4-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (3)
Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay OpenRice Pay
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Spot payment
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Review (128)
Level4 2024-02-01
餐廳:Pulau地點:中環街市菜式:新加坡菜餐牌:兩點有茶餐。茶餐有7款飯粉麵作為主食,另外仲有多款輕食。價錢基本上係$80樓下。去收銀落完單自己搵位坐,唔洗等好耐就有野食。新加坡大蝦喇沙摻摻 $68 新加坡大蝦喇沙可以揀摻摻或者米線。我揀左摻摻,貪佢係黃色粗麵加幼身粉絲,粗麵有咬口而粉絲幼滑吸汁,呢個配搭加埋爽口芽菜超正!個喇沙湯香滑,辣度剛好,梛汁又夠,好惹味。配料有去殼開邊蝦4片,炸魚蛋三粒,彈牙美味炸魚蛋絲幾條,吸汁豆卜4件,半隻糖心蛋,豆角同脆脆。材料好豐富,水準真係好好。呢個價錢超抵。半熟蛋配咖吔多士 $36咖吔多士一客4件,烤得香脆嘅多士夾住甜甜哋嘅咖吔醬同厚厚邪惡牛油,食落外脆內甜。跟有半熟蛋兩隻,入口即化,又滑又有蛋黃香,而且冰涼透心。燒魷魚鬚 $68燒魷魚鬚一客六串,燒得脆脆哋,面頭加上大量少少辣既參巴醬,好惹味。伴有車厘茄同青瓜可解膩。牛油果核桃青蘋果沙律 $68牛油果核桃青蘋果沙律係爽脆酸咪咪青蘋果絲伴有滑溜牛油果絲,面頭灑上唔少脆口核桃同甜甜提子乾,仲有幾粒車厘茄,加有少量芒果汁。味道酸中帶甜,好健康。總括而言,喇沙摻摻超抵食,其他主食都好抵。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-23
今日岩岩收工又約左閨蜜去食晚餐傾計。黎到中環街市而家裝修得好靚,有好多食肆同酒吧,平日都好多人黎消遣。我地都唔例外。😂今次就試下呢間食星馬泰風味既。首先我地點左個手打櫻花蝦餅,呢個食起有啲似薯餅既質感,點咪醬食特別可口。第二款小食係半熟蛋配咖吔多士,呢個咖吔多士十分好味,係我既最愛,外脆內軟,味道非常好,重有一層牛油,食起非常有口感,世界級享受😎。主食方面就選左新加坡大蝦喇沙摻摻/米線,呢個湯底無得輸,非常香濃,而家餸同配料好多。食起非常豐富。另一款係娘惹茶燻鴨配:雞油香飯及蘇東魚丸雞湯。鴨肉好香,點咪啲醬汁食特別野味。份量都好足,值得一試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-14
位於中環街市主打食🇸🇬菜🌟新加坡大蝦喇沙摻摻喇沙湯底好濃郁偏帶椰香味帶點香辣配料有爽彈既大蝦,魚蛋,豆卜,蛋同芽菜等十分豐富 而麵底揀左摻摻 米粉+油麵兩種不同口感既麵質 食落層次感更豐富👍🏻🌟新加坡白胡椒肉骨茶白胡椒味道溫醇 帶胡椒辛香 湯頭真係好飲豬肋骨肉質好嫩滑 一咬就骨肉分離又吸收哂湯頭既精華 蘸上特調既醬料 跟碗油飯食 好開胃🌟半熟蛋配咖央多咖央醬帶椰香配以牛油同脆多士甜而不膩 加埋半熟蛋💯🌟鹹蛋黃蛋骨雞翼炸到香脆既單骨雞翼配上金沙綿密鹹蛋黃醬 好味 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-11
Bookmarked this resto which is located in the Central Market for a long time. Finally had my student to explore this resto with me! .I got Nyonya Smoked Duck Breast with Rice in Chicken Oil & Sotong Fish Ball Chicken Soup, while my student had Prawn & Chicken Skewers with Noodles in Curry Soup.For the Nyonya Smoked Duck Breast, it was well-marinated with a perfect ratio of skin and meat. The duck breast was smooth and meaty too. It got cucumber, cherry tomato, fried peanuts, small dried fish and soft boiled egg as side dish. The chicken soup was a bit salty though. For the Prawn & Chicken Skewers with Noodles in Curry Soup, the chicken skewers were smoky and well-grilled. The curry soup was rich and the bean curd puff soaked the savoury soup nicely. The orange yolk of the soft boiled egg looked attractive. . The resto was located at the food court of the Central Market, and it was kinda like a half-open area, so it may be quite hot during Summer. Luckily the temperature was just right when we went there. The environment was generally clean and neat too. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Passed by central market and decided to do a quick meal at dining ground. Pulau's tea time menu (14:00-18:00) caught my attention as it serves different kinds of singapore cuisine.I ordered the nyonya smoked duck breast w/ rice in chicken oil & sotong fish ball chicken soup ($72) and soft boiled egg w/ kaya toast ($36).Here you order food at counter, pick it up and get your own seat. The area is quite spacious at tea time and food is quickly served. The duck meat rice set came with a half soft-boiled egg, cherry tomato, cucumber, peanuts and dried fish. The portion of smoked duck meat it served was super huge, could probably fill up 2 person. Duck meat is tender and taste like those you can get from supermarket. Chicken oil rice is flavourful and not too oily 👍🏻Kaya toast came in 4 small pieces. The kaya jam inside was sweet, butter was smooth. Dipping it together with the soft boiled eggs made it a super evil combination! 🍞 Overall, I'd say Pulau is a quick and economical restaurant option in central market. Can give it a try if you pass by! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)