Exit A2, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
新派火鍋店,主打融合東南亞風情的湯底及醬料,配合懷舊東南亞格調裝潢,每款湯底均配搭特調雞尾酒,適合一班親朋好友相聚「Chill住打」! LETS POT每日直送本地有機蔬菜,除了各類生猛海鮮,更提供罕有的本地星級騸牯牛。 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Alipay Cash UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (183)
Level4 2024-03-18
有啲掛住啲潮汕牛😋😋所以約左個朋友 收工再戰🙂起鍋🙂照舊抵食二人套餐👯‍♀️🥘有機蕃茄薯仔湯今次湯底揀左清淡一啲完全係屋企煲蕃茄薯仔湯🤣足料好味😋😋 完全無味精 可以當湯飲 飲到係咁加湯🫢🤫🤣
🫔響鈴午餐肉呢舊野真係好釣癮 即叫即炸又要整到鬼咁好味 但每人得半塊🥺真係好唔夠喉囉🥩潮汕牛拼盤由三花 ▶️匙柄 ▶️匙仁 雪▶️花順時針食落去 別有一番風味一個層次 再到一個層次 愈食愈嫩滑 😀😃😄🤤餐紙仲勁貼心 寫哂最佳煮食時間 🥰牛味超濃 滑嫩無筋 真係會愈食愈上癮☺️☺️🦪海鮮拼盤全部都勁新鮮 配埋蕃茄薯仔湯底 甜上加甜😋🥬本地時令菜拼盤 全部都係新界有機農場 日日新鮮運送真係特別翠綠 食落特別爽口😌另外加左份蓮藕 點解可以切到唔斷😱😱好神奇🥟京蔥牛肉餃➕韭菜豬肉餃➕黄芽白大頭菜豬肉餃餃子全部人手 即叫即包 每款都各有各特色 可以好清楚知道 自己食緊咩餡唔會隻隻餃一樣味🍢九層塔蝦丸➕梅菜豬肉手打丸 ➕手打牛丸食得出每款都係人手手打爽口彈牙 口味新奇 全部都唔會讓人失望😋🍜水雲面用水雲麵做結尾 真係好正將胃部最後既空間 都一一填滿🤪係一個懷舊東南亞格調裝潢下 食住廣東名物---打邊爐又可以叫杯cocktail chill 一chill同朋友吹水傾心事 呢到真係一流👍🏻大家真係要親身體驗下🐮牛魔王 緊加一定要食‼️‼️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-04
The weather was cool and we had a craving for hot pot. We found a place called Lets Pot as it was recommended by my neighbour. It was located in Wanchai's bar area.Entering  the building, the whole thing designed to look like entering a seedy brothel. Opening the door,  it was classic Hong Kong complete with old school Cantopop playing in the background. The staff were extremely friendly, like you had just entered a friend's home.Menu is in English and Chinese. Ordering is done by scanning a QR code. The staff themselves speak really excellent English. They have a two people set that costs $368 per person plus a comdiment charge of $25 per person. This seemed like a good deal so we decided on this.  The set comes with a choice of soup base, an appetizer, meat platter, seafood platter, vegetables, dumplings, balls and noodles.The condiment ad sauces was nice and tidy with staff checking to see if anything needed to be replenished. What was the most interesting is some of the items were Thai based.We ordered drinks while we waited for our food to arrive. Boyfriend had the Fresh Coconut ($68) that was lightly sweet.I had the Handcrushed Lemon Tea ($48) and there was a nice minty taste to it.The appetizer we chose was the Deep Fried Iberico Spam Wrapped with Beancurd Sheet. This was fabulous and I never had anything like it. Super crispy with the saltiness of the spam. It wasn't too oily at all.They have three soup bases to choose from so we chose the Organic Tomato and Potato Soup. Some pork bones were also added for extra flavour. The soup was very good. Rich and flavourful. Like the tomato potato soup we make at home.The Assorted Beef Platter had four different sections of the cow. A good beef taste that was still soft and tender even when we overcooked it.The Seafood Platter came out with a raging flame! This was very unexpected but highly entertaining. Though a bit scary.After the flames died down, we saw it came with prawn, razer back clams and oysters. The seafood was fresh. The prawns were especially umami.The set also had a choice of 6 balls. We chose cuttlefish, fish and beef. The best being the cuttlefish balls.The set had a choice of 6 dumplings. We chose Lemongrass Minced Shrimp Vietnamese, Chives, Cilantro Pork. What we thought was the most interesting was the lemongrass minced shrimp. We loved the addition of lemongrass ad the shrimp meat was fresh and firm.It also included Local Grown Organic Vegetables. This was a good selection of bok choy, lettuce and choy sum. The vegetables were fresh and crisp and portion was more than generous.The set ends with Mozuku Noodles. We were told to cook it for one minute. These were springy and chewy. Definitely soaked up the flavour of the soup well.A decent set menu for two with plenty to eat. Portions were not small and we did leave full. Not that many two people sets can do that. Food quality was also excellent and we liked that there was a bit of South East Asian flavors added to everything.  A lot of their clientale are expats and I can understand why. Staff speak excellent English. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
起鍋Lets Pot將東南亞風情融入火鍋當中,餐廳提倡farm-to-table概念,大部分食材均為本地原產,新鮮又高質!除了美美的懷舊風裝修,熱情的老闆和員工亦令整個用餐體驗提高了一個層次呢🥳🥢四人套餐 $498/pp打頭陣的是超霸氣上枱的加拿大A級象拔蚌!配以經典香港歌曲,員工捧出插上蠟燭的象拔蚌,員工放下食物後更一同伴奏,超有氣氛的🤩 象拔蚌新鮮爽口非常高質!吃完刺身便開始打邊爐了!湯底選了香茅清酒煮蜆及胡椒蘿蔔牛蹄筋湯,前者滿滿東南亞風情帶微微酒香🍶 後者湯底熬足四小時,老闆更在我們面前將原條騸牯牛蹄筋剪落湯底中,骨質原💯✨牛肉方面,餐廳採用即日屠宰的騸牯牛🐮 是日牛拼盤包括吊龍、三花、肉眼和雪花四個部位,牛味濃郁且口感豐富🥩除了牛肉,餐廳的餃子和丸類亦非常有驚喜!由mmkitchen製作的餃子和丸類滿滿東南亞特色,餃子更做到皮薄的同時口感煙韌,尤其喜歡香茅蝦膠扎肉餃及蝦醬墨魚丸🥟 小食熱浪響鈴午餐肉以及椒鹽粟米香口美味,連蔬菜拼盤也是有驚喜地超新鮮!🥬 餐廳亦供應多款特色cocktail,大推介美貌與味道並重的Let’s POP($128)🫧 Cocktail有着煙熏波波,以vodka、百香果和菠蘿糖漿調配而成,再加上奶油,滿滿果香同時充滿口感🍸🫶🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
得利樓一樓,雖則係樓上鋪,但都好多人,開咗唔係好耐,證明嘢食有一定水準,先咁多支持者。餐廳裝修帶懷舊香港式嘅霓虹燈裝飾,音樂播住80年代嘅香港粵語歌,好有親切感🥰😆《起鍋二人套餐》一個套餐乜都有d唔使諗👍🥢熱浪響鈴午餐肉先嚟一個小食熱食,趁熱食咬落去真係脆,用既仲要係上乘既黑毛豬肉午餐肉,正!🥘有機蕃茄薯仔湯湯底有幾款選擇,呢個蕃茄薯仔豬骨湯好似好簡單,但真係真材實料,好好飲wor!湯㡳好大煲,用新鮮嘅豬骨、有機蕃茄等淆成,包保你食過,會完全感受到餐廳係同其他火鍋店唔同Level,淨係個湯底都好想飲曬佢,超級正!🥩🥓潮汕牛拼盤 300g係用潮汕牯牛,店員建議由吊龍(rib eye/cube roll即係肉眼)開始順時針->匙柄(chuck rib牛三角肩)->匙仁(chuck flap牛頸脊)->食到雪花(snow marbled beef),灼五六秒就得就可以食,牛味濃,唔同部位唔同口感, 滿足不同的味蕾。🦐🐚海鮮拼盤海鮮拼盤上菜嘅時候,點煙花同有乾冰,架勢十足‼️🎆🎇有生蠔、紐西蘭聖子、蝦,每樣海鮮都好新鮮,生蠔非常肥美,肉質鮮甜。🥟 餃子(6粒) 3款揀左陳皮榨菜牛肉餃、韭菜豬肉餃 、黃芽白大頭菜豬肉餃。佢啲特色餃子,必食推介‼️👍陳皮榨菜牛肉餃真真正正嘅皮薄餡靚,水餃包得飽滿,皮薄唔會漏汁,餡料係出邊食唔到嘅,餡肉飽滿而且味道真係非常新鮮非常好😋係食過既餃子入面one of the best‼️⭕️ 自家製手打新鮮丸(6粒) 3款師傅每日4、5點就會開始自家製,丸都係新鮮自家做,蝦醬墨魚丸、手打彈彈牙魚蛋、手打牛丸,樣樣都好新鮮好食!🥗本地時令菜拼盤菜都係嚴選來自大埔有機農場既新鮮蔬菜,簡單嘅蔬菜都用特別嘅材料,睇得出餐廳嘅用心👍😋🉐️🍜水雲面烚1-1.5分鐘左右就食得,幼滑彈牙,個面又可以配埋蕃茄薯仔湯。食到最後都仲係好想飲曬個湯🤣忍唔住真係好好飲😆🥤冰感手打香茅檸檬茶 $48每晚限量十杯,售完即止香茅加檸檬嘅味道,清香開胃消滯😋綜合成個邊爐,由頭到尾好感受到餐廳對食物嘅嚴謹同要求,樣樣都真心靚料又新鮮,真心十個讚✨️👍同一般打邊爐既價位差唔多,但食物質素高幾班‼️另外職員都好細心,時不時會幫忙加湯,又會同你吹吓水。香港難得有心嘅火鍋店,必定要支持一下👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-01-07
舊同事相約gathering, 趁住呢兩日又凍返, 打邊爐就最好不過。選址駱克道一間樓上火鍋店「起鍋」, 裝潢富有懷舊東南亞格調, 可算是一間打卡餐廳。多款醬料自由配搭。我地揀咗最抵食嘅「起鍋二人套餐」HK$736湯底三選一, 其中丸類同手打丸可自選各三款有機蕃茄薯仔湯: 湯底中放有三大件豬骨、粟米、已索盡湯底嘅蕃茄同埋薯仔, 湯底味道清甜, 不是重口味果種。響鈴午餐肉: 外層鬆脆不油, 包住鹹香午餐肉, 創新有特色。海鮮拼盤上檯富有儀式感, 除了有乾冰營造仙氣, 仲點著煙花火光, 滿足了相機食先。海鮮包括有爽甜海蝦、肥美生蠔同埋已去除內臟兼切片嘅鮑魚, 切片後稍為烚幾秒, keep到爽而不韌, 有鮮味。潮汕牛拼盤: 每款牛都切得好碎, 避免煮過龍而變韌。吊龍嫩滑冇渣, 有淡淡肉味。雪花: 牛脂密集分布, 肉質更嫩, 有油香。匙柄脂肪比例較少, 很有咬口。三花趾: 肉質肌肉緊密, 更有咬口。自選三款餃類: 每款餃皮都好薄, 釀得飽滿。陳皮榨菜牛肉餃: 很重嘅陳皮味, 很清香, 牛肉混入了榨菜, 既有肉香又有層次。另外兩款豬肉餃分別混入了莞茜同埋韭菜, 清香美味。自選三款丸類:九層塔蝦丸: 蝦丸彈牙, 同時食到九層塔嘅清香。手打牛丸: 牛丸札實彈牙梅菜豬肉手打丸: 質感偏林, 味道鹹甜鮮香。套餐還包括了蔬菜籃。水雲麵: 店員叮囑落湯烚分半鐘, 果然麵質有如雲吞麵般爽口彈牙。另外再散點了兩款餃。【雙拼餃類】HK$98香茅蝦膠扎肉餃: 餡料偏實, 淡淡蝦味滲出清清地嘅香茅味。京蔥牛肉餃: 牛肉餡料加入京蔥, 多一點清香美味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)