Exit D1, Lai Chi Kok MTR Station, Exit D2, Lai Chi Kok MTR Station continue reading
Additional Information
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
17:00 - 02:00
Fri - Sat
17:00 - 04:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (8)
Level3 2019-06-12
再黎連放3日假不是夢,所以放工就幾個同事去 RELAX 下,好好放低工作上既煩惱。有朋友介紹,荔枝角 D 2 PLACE 一期有一間幾唔錯既酒吧【Versus Stadium】,老老豆豆,野食雖然唔算好多選擇,但勝在飲品方面選擇都幾多。我哋叫左2杯野飲,已經唔記得左叫咩野,但係味道好不錯的,好易入口,送香口既小食一流。「黑松露炸薯條」 : 薯條脆口得黎好有咬口,薯肉滿滿的,沾滿黑松露醬入口特別滿足。個醬真心唔錯。「雞肉串燒」 : 雞肉很嫩滑,好 JUICY ,又唔會 UN ,個燒汁好惹味。個雞翼比較上遜色,唔太似雞翼味,而且味道比較淡。。。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2019-03-01
*Atmosphere*First thing that hits you is the smell of disinfectant and cigarettes.The lighting is strobing multicoloured LEDs.The music is a playlist stuck from 2012 club music at 1PM on a Friday. Which is quite annoying for lunch. It feels like a strip club without the strippers.As an eSports themed bar / restaurant, they don’t have any eSports games on the TVs, only football.*Service*For the most part polite and friendly but they definitely look flustered and struggle to serve the 6 tables there for lunch.It’s been 30mins as I type this since we ordered and no food has arrived aside from the lukewarm soup and bread.All three of our food orders eventually arrived after 40mins since ordering.*Drinks*Hot milk tea - sucksIce milk tea - terrible, bland.Coffee - garbageWater - the most tap water tasting tap water with a hint of green tea probably used for beer pong the night before.*Food*Pulled beef brisket burger - was ok.Bacon Uni Spaghetti - looks good but was too salty.Pan fried Salmon - over cooked, not fresh and too dry.I suspect the food actually comes from next door GOLFZONE as the staff could be seen walking back and forth.If that’s the case I would rather sit and eat at GOLFZONE, at least the music is not trash and you can watch people hit balls at a projector screen.*Conclusion on lunch service*Don’t come here for lunch.I’m sure it’s fun at night for drinks and what not. But for a week day lunch...avoid. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-02-13
我多數上三樓食,好多次經過都都無衝動要試,今日朋友話去試下,約係餐廳等。知道係酒吧,但都舒服唔算大煙味,唔會好迫,西餐$80-170,環境唔錯叫左個牛扒同意大利飯share食,牛扒叫五成熟但overcook,不過喜出望外地好食,好淋但有咬口, 出邊煎得香脆,薯條都好乾身好脆,好夠熱應該即炸,$168 食到li個質素真係唔錯。再黎野菌黑松露係意大利飯,黑松露都好足,飯夠香滑,都唔錯,好過同區幾間出名小店侍應服務唔錯,不過收碟太勤快,一個鐘頭食飯問左三次‘食哂未仲要唔要’。會再幫襯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2018-12-20
難得今晚尚算早收工,約左個 Friend  o係【Versus Stadium】飲番杯食個好西 Chill 一下。叫左個「黑松露野菌Pizza」即點即烤熱辣辣,Pizza餅底屬於薄批,但係好吹足料,滿滿香濃既芝士,加上黑松露野菌既花香氣噗鼻,入口非常香脆。另外我哋仲叫左一份水牛芝士焗肉丸(詳細唔記得左個名),但係真係好入味好想追住食,肉丸既肉質好彈牙,而且好入味,芝士完全地滲透整粒肉丸之中,芝士焗得好香,最後我哋都成碟清晒。「西班牙海鮮焗飯」選用西班牙傳統兩頭尖的米,傳統西班牙海鮮飯難度十分高,煮後更要入焗爐再焗,將米煮至半軟硬程度,才放入湯汁中吸收至軟糯,避免過度攪拌至米飯變碎及爛,才能煮出口感效果相約的效果。食得出主廚的心機和精巧,加上海鮮材料都很新鮮,令整碟飯的層次再次提升。朋友叫左杯「BLUELAGOON」,很易入口,有少少檸檬的清香,加上精凝剔透的海藍色,令人彷似置身於汪洋大海之中,非常放鬆。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2018-10-13
氣氛唔錯,需然今次我自己一個黎,但尼個係可以同朋友出黎或有時自己想放鬆下都唔錯既地方,收夜又想飲酒既人都可以一試,今日仲幫我調到一種我好鐘意飲既酒,大家如果想可以黎值得一試。以後我想放空飲下酒時都會長黎。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)