3-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
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Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
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Review (9)
哪有那么差的态度!问一下有没有包间,说了是周二,你问我哪就是明天,说话的语气比去旺角或更老粗的地方多要差!北京的我吃过,真不错,但你这个服务的态度,我服了!真怕现场吃饭有这个态度,我会现场排座! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-04-26
去过北京新京熹的CDB店,相比较,差太远了!价格超贵不说,食材一般,并不比快乐小羊的更高。餐厅内温度特别高,就餐环境非常吵闹,服务跟不上,叫了服务员几次才响应。居然连餐巾纸都没有提供。上菜的餐具,不符合香港餐厅普遍狭小的情况,应作出改变。如果不是因为香港没有涮羊肉,并不值得推荐! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-04-22
这么小的铜锅也是香港特色,既要精致(景泰蓝)又要地道(中间有个筒没有碳)还要考虑经济效益(不仅房子小,锅也小),最后就是一放肉就贴在中间的筒上了,涮的小心翼翼,仔仔细细,一次还不能放太多肉。少了老北京一盘推的酣畅淋漓,精打细算才是香港生存之道。整体看,位置坐的还算宽敞舒服,灯光也比传统的老店要新颖一些,年轻人也会喜欢的环境。从口味来说,酱汁给的很足,也是真材实料,羊肉不错,牛肉一般,花旦挺可爱。价格来说,一盘牛肉四五百块,还有酱汁一人收80块真的有点贵到我了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-11
📍新京熹New restaurant on Stanley Street that serves Beijing style hotpot for both lunch and dinner sessions. They have mini pots for per person, so that we can choose our own soup base. There are mainly two types which is the spicy one and traditional water like type. The spicy one is quite spicy when it keeps on boiling. The water one is a bit sweet with the herbal pack. I love their sauces here. The 麻醬 is thick! The other supplements are yummy together. Their signature 190mm 180 days lamb slices is yummy. The hand cut lamb has more lamb flavor. Don’t order the shrimp paste, it’s with a very weird texture. Feeling guilty having hotpot for lunch but yet so happy 😆Price: HK$480 pp Revisit: 9/10 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-03-17
咁啱行過,望入去覺得裝修好靚,睇完Menu價錢覺得合理就坐低咗。兩個人 Order 一人一鍋 ,一份牛,一份羊,3份菜,羊肉串同埋飲品傳統清湯單人鍋 $39@1真係好清,入面有啲少少藥材同大蔥有料麻辣單人鍋 $49@1香辣,正常水平,唔會超級辣個鍋好靚,啲餐具都好精緻,係有要求嘅餐廳。另外仲有醬汁,花生芫荽蔥嗰啲 係強制性+$19/人每個碗嗰度都會有佢哋品牌嘅胡麻醬,我通常對呢啲醬麻麻哋,但係呢個唔會超級濃杰撻撻,流質,又唔會好似溝咗水咁,帶出芝麻嘅香味 點肉真係好好食,當然而如果係食麻辣鍋嘅肉再點埋呢個醬真係絕配叫咗最普通嘅 180天羔羊肉 $159好好食,尤其是佢哋上枱嘅長框擺羊肉既氣勢,打卡一流先切雲貴川黃牛釣籠 $199佢哋呢度係出名食羊,牛真係麻麻哋,冇牛味,冇油脂,一啲都唔香;寧願嗌多份羊。最後白蘿蔔,大白菜,土豆片 $29-$39份都切得好大件,對於一人鍋真係落唔到完整一片嘅土豆片或者白蘿蔔,可能呢方面佢哋要改善切得太大件。最後叫咗羊肉串 五串 $99好食好香,啱啱燒起!熱辣辣,仲有啲孜然粉,又唔會太多。最後仲叫咗一杯九仙雲華 好飲如果鍾意飲大紅袍奶茶,又或者鐵觀音奶茶嘅一定鍾意。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)