Exit B1, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station, Exit N5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
The environment is comfortable. The dim sum mainly designed with the theme from cartoon characters. It is made-to- order and made with organic ingredients. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (481)
Level4 2020-01-06
Kumamon Dim Sum was released and went there again to try out their dim sum. Their signature custard bun has Kumamon on it and its custard is as runny and delicious as usual.Their steamed vermicelli roll and shrimp dumpling also showed cute Kumamon signs the shrimp dumplings were in black to match KumamonThe lava french toast tasted normal but the Kumamon chocolate on top was..... not like Kumamon to put it mildly. I guess if they really are collaborating with Kumamon, it's standard should be on par with it. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-11-20
熊本熊😍😍超可愛喔!!一定要去試下就連食具都係咁得意首500名網上訂座仲送環保飲品套裝🥰#原個菠蘿特飲 $59#原個西瓜特飲$59成個菠蘿同西瓜~ 新鮮製成飲落去好清甜👍🏻#熊本熊奶黃流沙包 $39 好大個包包~ 入面流心奶黃香甜#熊本蜂蜜流心西多士 $69造型好可愛面層係糖霜~西多士炸得熱辣辣入面係蜂蜜餡#紅米脆皮腸粉$49 紅色腸粉皮好特別入面係油炸鬼好脆唔#日本原隻鮑魚燒賣$79鮑魚仲大過粒燒賣🤣好美味呢#金箔墨汁蝦餃 $59 成粒蝦餃充滿墨汁蝦肉彈牙不過蝦餃皮就比較厚#日本原粒瑤柱灌湯餃 $69大大粒灌湯餃個湯底好濃郁...而且有好大粒瑤柱夠晒入味#日本原隻鮑魚燴飯$109 鮑魚配燴飯~ 飯粒較為濕潤#香脆酥皮蛋撻$49可愛的蛋撻又係以糖霜製造底層嘅蛋撻好有蛋香#鮮芒果楊枝甘露$45 裝住楊枝甘露嘅壺就係一隻熊本熊😂入面勁多芒果同柚子好足料呢~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-11-17
今次係熊本熊主題!朋友一見到就即刻拉大隊一齊去食🤣去到擺設同裝潢都好精美,到處都係熊本熊既踪影🙈 打卡都打咗好耐等咗一陣點心終於上緊黎,樣樣都咁精緻,靚到唔捨得食。首先要介紹呢個麻辣口水雞 ($109) 雞肉好新鮮嫩滑,個麻辣係好香好惹味,外面好少食得到!加埋下面個冷麵真係冇得輸,好正!另外點心都好岀色,叫咗燒賣,蝦餃等等點心,呢度既蝦好新鮮,爽口彈牙。特別推介呢個麻辣帶子鳳尾蝦獅子頭($99) 起初擔心呢個獅子頭成舊都係豬肉,出乎意料之外原來佢成舊都係彈牙嘅蝦🦐 加埋佢個麻辣汁係十分之出色。另外特別少少有芝麻蜜糖雞中翼 ($75) 雞翼開咗單邊,食落好香好脆。蜜糖味都好重,甜甜地好惹味。同個炒飯一齊食都唔錯~見到隔離枱叫咗啲好靚嘅甜品,我哋又叫啲嚟試。甜品真係好可愛,全部都係熊本熊🥳 特別推介呢個芝麻奶凍,個奶凍同芝麻布甸都好滑又唔算甜👌🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-11-15
星期六去The One睇戲,方便起見就在The One覓食,朋友想飲茶,得知有間熊本熊做主題嘅食店,覺得幾有趣就決定去嘗試。食店是小型的,整個店佈置了熊本熊公仔裝飾,很可愛!翻開餐牌點餐,不是全部餐點都有熊本熊,有熊本熊的價錢就很貴,而且份量很少,不過味道是好吃的!個人覺得點心icon做熊本熊點心不太落力,好多裝飾都是插牌,只有小部份是點心造型,而價錢確實收得貴!個人評分食物 B服務C(部份服務員態度比較差)抵食C環境B衞生B continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
My friend and I went to a restaurant called ”Dim Sum Icon” (點心代表) located in Shop L308, 3F, The ONE, 100 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui尖沙咀彌敦道100號The ONE 3樓L308號舖.This restaurant will crossover with different famous cartoon characters on a regular basis!!!This time it cooperates with the famous Japanese character Kumamon (熊本熊)!!!The entire restaurant is decorated with cute, adorable Kumamon and arrays of dim sum with Kumamon on them are launched!!!‘’Deep fried chicken dumplings”鮮炸咸水角盆栽(中)HKd$/3 pcs 件..The dumplings look like carrot inside a planting pot!!Soooo cute!!“Japanese abalone shaomai”日本原隻鮑魚燒賣HKD$79/2 pcs 件..Succulent, tender, soft whole abalone on top on the shaomai!“Kumamon egg tart”熊本熊香脆酥皮蛋撻HKD$49/2 pcs 件..Superrrrrrrrr cute Kumamon pattern on the egg tart!!..Love it’s buttery short bread cookie“Kumamon Squid ink shrimp dumplings with gold leaves”熊本熊金箔墨汁蝦餃HKD$59/3 pcs 件..The squid ink black dumpling wrapping skin mimics the appearance of the Kumamon with luxurious gold leaves on top!!“Kumamon French toast with corned beef and cheese”熊本咸牛肉西多士HKD$69..Drizzle with golden syrup..“Tyrone Estate Chardonnay”泰倫莊園霞多麗高級白葡萄酒HKD$68/glass..White from Australia, high acidity.“Steamed pork dumpling with Japanese fried scallops in soup”日本原粒瑤柱灌湯餃HKD$69..Luxurious jumbo size conpoy enhances the umami flavour of the dish!..Served with adorable Kumamon bowl!..‘’Vietnamese Deep fried chicken wings”越式雞中翼HKD$69/6 pcs 隻..The meat is incredibly tender,soft, juicy and succulent with hot, golden crispy crunchy skin!!!..Soooooo tastyyyyyyy!!!Highly recommended!!!“Spicy beef tripe”麻辣金錢肚HKD$109..The beef tripe is slow and tender!! With tantalising spicy sauce!! Spinach noodles underneath soaks up all the amazing flavours..“Steamed rice rolls with Angus beef and coriander”安格斯牛肉腸HKD$42.. The rice roll wrapping is velvety smooth...The fat of the Angus beef is sooooo aromatic and flavourful!!..Highly recommended!!“Braised vegetables with dried scallops & garlic”瑤柱蒜香燴菜遠HKD$59..The sauce is very light yet deep in umami flavour from the conpoy...Healthy and Clean!!..“Dumplings stuffed with shrimp and vegetable”(front)鮮蝦菜苗餃(前)HKD$42/3 pcs 隻..The dumplings are sooooooo puffed!! The shrimp is very bouncy and springy!!..Light and bright!!Very good! Recommended!!“XO醬蒸排骨‘’Steamed pork rib with XO sauceHKD$39 ..Quite good. No unpleasant frozen taste!..How can you ignore these super cute dim sum if you are the Kumamon fans!!..The senior manager “Sam” is very polite and helpful! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)