy pastry to contain the creamy cheese contents.📝Menu: 🔸Pain Au Chocolat🔸Cheese Flower Cup continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)