Opening Hours
10:00 - 18:00
Mon - Fri
08:00 - 18:00
Sat - Sun
10:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Apple Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (47)
除了中環有Hypebeans 以外 其實銅鑼灣也有一家但 Fashion Walk外圍有格調的店 也太多了 真的好易錯過Hypebeans 首家香港獨立咖啡店 一進店咖啡 ☕️味真的太香了即便選擇不算很多 但還是不知怎麽選擇 都想一試 HAHAHAAICED LATTE $45他們所用的奶味也偏濃厚 加上咖啡☕️在店裡喝 感覺咖啡感會更強其實他們還有其他小餅乾🍪  和瑪德蓮 有機會也想一試而且後來才知道Hoiicha Latte 是銅鑼灣分店的一款獨家飲品 下次也想試😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-11-26
和朋友來置地廣場感受聖誕氣氛,但佢遲到,所以就openrice搵左呢間咖啡鋪坐下,裝修超級簡單,就係水泥啦,無檯無凳,不過幾個水泥墩可以坐下,不過都幾有型,特登叫左呢款spicy,因為相片幾靚。不過拿到手賣相就小小失望啦。不過咖啡確實幾好飲,係呢個地段都對得住55啦。有少少香料的辣味,不過不算好突出,因另外加左八角裝飾,所以每一次飲,又有一絲八角味入到鼻腔,比咖啡香味混合一起,都幾特別的體驗,值得一試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-09-25
《Hypebeans》中環置地廣場地咖啡店位置於Landmark basement位置隱蔽一啲 加上可能外賣為主無食品供應 通常唔會有好多人minimal嘅裝修銀色為主 空間感闊落<Ovaltine Espresso>咖啡可加錢轉Soy / Oat Milk味道幾balance 咖啡同華田味完美融合凍熱都咁出色下午唔想飲咖啡嘅話佢哋都有一啲refresh 嘅選擇<Yuzu Lemonade>soda夠氣 清新 幾啱行到攰飲返杯抖吓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-04-17
呢間又係bookmark已久經過又無有時間飲好今次有pop up eventcharcoal seame latte由無野凍飲杯所以 用熱杯上🥲入口滑第一啖 淡淡既奶味有點點 雜粒飲到半杯🥴先有 芝麻味🙈可以無 飲管之類無得搞所以都係要凍飲杯先岩🤨Madeleine (valrhona chocolate)個樣都算普通諗住 朱古力既蛋糕仔啦點知 食落食到蛋糕,重有D 提子乾咁點知係 辣椒乾😱重要食2,3啖先覺中間有 有一粒 骰仔咁大既朱古力🤩呢個 本身就幾有 特別👍🏻配飲品 十分十分 ➕分🎉⚡️結: Madeleine 必配上之選🤩😋#Madeleine#PEACEMINUSONE#NikeKwondo1#hypebeans continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-03-22
The coffee here is great and sitting in a arty environment to enjoy this cup of coffee is amazing. There is an area in this coffee place that sells T shirts and other goods.The price of the coffee is reasonable considering this is located in prime retail space of central.I recently stopped by and tried their signature, YuenYeung that tasted really good, a casual coffee with an interesting blend of rich espresso and spicy and aromatic flavour that makes for a pretty good coffee drink. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)