7-min walk from Exit E, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
This oyster bar is located between Causeway Bay and TinHau. There will be different discount offer every month. Besides oysters, they also offer seafood and urchin toast, and also wine. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
15:00 - 23:00
Fri - Sat
15:00 - 00:00
15:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (457)
之前成日幫襯位置尖沙咀山林道嘅姐妹店Season Plus,因為生蠔平靚正,岩哂我依d窮蠔痴🤑,依家連港島區都有分店!精選生蠔只係$9隻! $9隻!!$9隻❗🤑🤑非常新鮮,群邊識收縮,而且唔細隻! 中碼生蠔係美國蠔,肉質飽滿,口感Creamy🥰。而大過手掌嘅法國生蠔No.0 都係$39/隻!!!! 用咁平嘅價錢可以食到質數咁高嘅生蠔💰,好 興 奮!!🥳選購紅、白酒🍷🍸可以以換購價享用生蠔,而紅、白酒都係$148-398不等; 雞尾酒🍹任飲都係$98/位!除左生蠔,都仲有其他小食,烤焗海鮮拼有芝士焗原隻龍蝦🦞、蝦2隻🍤、扇貝2隻、田翠螺4粒,同埋黑松露大啡菇🍄。 龍蝦啖啖肉,海鮮芝士🧀同蒜容味都突出!依間我最喜愛生蠔吧,性價比超高🤩! 暫時我都未揾到其他生蠔吧同樣價廉物美。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
相信唔少人都好鍾意食生蠔🦪,都會去不斷搵好食嘅蠔吧~仲要生蠔有神奇作用喎⋯!😂兵仔今次就嚟到銅鑼灣食生蠔喇❣️💂🏼《精選生蠔》 $9(半打起)雖然食海鮮真係唔一定日日都Keep到個水準係一樣,但今次試咗呢個精選嘅生蠔🦪,只係9蚊隻,好抵食。有一半都算大隻,而且好鮮甜✨加啲檸檬汁再提升咗份鮮味添呀!有海水味之餘又唔腥,有驚喜👍🏻評分: 85/100💂🏼《烤焗海鮮拼盤》 $298鍾意海鮮嘅話呢個拼盤一定唔可以錯過~大大個拼盤睇到都滿足😋入面有芝士焗龍蝦、芝士焗扇貝、翡翠螺同埋大啡菇。海鮮好食之餘,大啡菇都係爆曬汁嫁‼️評分: 88/100💂🏻‍♀️《美國特級安格斯》$238塊安格斯夠曬大塊同厚身,兩個人share都無問題👍🏻不過就未算好驚喜~始終呢度都係海鮮同酒做主打。評分:72.5/100總結:間餐廳唔算大但就幾有格調,鍾意生蠔海鮮可以嚟試吓!同埋老闆好好人,仲同我地係度傾海鮮添🦞🤣!頒發軍階:上將🎖🎖🎖🎖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢排愛上食生蠔, 發現社交平台有個生蠔關注組, 話可以在訂位時說明喺食”生蠔谷友海鮮拼盤套餐”, 只需$298在12月份銅鑼灣分店期間限定, 不過1月已加價, 請大家book位時問清楚💭。海鮮套餐🍽️有五款海鮮及一枝白酒🍾, 詳細介紹如下:-六隻美國中碼生蠔👍生蠔比較瘦削, 但都算新鮮, 爽口及有少少礦物味-原隻波士頓龍蝦🦞👍目測有成12吋😜, 肉質比較實, 但都算多糕鮮甜-四隻翡翠螺😋有驚喜, 爽彈有趙頭, 有鮮味😋-半磅BB花甲👍半磅大概有15隻, 不過這不是沙白而是蜆, 但都算鮮甜, 我有3隻有沙, 我朋友那碟有2隻有沙😐六隻紐西蘭青口👎細細隻又唔鮮甜, 唔算太新鮮, 我朋友那碟少了兩隻, 不過事後食完睇番啲相先發現到, 不過唔算好食所以都無蝕🤭意大利爽甜白酒一支😋比較清爽有少少花香味及蜜糖味, 配合海鮮非常一流👍由於餐廳環境細細地, 坐得都比較迫挾, 不過都算 乾淨企理, 服務中規中矩。一人可以叫一set海鮮拼盤, 唔限時慢慢坐, 確喺同朋友歡聚嘅好地方🥳; 白酒飲唔曬仲可以拎走添😜, 性價比都算高嘅一餐👍。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
一開始黎左碟日本一口和牛粒無特別 無味既 red mr k房d牛柳粒仲好食諗住蠔吧最期待應該係生蠔但係完全會令人失望隻隻蠔都好瘦賣相相當麻麻 愛爾蘭偏細嗰款蠔身仲有少少綠綠地色🤢食幾隻都有啲蠔殼碎烤焗海鮮拼盤298$其實海鮮來講唔算貴兩隻龍蝦兩隻扇貝兩隻蝦四隻螺但係味道完全冇鮮味反而最好食係個大啡菇🤥仲叫咗燒羊鞍 同埋牛油果三文魚意粉普通水準 不過不失而且員工服務態度都麻麻好似趕住收工咁其實我地埋單離開餐廳都只係九點二十分而且冇咩Service可言水都係要問先有但最覺得嘔心嘅係條水上面有條毛衛生度欠佳 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
we waited 1 hour for food to come. we asked the staff multiple times yet they were unresponsive upon request to check the progress of the dishes. regardless, we waited patiently just to receive grilled wagyu beef that was turned into garlic stir fried beef shanks. even before any food was on the table, staff asked for last order/if we wanted to add anything which was just ridiculous. and finally plating is extremely poorly done with the excuse that they are in a rush 🤢 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)