Sorabol Korean Restaurant serves traditional korean cuisine. There are barbecue and hotpots being provided in front of customers. Seafood and vegetables are flown in by air from Korea every week. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
09:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus Apple Pay Google Pay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (38)
Level4 2019-09-27
返工前相約同事好友食機場呢間韓國菜🇰🇷,無訂位等餐廳開門,地方大,店員安排坐收銀處附近的四人枱,枱之間有活動間板相隔,先上茶及泡菜,茶應該係麥茶,夠熱加好香(喜歡呢種瓷茶壺)泡菜款式幾多,跟人數限制添食次數,蓮藕同魚蛋皮都比較少見的款式商務午餐選擇多軟滑豆腐煲套餐:最喜歡的韓食,濃湯微辣配嫩滑豆腐,豆腐及蔬菜入味,海鮮(八爪魚🐙、蜆)比較細碎!白飯鬆軟,鐵碗不方便攞起(辣手)不知是否韓國人不用攞起飯碗食🤔湯撈飯濕濕地好味!呢款等得最耐,應該係落單先整(我估)鐵板烤肉套餐:炆牛排骨套餐:店員勤快,不多說話,服務正常因不是我比錢,無收據 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-09-20
Check-in 完,因為唔想食飛機餐,所以去了二號大樓的新羅寶食番餐先上機。今日天氣很好,坐在窗口位,向外望感到很開揚,不過出面有很多工程做緊,相信不久的將來開揚的景觀會消失吧。前菜kimchi有很多碟,齋食呢幾碟都飽得幾成。主食叫咗一份【烤特級雪花牛肉】和一個【牛排骨湯麵】。爐火一開,便把預先醃過的雪花牛肉放進爐上烤,陣陣烤肉香氣隨即散發出來。牛肉很高質素,肉味香,有口感。【牛排骨湯麵】很大碗,不過湯底比較清淡。麵上只有三件牛排骨,很腍很入味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2019-02-15
I often to go there to have bbq and meals. The food is very very tasty, but their service is super poor!!! We were there many time, now we don’t expect anything from them. Because of distance, we were there. They don’t serve side sauces which is necessary when/after they serve meals. They don’t care about customer’s needs, plus they seem they don’t want to know. We ask some requests, we usually asked more times over and over. On the other hands,few weeks ago we visited Causeway branch, food was good as well , and all staffs are so friendly and they cook very well meats! (Much better than us!) I thought their Korean manager with lots of experiences advised them very well. After this experience, we don’t go back airport one. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2019-02-06
今日同一班同事去新羅寶聚餐,大年初一,T2好清静不用等位。点了幾個餐跟住有韓式小吃,泡菜不可缺,年藕和小魚淹好好味。韓色壽司韓式炒粉絲是最炒年糕太辣但好有趙口煎九菜餃子,脆口這個是1号餐有牛,豬,雞肉套餐,見到以為伏但味道還可。希望下次再点有改善。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-02-04
由於在機場附近工作, 所以最近也積極探索機場周邊地區,看看有什麼好吃的。而最近網羅了這間新寶羅餐廳。先從餐廳環境說起:中午時候,已經看見長長的人龍在餐廳外, 所以本人也是抱有期待的。進入餐廳坐下後, 有一個感覺, 就是典型的韓式餐廳格局,偏冷調的, 但是餐廳播放著時下流行的西方POP MUSIC, 感覺頗有趣。桌上空間足夠,也乾淨的。員工服務: 也許人太多, 職員都面無表情了。食物質素: 在我們坐下的一刻, 員工已經遞上了泡菜, 漬物等等小菜。味道不錯, 據說,這些都是免費提供而且可以無限REFILL。正餐方面,我點了一個豬肉便當, 配上一個白飯。雖然餐單上顯示這個菜是十分SPICY的。但本人吃下也感覺還可以, 所以大家放心吃吧, 口味是適合香港人的。 味道也不錯!整體而言, 這家餐廳雖然員工沒有十分好的服務態度, 但食物方面是可以的, 我相信我會再來, 下一次要試試人參雞湯泡飯看!! 因為我同事吃得津津有味。推介大家來嚐試一下。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)