Opening Hours
11:30 - 17:00
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 17:00
18:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 17:00
18:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Alipay Cash AE Apple Pay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Sustainable Seafood
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (89)
Order左一個三個菜,一個頭盤、一份咖喱和一份pad Thai 炒麵燒魷魚一共三吋 魷魚爽口彈牙 燒得唔乾身 調配嘅醬汁甜甜地幾開胃軟殼蟹咖喱份量好有誠意 略嫌個皮炸得比較厚 咖喱香辣 用上咗幾種不同嘅泰式香料 上菜時,總會有一支鮮香肉桂喺旁邊 儀式感滿滿😂不過就唔適合比較怕辣嘅人士啦Pad Thai 誠意十足 有六至七隻蝦 調味恰到好處唔會太辣得來保留到泰式風味 絲苗白飯就比較乾 總體嚟講 本身餐廳開喺清水灣 主要target 外籍人士 所以口味比較濃郁 份量亦都相對多適合三五知己嚟沙灘飲酒食飯敘舊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
淺水灣呢個商場其實有好多唔同類型嘅餐廳選擇,呢間餐廳其實之前都嚟過一次,覺得唔錯。以泰國菜嚟講唔算非常正宗,但係都有佢嘅特色價錢上以泰國菜嚟講偏貴,食材方面亦都唔見得特別選用特別優質嘅食材。勝在地區夠令環境好,放假週末入嚟,其實又真係唔諗得咁多。呢度嘅菜式選擇唔係特別多,海鮮亦都係交返嚟嘅急凍貨。但係調味方面係唔錯嘅,菜式份量正常 ,普遍偏甜。今次叫左炒金邊粉,豬頸肉串,炒肉碎煎流心蛋,泰式海鮮粉絲沙律。 頭3個幾好食,最後果個無乜特別。返而上次食嘅烤魷魚幾惹味,船麵好食。閒日服務一般,週末繁忙時間要有心理準備。上菜可以快過上飲品😅 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢間泰國菜嘅食店真係令我嘆為觀止🌟!開頭就係佢哋嘅Sip Song Phad Thai,搞到我唔一定要坐飛機去泰國都得。呢條河粉係我試過最正宗嘅一次,蝦仁彈牙,加上花生嘅脆,豆芽同黃豆腐嘅鮮美,真係無得輸。仲有啲蝦乾,啖啖咸香,整體味道好夾!再嚟個Salmon Hor Bai Tong,鮭魚嘅煮法啱晒我口味,啖啖肉鬆化得嚟又保持住光滑,微微粉紅嘅色澤相當吸引。個辣咖喱醬搭埋新鮮青檸嘅酸味,越食越開胃😋,飯友嚟講絕對係正!至於Kaeng Massaman Pu Nim呢,簡直係夜晚嘅必備良品。炸得金黃嘅螃蟹包裹住一層濃郁嘅馬薩文咖喱,微辣中又帶著獨特嘅堅果香氣,咁濃咁滑嘅質感令人一試難忘!最後喺Sip Song,你絕對唔可以錯過佢哋嘅芒果糯米飯,糯米飯香軟配上芒果嘅甜,正!如果你鍾意嘆泰國菜,呢度真係唔好錯過喇!真係打從心底嘅推介,當你嘗到每一味嘅時刻,相信我,你會有"這才是泰國味"嘅感覺!🎉 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-11-19
the crabmeat omelette is cooked amazingly! inside the crispy egg skin, it is filled with plentiful crabmeat which tastes so fresh! you can taste the crabmeat in every bite of it the noodles keep its moisture and is well-seasoned with the sauce which is not too salty. it is also served with beef slices which are so tender and juicy For a luxurious area in Repulse, the price for this dishes are relatively affordable! You can have all these dishes and a view of the repulse bay beach for approximately only 200-250 per person!Their thai milk tea is also very authentic (as expected)but relatively pricey for a milk tea only continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-11-08
今次入到淺水灣食呢間泰國嘢好值得推介✨Salmon Hor Bai Tong呢個三文魚好推介 佢係用紅咖喱roasted嘅厚身三文魚食落口超香 外脆內滑 仲好惹味甜甜辣辣一啖接一啖 完全停唔到口✨Muek Yang呢個燒魷魚都好香食落係嫩口嘅啱啱好 點埋佢嘅green chilli seafood sauce酸酸辣辣好fresh好好味✨Yum Ma Kuer呢個係茄子沙律本身好奇呢兩樣嘢點mix and match一食落口好好食 每啖都有茄子辣肉碎蝦米成個口感好好 茄子係淋嘅有啲肉碎咬下蝦文同米餅又脆口辣辣地好正好開胃配埋個椰青真係爽晒~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)