9-min walk from Exit E1, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Olive is an exotic restaurant that tempts you with great Greek and Middle Eastern food. Favorites include chermoula roasted king prawns, Lebanese risotto, Moroccan duck pie and Greek-style vegetarian moussaka. continue reading
Additional Information
交通:中環地鐵站D1 出口,沿中區行人電梯步行約10 分鐘
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Feta cheese Middle east tramisu
Review (57)
Level3 2019-09-15
日期:9月3日人數:2人如果lunch time時間充裕的話,我一般會選擇行遠少少,去到蘇豪區的伊利近街食飯。而我比較常去嘅餐廳,就係呢間食希臘同埋中東野嘅餐廳。但佢嘅set lunch其實同其他西餐差不多,唔會有大家覺得好奇怪嘅食物。Set lunch 包括一個前菜、一個主菜,同埋一杯飲嘢。前菜方面,除咗有湯可以揀之外,都有沙律可以選擇。但我一般都會點以下兩款:第一款叫Olive Mezze - Pita,係希臘嘅薄餅加茄子醬同鷹咀豆醬。另一款係Calamari,係炸魷魚圈。我第一次嚟呢間餐廳嘅時候,就係食呢兩款小食,覺得好食之後就好少食其他小食喇。主菜方面,主要推介以下幾款:第一款係Hanger Steak。牛扒煎得好香,富有牛肉味,又唔會過熟,加上芥茉醬好好食。第二款係燒雞,煮法每期可能會有少少變化,但係基本上都唔錯的。最後係煎魚,有時係Pan-fried salmon,有時係seabass,基本上水準都可以嘅。飲品方面,鍾意飲咖啡嘅人可以試吓佢嘅Arabic Coffee,都幾有特色架。但我一般都食得比較飽,所以會點番杯凍檸茶消下滯😅。餐廳喺蘇豪區入邊,環境當然係唔錯,坐得好舒服。整體服務質素良好,侍應反應幾快,亦會主動問你覺得食物質素如何。價錢係蘇豪區來講算幾抵食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-08-24
環境high end,想像到如果唔係lunch食,應該會幾貴。lunch set hkd128 up,有starter同maincourse,食牛扒要再加hkd38。Starter: baby spanish salad感覺好fresh, 有baby spanish, beetroot, walnut, date, cherry tomato, greek yogurt... 無好多sauce,健康之選。Hanger steakOrder左medium rare, 真係做到medium rare👍🏻, 抵讚。牛排好tender, juicy, 牛味濃郁, 接近滿分💯。有粗鹽粒係上, 就咁食或者配mustard都好好食。Side dish有薯條同沙律,薯條係有調味既,唔洗一定要點茄汁都好食。環境同食物質素都值呢個價錢既😬 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-07-22
朋友話想食希臘/地中海菜,於是揀左呢間陪佢試試。Menu有一版,岩晒有選擇困難症既人。我地揀左Olive's Meeze, Beef Kebabs, Chicken Musakhan 和 Duck Bisteeya.全部都係第一次食,幾特別,朋友話都似係當地食到既味,只係當地會好大份。最近送上甜品Menu,揀左Galaktoboureko 和 Baklawa,我中意前者,係希臘既甜品。想試下希臘/中東菜既人,不妨試下呢間。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-04-14
我哋見到佢 假期前夕都係得一枱跟住 我就心諗今次大鑊了但係八九點鐘又見到佢全場滿座都好啲我希望有得返嚟食佢個lentil soup真係幾正扁豆係素食者嘅superfood含有好多蛋白質佢嘅 羊肉串燒同埋 yogurt真係好合拍呢度都好多嘢係素食者嘅朋友其中佢有一個焗雜菜 有似識意大利式嘅千層麵仲有佢個串燒雞加黃飯真係有返啲印尼色彩我喺佢個飯入面竟然食到有啲cinnamon嘅味道cocktail真係好多款service very good可能淨係得我哋呢台嘅關係服務特別殷勤有時啲嘢未食曬淨返少少就會收咗佢我真係建議佢要問人哋食完未先至收 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-03-30
When I arrived to the restaurant, the staff was very nice to introduce the lunch menu for us and immediately served water.We ordered two appetizers to share. It’s nice experience. The pita was really good. I highly recommended to order the steak, which was delicious. The fires were mixed with onion and butter (by guessing only). It was tasty that I just focused on eating without taking any photo.My lunch ended with coffee and a tiramisu. I will definitely revisit again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)