2-min walk from Exit A2, Wong Chuk Hang Station continue reading
This steak house specialises in flat iron steak and offers Angus, M9 Wygua, etc., for you to select. Beef lovers can enjoy meals with different kinds of alcoholic beverages at affordable prices here. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Octopus UnionPay Apple Pay
Other Info
Online Reservation
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (9)
估唔到對黃竹坑唔係咁熟悉嘅淘小姐又再次被黃竹坑嘅美食吸引左過黎今次黎到性價比極高嘅 Flat Iron Steak @macellehk 佢地嘅價錢大眾化好讓入黎嘅每一位客人都可以品嘗到高質嘅牛扒佢地專門與規模較小的農場合作運用巧妙嘅屠宰技術切割出肉質柔軟且肉味濃郁嘅高質牛扒淘小姐試過佢的而且確比市面上嘅牛扒更嫩滑~而主廚 Jo 會用高溫燃燒嘅柴火焗爐烤製牛扒所以味道添上煙燻風味同炭燒質感淘小姐坐低見到隔離枱塊牛咁大塊🫣就決定 Order 一牛一魚⭐️ 11oz 黑安格斯牛臀蓋扒配阿根廷青醬配薯條或沙律11安士呢個份量真係好誇張價錢只係 $198 😱😱😱而且一食落口就知唔係低價位嘅牛完完全全逆市價位真心佩服用焗爐烤焗嘅黑安格斯牛臀蓋扒外皮焦脆內裡肉汁豐盈上面嘅阿根廷青醬簡直係畫龍點睛令牛味昇華到更高嘅層次⭐️ 10安士海鱸魚魚柳拌蒜香薯蓉及西蘭花苗 配檸檬牛油汁一樣係好大份嘅鱸魚外皮穿得好香稍稍染鹽花調味就已經超好味個薯蓉都好出色而我最鍾意就係佢個牛油汁香氣四溢令T淘小姐食慾大增⭐️ 蟹肉龍蝦餅 配是拉差蛋黃醬即叫即整嘅蟹肉龍蝦餅口感結實而是拉差蛋黃醬都幾辣下好惹味因為餐廳準備更換 Drinks Menu喺經理嘅介紹之下我哋就叫咗兩杯Cocktail⭐️ Aperol Spritz以 Prosecco 、 Aperol利口酒 同 蘇打水製成嘅Cocktail顏色鮮艷都幾可口⭐️ Long Island 經理最引以為傲嘅 Long Island飲過返唔到轉頭🤭🤭🤭想試吓嘅話就一定要黎喺黃竹坑嘅Flat Iron Steak🍽️ Flat Iron Steak 📍 黃竹坑香葉道2號One Island South地下G07號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
親民大份平鑊牛排set lunch .《Flat Iron Steak 平鑊牛排》同店名一樣 絕對呢到既經典名物啦大大塊 7安士澳洲黑毛安格斯牛排香濃蒜蓉同香料牛油煎煮肉味香濃 肉質鮮嫩多汁 配上香脆幼身薯條 大滿足啊《Pacific Sea Bass太平洋鱸魚》鱸魚魚柳外皮沾滿海苔 夾埋一齊燒 燒到個皮勁脆 又有海苔香內裏肉質緊實嫩滑 點埋濃郁魚子牛油汁 鮮味十足墊底既薯蓉亦好柔滑 仲有腍得黎爽脆既西蘭花苗.《Jumbo Crab Cake珍寶蟹餅》蟹餅外層炸得好酥脆 餅身唔會油膩入面飽滿多汁 釀滿鮮甜蟹肉 .《Moreton Bay Bugs琵琶蝦》琵琶蝦以大蒜蔥牛油烹調Grill出黎帶有炭燒香 肉質鮮嫩彈牙牛油香同蒜蔥好夾 確實令人唇齒留香.《Housemade Frozen Custard自家製冷凍吉士》有雲尼拿/朱古力味揀其實即係落左蛋黃落去製作既雪糕 🍨食落口感更飽滿圓潤 奶味濃厚.《New York Cheesecake 紐約芝士蛋糕》最後最後一道甜品芝士蛋糕濃郁綿密 奶香四溢配上清新士多啤梨醬 夠哂平衡 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-05-13
今次繼續黃竹坑搵食,係喺One Island South嘅Flat Iron Steak,裝修十分開揚,座位都舒適Set Lunch有5款主食選擇,而side dish同甜品就要加錢如果唔加配,都可以選擇加10蚊飲檸檬茶或梳打而今日當然食佢主打嘅Flat Iron Steak佢嘅牛肉係澳洲黑毛牛安格斯(7oz), 分量就唔算大份配以香草牛油汁,沙律菜同薯條Order了5成熟,生熟度都ok肉質比較淋滑,牛油汁正好帶出牛肉味而配菜嘅薯條都做得幾好,係幼身薯條熱度同香脆度都做得幾好整體呢講味道唔錯,不過對男士真係要清碟先啱啱好夠飽而加配嘅檸檬茶就唔多掂,檸檬味,茶味同甜味都唔夠好可惜如果唔計個飲品,整體嘅用餐體驗都係唔錯嘅,推介 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
南港島One Island South地下既Flat Iron Steak😏主打高溫烤焗既高質牛扒 🥩重點係價錢親民 性價比好高🎊店舖裡面相當大 樓底高空間感十足 有長枱有卡位 氣氛輕鬆 一大班人慶祝聚餐都好岩🎉DINNER MENU當然有牛扒 亦有唔少西餐菜式個餐本身已經有薯條同沙律唔夠可以另外加其他配菜我地各自叫左兩種牛扒x珍寶蟹餅x兩杯酒牛扒同配菜質素幾好 每人仲有一筒軟雪糕🍦真係相當抵食🍽️💥珍寶蟹餅 配牛油果醬 雜錦沙律即叫即炸既蟹餅 非常香脆口感綿密 幾足料 牛油果醬有少少辣味 幾惹味😝沙律菜開胃 幾新鮮 🥗💥 Flat Iron Steak平鐵牛扒 (11安士)薯條同沙律份量多 薯條都好夠脆🍟呢度係用黑毛安格斯牛 蒜蓉牛油 重點Flat Iron Steak 五成熟肉味香氣同樣突出 混合左蒜蓉既牛油 入口更香濃🥩略帶香草味 肉質非常柔軟 唔會太肥 鎖得住肉汁😋💥 Gaucho Steak 廚師發辦 (11安士)今次用左Picanha 配阿根廷青醬 我地揀五成熟度 肉質非常軟腍唔鞋肉味更加濃厚 滿滿既肉味充滿個口😚💥 New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc🥂濃郁既熱情果類酸甜香氣 偏濃味具酒體既白酒中後段突出既酸味好岩配食牛解膩💥Australia Adelaide Hills Shiraz🍷順滑 Full body 濃厚之選配肉味同樣濃郁既Picanha 好夾 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Visited with a friend on Saturday 20 April 2024 noon time. Thought at that time greeted by a non-Chinese speaking female server and shown to a table of 4 by the window, turned out she was greeting and showing the table to the expat party of 2 behind us, and asked me and my friend to take a small table for 2 near the entrance door. When realising there wasn't much air conditioning around that assigned table, I asked if we could take a table a bit inside but was told by the very same female server those are for parties of 4 and 6 (when obviously there were other tables for 2 near the kitchen/bar area which had better air conditioning around). At the end we were assigned to a cramped table in the middle section (which turned out was barely enough for our two lunch orders, a side dish and drinks) with other customers around while there were many empty tables around. Nevermind. We ordered and started eating but the said female server kept passing behind and bumping into my chair when serving orders and attending to the expat party of 2 without any apologies. The food was good (as they always are given this is not our first time visiting) and we never had complaints with the service we received in the past, just this time has totally ruined the experience.By the way, when we are leaving after finishing our meals, I noticed the empty tables I saw before remained empty and the expat party of 2 entered right behind us was seated in a bigger table for 4. Me and my friend are local Chinese speaking fluent English and it is simply appalling we were being disregarded at the entrance and treated so differently and "second class" to their expat patrons by the very same non-Chinese speaking female server. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)