7-min walk from Exit B, Sai Wan Ho MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
11:30 - 22:00
Wed - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (12)
Level3 2023-11-24
裕一品由佢西灣河街舊鋪到而家我都有食,水準不變,堂食外賣都好味~外賣可以打電話自取,大約十分鐘到有得拎,而且仲有九五折,算喺咁。外賣嘅話,湯同麵係分開上嫁,唔駛浸到啲麵太淋搞到冇晒啲湯。我覺得佢地嘅辣辣過譚仔同三哥,呢度麻辣五六小辣就似人地嘅小辣。我食開都係麻辣,因為覺得佢地嘅酸辣麻麻地。湯底就都係有韭菜、腐皮、芽菜之類。份量嘅話都夠食,唔會話太飽好辛苦。如果同朋友堂食就可以多叫幾款小食啦~加上座位闊地方又乾淨。服務嘅話,暫時見過嘅職員都好友善,好好禮貌。唯一要挑剔就係,佢地部八達通機有問題,次次都要你喺銀包卡拎張機出黎先感應到。有時拎住太多野就好唔方便~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-07-09
過橋米線內的每件餸平均質素好好平均比起連鎖米線店好食性價比一定嬴但係雞翼就輸連鎖米線店小小大辣(酸)比起連鎖米線店差唔多但係酸辣湯底真係OK下午茶時間仲有九折絕對係另一米線選擇 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
真。隱世米線鋪位置坐落系西灣河同筲箕灣地鐵站嘅中間 再由電車路轉上一條斜路仔 過一個路口先會見到鋪頭兩邊地鐵站出發嘅話都要行8-10分鐘🥴🥴個位咁隔涉都做得住當然有原因佢個麻辣湯系回憶中舊時嘅Tam Jai味🥹🥹真系9成似🔔而且辣度都好似Tam Jai咁有好多選擇依家普遍Tamjai分店我覺得都系大退步 甚至可以話無咗以前個味係呢間米線鋪食得返都幾surprise 💕酸辣湯就唔推介酸味唔出 唔惹味帶有小小三哥嘅胡辣湯底嘅味米線方面都同Tamjai勁似⋯⋯薯粉就呢間鋪頭好食啲唔係連鎖鋪頭個種扭扭薯粉 係比較索湯又彈牙嘅薯粉但係試咗兩次都證實 叫薯粉嘅麵底係比米線少啲米線配菜唔多 芽菜韭菜都得小小(見圖六 碗麵未食過🍜)小食方面食過雞翼同白肉雞翼唔推薦☹️炸過火侯 除咗肉質不夠嫩 亦令雞皮面頭嘅調味香料變苦蒜泥白肉嘅蒜味超濃蒜泥完全覆蓋曬白肉咁濟仲要真係蒜泥唔係蒜蓉🧄大蒜愛好者必食😍不過佢調味上係無辣油如果無辣不歡就唔駛叫了餸嘅話第一次最叫過橋米線試曬去☝️普遍都正常幾好味雞肉 肥牛 魚丸 都不錯蟹柳係最平個隻蟹柳 就唔好單叫了😣蘿蔔有小小酸味 都麻麻地 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-04-19
今日經過筲箕灣,見到呢間米線店,膽粗粗入去試吓,叫咗套餐酸辣湯底薯粉,湯底出奇地好食,叫左小辣,個人覺得都已經好辣🤣套餐份量亦都好多,價錢平民抵食,佢嘅土匪雞翼亦都好出色 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Eating in this restaurant for sure I need to highlight its spiciness. In my opinion, their spiciness level is higher than the commercialised one while in a better deal. We ordered two bowls of mixian. One in sour and spicy soup topped with black fungus and soy eggs. One in spicy soup topped with bean curd skin and blood sausage. We added soy milk as drinks. They allowed to choose more or less mixian or even adding extra portion. I asked less mixian but still huge. They gave mountain of side vegetables to each gigantic noodle. Side vegetables include Chinese chives, sprouts and bean curd. I will review the mixian I ate. My mixian was served with one large soy egg and loads of shredded black fungus. I picked level 2 spiciness which usually I requested mild in commercialised ones. This level of spiciness already enough to make me eat with runny nose😂 Large amount of side veggies gave every bite a crunch. Not bad and for sure a very filling meal. All in all, a ver spacious bright restaurant with friendly staff. A good place for a quick meal. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)