7-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
It serves global modern vegetarian food, including freshly baked organic desserts and organic wine, etc. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 23:00
Sat - Sun
09:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
09:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE EPS
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
African Quinoa Stew Life Burger Life Salad Mushroom Pizza Quesadillas
Review (123)
Level4 2015-10-22
走入中環蘇豪區,看到的都是充滿特色的餐廳,係pure fitness對面就搵到我地今次嘅目的地,店分兩層,下層是self-serve cafe,左面有條木梯上二樓,係要俾10%service charge嘅cafe一行二人點了一個細的daily salad 同朱古力豆腐蛋糕,沙律選了紅蘿蔔、扁豆同藜麥,菜很新鮮,帶點甜味,但沙律油有點太多,附帶的歐式麵包較硬,帶有麥香。呢件蛋糕比想像中的大!兩人share食都稍嫌太多,充滿期待的食第一啖蛋糕,不負所望,濃濃的朱古力,但同時有豆腐的味道,兩隻味道互相輝映,沒俾任何一方搶去風頭,超級好食!推薦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
We had the Life deli salad and chose the quinoa, broccoli and tofu( a very generous portion as well for the price) and was very refreshing! The quinoa was flavoured beautifully with lots of cucumber which added a very nice crunch to the soft texture of the quinoa. The tofu unfortunately was a bit dry and quite tough and bland. However the highlight of the meal was definitely in the chocolate mousse cake.The chocolate mousse had such a rich cocoa flavour and was balanced well with the sweetness ensuring the bitterness of the cocoa wouldn't be too overwhelming. It came with a fresh blueberry jam-like sauce which added an extra tang of sourness that sends your taste buds to heaven! A must try if you're in SOHO! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-08-20
平時大魚大肉,有時都想健康下,呢間餐廳就係一個好選擇。新鮮沙律,西蘭花,雜菜,豆腐干,車厘茄加一塊麵包,份量較少。磨菇薄餅,濃郁芝士及火箭菜配搭,好味 配菜是甜薯條,既特別又美味 Burger有些普通,有甜酸等飯,有豆腐干,有蕃茄生菜,勝在健康,又果腹。最後發生了有趣的事情,侍應找錯錢,唔係找少,而係找多,希望餐廳唔會因為蝦碌的侍應而做了蝕本生意 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-08-09
一間店舖開了十年,還有什麼好寫呢? 但一間中環店十年都未摺,而且最奇怪是我經過很多次都沒有幫襯過,可說生命力強,餐廳叫「Life Café 」,名字已說明了一切,Life是生命也是生存,令我這些經常諗嘢諗太多的人,特別對此多聯想,究竟我應該怎樣生活下去呢?這晚唔知點解,忽然想起這間沒有踏足過的「老店」,於是獨個兒來個簡單晚餐。Life,主打有機素菜,說是Café又得,Restaurant也是,亦是酒吧,也是售賣有機食品的店舖。樓下是售賣部,樓上是餐廳。售賣的產品全部都標明Organic,我比較對一些小食、茶葉和咖啡豆感興趣,其他食料也林林總總。走上二樓餐廳,從樓梯開始,已Feel到一股拉丁氣味,無論板畫以及樓上的佈置,都有濃郁的南美浪漫風情。牆上掛著一些攝影圖片,當中又以兒童為主,都是來自較為落後的地區,但臉上的笑容比所謂先進國家的孩童歡樂得多,可能生活真的不需要太奢華,大都市裡無論大人或孩童,有幾何會笑得那麼單純?餐廳播著不知名語言的音樂,有非洲及拉丁音樂風,可歸類為World Music,跟素食主題甚為匹配。這晚客人不多,感覺頗為寧靜,可是我胃口不太好,於是只點了輕便的意粉和咖啡。其實這店的食物都比較輕便的,以沙律、Pizza、Pasta、Burger為主,都強調Organic。Organic Pasta($121)內含很豐富的蔬菜元素,有茴香、醃黃椒、焦糖洋蔥菠菜、蔬菜、芝士、羅勒、香蒜和番茄腰果奶油醬等,帶有清新爽脆感,亦好有咬口,油份和鹽份都不多,偏向清淡口味。Herbal Coffee with Organic Milk ($34)其實奶是否Organic,我真的嗅不出,而草藥味比較清,啡味亦略嫌太微弱。這餐輕嚐有機簡餐,食物只能說是中等水準,但環境令我感到舒暢,素食始終是大潮流,這Cafe在中環有其定位,難怪可以做到超過十年。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-08-03
在SOHO 區有不少素食選擇,今次試下標榜有機的 Life Cafe. 走上好有情調的樓梯,感覺自已到了泰國做spa, 上到上層樓底好高,燈光及氣氛好有情調,服務員安排我地坐窗邊的二人枱,看著窗外Soho電梯人來人往。 Vegan Soup. 湯好濃好香菜味,加上 black pepper. 必食 跟著點了著名的Life Salad。通常西餐廳的salad 都是細細份,但黎度的salad用大碗裝上,份量十足,正。沙律菜淋上了 olive oil 好香好新鮮, yummy yummy. 再來必食的African Stew. 煎香左的豆腐混合了煮熟的麥溶配上獨特醬汁,一定要試。Life Burger的薯條整得好特別,脆脆的又不太油膩,漢堡即大大份,送上仿肉涵料,加上大量沙律菜,: continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)