Good For
Family Style Dining
Opening Hours
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Signature Dishes
Fried Chicken Basket Captain Marvel Beef Burger
Review (234)
Level4 2024-01-27
去迪士尼玩,《火箭餐廳》可以說是我們一家人最喜愛的飲食點。尤其是當我們玩到入夜,準備睇埋煙花先走時,這《火箭餐廳》絕對是唯一的飲食選擇。因為,餐廳的只中一個半露天餐室,係一個欣賞迪士尼煙花既絕佳觀賞點。又可以食野,又可以睇煙花,一舉兩得啊。而這一次,特別撰文報導的原因,就是因為餐廳開始要配合 Marvel 既園區主題,推出了一系列既 Marvel 主題餐,貪得意,就買晒黎試下。Marvel 主題,主要有三個套餐。一個是 Spider Man,一個是 Hulk ,仲有一個係 Captain Marvel。我心想,遲下開埋 Avengers 館,相信整個明日世界區,會變成一個純 Marvel 主題的樂園。首先介紹的,是蜘蛛俠小食拼盤。這,真有點像美式 diner 店的大大份美國 junk food 餐。有亞洲式的炸餃子,有亞洲式既串燒,有美國式既雞翼同薯條,非常之豐富。味道上,就是一貫美式煎炸食品的味道,好味道但不健康。變形俠醫雙層牛肉漢堡。首先,我要說,我真係唔明點解 Huck 是變形俠醫,而 Dr. Strange 係奇異博士。因為 Dr. Bruce Banner 是科學家,而 Dr. Stephen Strange 係一名醫生。當年翻譯既真係出晒錯。說回這變形俠醫雙層牛肉漢堡,是一個綠色的漢堡包,餡料有一大片蕃茄,一片芝士,洋蔥等等的。而說得上是 Hulk 的主題漢堡,就是個包要夠大份,兩層牛肉的漢堡,超飽。Marvel 隊長牛肉漢堡,之前食過就知道,那紅色的包包同之前 promote 既 Iron Man 漢堡一樣。之不過,漢堡包既餡料就是不同的。因為 Iron Man 的是豬肉扒加一片菠蘿,Captail Marvel 的明顯是女士 size 的芝士牛肉漢堡,同樣是肉味香濃,餡料豐富,好味道。呢次主題的食物都算唔錯。而且這是樂園內開得最夜的餐廳之一。每人花百多元,一早霸返個靚位,邊欣賞煙花,邊享用晚餐,樂也。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Today is another Disney Day celeberating Donald's Birthday. Since there were many events, I decided to come here for a quick meal as they serve fast food. I was wrong regarding their speed.I decided to order the Iron Man Set Meal. The queue was long but I got to pay quickly. However, the long waiting time came after that. Their payment method is after paying at Cashier 1, you will queue at another Queue (let's call it Queue 1) and you can't switch queues. The server of my queue was new I guess... when the other queues were very smooth, my queue was stuck, including slow delivery of food, spilling drinks etc. with no help from other staff members or direction eg. our queue moving other queues while Queue 1 deals with the mess. Thus 5 customers from my adjacent queue have got their food while I am still stuck there. I finally got my food and I wanted to gobble it down for the next event due to the long waiting time above. However, I failed to do so as the bread and the patty was really dry. Maybe it is a healthier approach to use less oil but when it crumbles(the patty) upon a bite, I think it there is a problem. I tried omimeat once which was not my fave out of all vegetarian options but I have to say even omimeat may have been better in this case. The potato wedges were fine. Despite it is at Disney and a mark up is expected, for this service and quality of food, it is definitely not worth such a high mark up and and Disney has much more better options. The price may be a bit more expensive at the other restaurants but it would be a better value overall. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-06-10
入到嚟迪士尼,預咗要食入面啲餐廳。但冇諗到間餐廳嘅食物素質真係非常好,雖然價錢貴咗少少,但係識落會覺得值門票價。叫咗個Marvel隊長牛肉漢堡套餐、香脆魚柳漢堡套餐、炸雞籃套餐,好鍾意個牛肉漢堡焗包係紅色嘅,非常有特色,包皮實好鬆軟💕💕 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-05-09
火箭餐廳算係迪士尼入面比較平嘅選擇🤓都算由細食到大。炸雞籃套餐 $140套餐包含兩塊炸雞、薯條和汽水。這裡的炸雞一如既往地好食,外皮香脆,雞肉juicy。雖然調味相對較淡,但對我而言仍然可以接受。相較於KFC,KFC的調味確實更加美味,但這裡的炸雞更加多汁、更大塊且口感更加酥脆。我以前覺得迪士尼的薯條很好吃,但這幾年可能是換了供應商,雖然薯條仍然脆,但口感稍嫌乾燥,沒有薯味。炸芝士條 $50溫度有點不夠熱,所以拉絲效果不太明顯,裡面的mozzarella芝士味道正常。炸雞翼 $50熱度適中,微脆,味道足夠,也是我很喜歡的小食。芝士漢堡套餐 $140芝士漢堡很平凡,漢堡扒稍微有點乾,但是厚度還不錯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
入園就千萬唔好用外面既標準去比較,除非你堅持唔係園內食,否則只會令自己每次食都好唔滿意。平心而論火箭餐廳算係園內有得坐既餐廳當中不錯既選擇首先佢有室內位,唔係每間迪士尼餐廳都有室內位架....係幾間快餐入面,佢定價仲係平少少,而且餐紙同杯又叫做有少少特色,係marvels黎講番今日食既炸雞籃,佢既炸雞係同老麥既炸雞勁似同樣既炸法,入面係保持到肉嫩多汁,不過佢調味就似乎相對淡少少薯條都係中粗薯,炸得乾身唔油膩,外脆內軟糯,今日既薯條係唔錯(睇運氣,唔係每次都咁熱同脆)同樣係調味相對淡呢個我覺得係迪士尼餐廳通病,唔知係咪特登既呢,因為小朋友多?汽水夠凍有汽,唔好以為係廢話,因為真係好多餐廳汽水機出既汽水係唔夠汽,或者一早準備定好多杯,放到冇晒汽,特別係某炸雞連鎖炸雞餐會附手套,都算係幾方便 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)