5-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
This restaurant has 2 floors and the walls are decorated with hand-painted bird patterns to create an elegant environment. It is helmed by a Le Cordon Bleu chef to serve Asian-inspired French cuisine. continue reading
Opening Hours
Tue - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
17:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (162)
今次嚟到中環食法式fusion菜🇫🇷餐廳在斜路位置,牆身的畫令人感覺好清新~整個餐廳有好多打卡位,連洗手間都好特別😎叫套餐抵啲😏所以叫左SET FOR 2 $888 ,可以選2 STARTERS/SOUP+2 MAIN COURSES(Pigeon +$30) +1 DESSERTS🌟🦀CRAB"PANI PURI”蟹肉沙律脆球(2pcs)Pani Puri源自於印度,係常見嘅街頭小食,一般會用薯仔同埋鷹嘴豆做餡,而CRAB"PANI PURI”用咗蟹肉沙律做餡,每一啖都有一疏疏嘅蟹肉,蟹味濃郁,口感夠豐富~🌟KUIH PIE TEE 拖羅小金杯(2pcs)滿滿的中拖羅他他,入口順滑,油分適中而無筋,配搭鏗魚、Wasabi啫喱同埋提子,帶出魚肉鮮味~小金杯係娘惹菜嘅獨特小食之一,口感酥脆,提升整體口感層次🌟🐓ZHANJIANG CHICKEN 菊普湛江雞湛江雞肉分別有煎雞胸肉、雞髀肉卷,最難度高係連雞胸肉都整到鮮嫩多汁。葡萄葉釀米除咗米香,仲吸收晒葡萄葉、雞肉同埋菊普嘅香味,係相當完整嘅配搭~🦐RAVIOLO 流心蟹肉、青口,蝦意大利雲吞冬蔭醬汁喺上碟時候淋上,已經聞到陣陣冬蔭香味,意大利雲吞一整塊夾喺流心蟹肉同埋海蝦中間,方便一次過𢳂起嚟食,設計好細心❤️🍨ICE CREAMS 桂花菊花雪糕自家製花香味雪糕~桂花和菊花的香味清新,保留原有花香味,食落唔會太甜,作為一餐完美的句號❤️過嚟食飯慶祝都幾chill~可惜餐廳快要結業了🥹想試特色fusion菜嘅朋友就要快啲book位了🙌🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
抵食有格調法國菜|藍帶主廚創意fusion|高CP法國菜最近發現左呢間比較隱世嘅法國fusion 菜,2人set可以一次過食到好幾款特色法x亞洲菜!❣️$888/2 人就有2 starter+2 main,1 dessert,的確幾高CP,尤其係starter真心有驚喜又夠別緻❣️位置其實唔難搵,只係pmq對出樓梯位行落少少❣️餐廳氛圍幾舒服有格調,適合慢慢嘆美食✨Starter✨🔸拖羅小金杯- 賣相超級精緻,入面粒粒toro用上中toro夠軟嫩新鮮,再滲出芥末jelly清新味道同甜甜地提子,好fresh 。而金杯即係脆外皮,擺左一陣都仲脆唔油膩!🔸麻婆豆腐- 完全out of expection😂係新派創意料理,本來以為會見到豆腐,原來係用上黃豆hummus再加上麻辣雜菇!- 特別鍾意黃豆hummus滑身,粒粒菇香口之餘又夠麻但少辣,建議大口大口食hummus,豆味超級濃!- 仲配上炸到薄脆特別嘅蓮藕,好似薯片咁✨Main✨🥟流心蟹肉、青口、蝦義大利雲吞- 滿滿一大包雲吞,湯底係新鮮濃香海鮮湯底,雲吞內滿滿蟹肉,大🈵足。外面蝦肉彈口新鮮!🐔菊普湛江雞- 非一般嘅雞來,雞肉軟嫩,外皮煎得香脆,難得嘅係連雞胸都嫩,建議一整啖食,層次豐富✨dessert✨🍓龍井士多啤梨慕絲 - 超級吸引,大大粒士多啤梨moouse內有蘋果蓉,仲有士多啤梨果香加脆脆,甜度適中。蛋糕係雨前龍井味道,夠清新!呢到仲會每次換餐具,好講究。有機會嘅話,仲可以參觀一下門口幾特別嘅toilet!ps呢到每季都會轉menu,下次再來! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-11
今晚同朋友搵左中環嘅一間隱世法國菜小餐館試下,菜單由法國藍帶大廚主理,將法國菜同亞州菜嘅元素結合,創意得來有味蕾上嘅驚喜。餐廳門面裝飾佈滿花花草草,令人放鬆。"MAPO TOFU" 「麻婆豆腐」將傳統麻婆豆腐嘅概念重新演繹,用橄欖油黃豆泥代替咗傳統嘅豆腐,質地細膩得黎又帶有豆香。加入咗麻辣雜菌碎,每一啖都有一種香辣嘅刺激感,可以配搭蓮藕脆片一齊食。RED PRAWN TARTAR 紅蝦他他鹹蛋黃泡芙泡芙用左墨魚汁整,質感輕盈,紅蝦他他自然甜味配搭濃郁鹹香味嘅海鴨鹹蛋黃和山女魚籽,口感上既創新又滿足。GRILLED EEL 白鱔意大利飯賣相精緻,用泡沫造成脆脆嘅薄片,上面用醬汁點綴,色彩繽紛,白鱔經過精心烤製,肉口質鮮嫩而帶有微微嘅焦香,意大利飯嘅米粒煮得恰到好處,粒粒分明。EIGHT-TREASURE STUFFED PIGEON 八寶釀乳鴿乳鴿肉質外皮酥脆,內裡肉質嫩,釀入鴿腹食材各自帶有獨特嘅風味,鮑魚嘅鮮嫩、瑤柱嘅彈牙、鵝肝嘅濃郁、羊肚菌嘅香氣、櫻花蝦嘅鹹香、火腿嘅鮮美、蘆筍嘅爽脆、紫米嘅營養,以及馬蹄草嘅清甜同桑直櫻花汁嘅微酸,層次感豐富。TOFU SKIN MILLEFEUILLE 腐皮拿破崙將傳統拿破崙嘅概念重新演繹,用腐皮代替傳統嘅酥皮,質地輕盈而帶有豆香,榛子朱古力醬綿滑,用咗清新嘅芒果粒做伴碟。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今晚的晚餐非常滿意,第一道菜由廚師親自拎過嚟,閒談兩句,非常欣賞廚師煮食嘅理念,亦好欣賞佢大膽創新嘅食材配搭,每一道菜都有小驚喜😍餐牌簡單直接,一人揀一個頭盤一個主菜就搞掂,唔使三心兩意!先來拖羅小金杯,中拖羅配青提子,提子嘅酸甜正好中和拖羅嘅油膩感,呢道菜嘅驚喜在於鰹魚芥辣啫喱,細細粒透明嘅啫喱味道豐富濃郁,令拖羅嘅味道更加突出👍🏻另一個頭盤系花生醬牛尾肉球,呢個頭盤都有啲飽肚感。 牛尾都煮得幾淋,菲律賓蝦醬好有提鮮嘅效果,鐘意濃味嘅朋友會鐘意呢個dish!第一個主菜系牛仔面頰肉配燒鵝油千層薯,牛仔肉上面加咗少少魚腥草,真系估佢唔到,放埋一齊好特別,味道即刻醒神咗!千層薯系我好鐘意嘅食物,用燒鵝油比用牛油更多香,雖然邪惡但真系好好食🤭第二個主菜系侍應姐姐強力推薦嘅八寶釀乳鴿,真系無令我失望🙂 乳鴿一拎上枱已經聞到好香嘅味道,切開之後系好好食、好足料嘅紫米飯,食到好多瑤柱同埋羊肚菌!呢個真系必食推介👍🏻甜品揀咗腐皮拿破侖😂 呢個甜品系全餐飯最驚喜嘅菜式,冇諗過可以將腐皮整脆來做拿破侖,簡直系顛覆咗我對腐皮嘅認知!用腐皮做拿破侖比酥皮感覺清新啲,而且多咗豆香,都幾夾幾好食。成餐飯都好有驚喜,價錢亦都好合理👍🏻 香港嘅餐飲業真系好難做,希望大家都多啲支持有心有力嘅小店啦❤️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
法式西餐的靈魂是在於醬汁,料理的精緻程度亦在於「醬汁」這是我享用整頓晚餐後的一句總結。(難以用文字表達得到醬汁的美味,留待你去發掘吧)位置比較偏僻的法式料理,但值得你去探索可以記得是 亞洲 no. 1 酒吧COA 旁邊!比起 Fine-dining 更覺得有法式小酒館的氛圍被餐廳打動的是店員 十 分 親 切 熱 情!當日有其他客人慶祝生日,店員也是服務超好的!餐廳外牆是手畫的金翅雀,營造出優雅的環境菜式更是由藍帶廚師掌舵,味道是無可挑剔的十分感謝廚師用心及細心的烹調,將中菜融入於法式料理之中節日慶祝不妨考慮一下 "Sauces are the soul of the French cuisine. So a taste of France lies in the sauce of a dish”A summary after enjoying a well-spent dinner.  (It's difficult to express the deliciousness of the sauces in words, so I'll leave it for you to discover.)This French restaurant is located in Sheung Wan, this lively neighborhood deserves your attention. You can find it next to COA, the number one bar in Asia!  It has more of a French bistro atmosphere compared to fine dining.What impressed me the most about the restaurant was the extremely friendly and warm staff! There were other guests celebrating a birthday that day, and the staff provided excellent service. The exterior of the restaurant is adorned with a hand-painted goldfinch, creating an elegant environment. The dishes are also helmed by Le Cordon Bleu chef, and the flavors are impeccable. I am truly grateful for the chef's meticulous and careful preparation, incorporating Chinese cuisine into French dishes. Consider this restaurant for your celebrations.𓏸  Set for Two | 1088‧˚₊ ៸៸前菜 Starters✧ Kuih Pie Tee 拖羅小金杯賣相十分可愛,一口咬下中拖羅蓉及青提,口味大膽創新再配以鰹魚芥辣啫喱來提味,展現清新氣息。adorable presentation! With one bite, you'll taste the combination of Chu-Toro and green grapes, which offers a bold and innovative flavor. It is further enhanced by Daishi and Wasabi Jelly, adding a refreshing touch.✧ Stuffed Chicken Wings 羊肚菌百花釀雞翼將材料釀入雞翼中也花費不少功夫,十分有誠意材料是雞翼、墨魚、羊肚菌、萵筍、如皋南風肉、椰菜花Considerable effort was dedicated to meticulously stuffing the ingredients into the chicken wings, the ingredients used are Chicken Wings, Cuttlefish, Morel, Celtic, Salted Pork, Cauliflower. 主菜 Mains✧ Zhanjiang Chicken 人蔘汁湛江雞「Zhanjiang Chicken, Ginseng, Goji, Longtong 」「湛江雞、人參、杞子、印尼米糕」湛江雞肉質柔嫩,使用了兩種手法處理:香煎雞胸及包裹着雞肉慕絲的雞卷雞慕絲超 好 吃 ~就連雞皮也很滋味但最驚喜的是用人參及杞子調配成的醬汁!一定要來一試!The Zhanjiang chicken used in this dish boasts a tender and succulent texture. It undergoes two meticulous preparations: the chicken breast is expertly pan-seared, while the chicken roll is delicately enveloped with a delectable chicken mousse. The chicken mousse itself is incredibly flavorful and satisfying, and even the chicken skin offers a delightful taste.  However, the true highlight lies in the sauce, crafted with a harmonious blend of ginseng and goji berries. It is a delightful surprise that should not be missed!✧ Eight-Treasure Stuffed Pigeon 八寶釀乳鴿聽過八寶鴨,但八寶乳鴿是第一次見!材料有乳鴿、鮑魚、瑤柱、羊肚菌、櫻花蝦、金華火腿、潮州滷水鵝肝、紫莓米材料豐富不在話,醬汁及材料的配搭也疊加風味深度,味道鹹鮮鹹鮮。伴菜是清新解膩的羽衣甘藍而最精彩的還是底下的紅棗醬汁,帶有另類的清甜感 ~I've heard of Eight Treasure Duck, but it's my first time encountering Eight Treasure Stuffed Pigeon! The ingredients include Pigeon, Abalone, Conpoy, Morel, Sakura Shrimp, Jinhua Ham, Teochew Style Braised Goose Liver, Riceberry.The abundance of ingredients is remarkable, and the combination of the sauce and ingredients creates layers of flavor, resulting in a savory and fresh taste. The accompanying side dish is refreshing and helps cleanse the palate, featuring feathered kale. However, the most captivating element is the underlying red date sauce, which adds a unique touch of sweetness.甜品 Dessert✧ Pumpkin Cheesecake 鼠尾草南瓜芝士蛋糕「Pumpkin, Sage」「南瓜、鼠尾草」直至最終那細膩順口的甜點這是甜品版的 Pumpkin Spice Latte!(有人喜歡嗎?)十分重秋天香料味,只有這裡才有的甜品~And finally, the delicate and smooth dessert that awaits you. This is the dessert version of the Pumpkin Spice Latte! (Any fans out there?) It carries a strong and warm autumn spice flavor, a dessert that can only be found here. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)