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Signature Dishes
生牛肉河 泰式拼盤 豬扒檬粉 豬頸肉檬粉
Review (21)
Level3 2013-05-08
Went to The One for a light dinner and ended up trying this Vietnamese restaurant. Its first impression was very spacious and even though there wasn't a wait time, there were stil alot of customers dining. First off, I must note that the staff and service was minimal. I don't want to use the word "terrible" to describe them because it was lacking too much in service to much to tell whether it was terrible or not. I asked for spicy sauce and napkins and basically got ignored by every staff there. I had to lose my patience and holler before a staff would come and service our table. At the end, they got me what I wanted but with no expression at all--it was as if they didn't care.As for the food, I have to be fair that the soup base is actually quite tasty and flavourful. It was hot enough with a rich beefy fragrant. I ordered the chicken noodle soup and I liked it very much especially with extra green onions The satay was very dry and there was nothing special about it. The sauce wasn't even Satay sauce so I would not recommend this for anyone Rice paper wrap is my favourite Viet dish so obviously, I had to order this. The filling was quite tasty but the rice paper was a bit too thick so it tasted a bit pasty. Overall, I think it's a fair restaurant taking in mind that the price is very cheap. The chicken noodle soup was only $37 and the whole meal came together a little less than $150. If you do not have alot of expectation for something fancy or you just want something fast and simple, this is an alright place to go to. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-01-08
幾個月前才去過越南,很喜歡吃當地的河粉及檬粉,今天下午來到尖沙咀The One,便來「越棧」吃個越式湯粉下午茶。我揀了「札肉湯檬」,連飲品$32這碗檬粉,送來的樣子似模似樣,除了香葉比正宗越式的份量少,都頗像越南粉的。但因香葉及菜不足,便顯得整碗粉不夠香,而湯算OK鮮味。札肉就切得太薄,味道偏淡,比起我在越南吃的鮮甜札肉爭好遠,這碗檬粉未至於難吃,但越南風味嚴重不足。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-10-06
筆者從越南回來, 已立即很懷念當地家丁的牛河. 唯有來越棧一解相思之苦. 週日下午茶時段, 點選了牛腩片河(HK$33), 凍檸茶. 不消一會侍應便送上湯河. 先試一口湯底, 牛肉味是有的, 但湯底明顯不夠清, 牛肉味也未算濃郁, 應是加上味精的吧? 河粉不是越南地道的那種, 而是港式的, 幸好牛腩片也不錯, 夠淋軟, 牛肉味也有, 總算有一點安慰. 但牛腩片只有兩三片, 不足夠呢! 湯河上九層塔只有一棵, 還有一些洋蔥和芽菜, 中規中矩吧. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2012-04-19
同男友行The One,見呢間冇乜人又座得舒服就入左去試吓我叫左個生牛肉湯檬粉餐,個湯好鮮甜,配菜又多,不過肥牛就係普通貨色男友要香茅豬扒飯香茅味唔夠,但豬扒唔會太乾,男友反而最鍾意個飯,有咬口 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-02-07
跟媽媽去 the one 看戲,本想去吃 Caffe Habitu,她卻說要去「越棧」。平日的晚上人不多,我們坐靠近窗邊的位置。環境不錯,可是食物質素卻不然。我們選了 $158 的二人套餐,兩碗湯粉 + 小食 + 油菜 + 兩杯特飲,感覺還挺划算的。香茅豬扒撈懞:豬扒死實實,毫不新鮮。懞粉不爽口,過稔,最大敗筆是魚露。我不打算評論魚露是否新鮮,但吃過撈懞後,展開了漫長的口喝之旅,可想而知味精下得多重啊!雞絲撈懞:沒有味道的碎濕濕雞絲,配上味精魚露,OMG!小食算是比較滿意,雞翼和豬頸肉也不錯。上湯浸生菜:真的是上湯嗎?只看見一片片的油在浮面。三色冰和椰香雜薈:其實兩者幾乎一樣,只是後者沒有綠色條條。如果來這裡用膳,請有事後長期口喝的心理準備,因為味精實在下得太重(還是香港的越南菜早就變成這樣子?)。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)