8-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
97079707 (WhatsApp)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
19:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 15:00
19:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Apple Pay
Other Info
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (37)
Level3 2024-04-25
KamosuAbout 2 weeks ago, the Incredibly Judgmental IG Food Critic mentioned on story that it is a shame that quality Japanese restaurants like Kamosu are closing down. I haven’t been to Kamosu before but having heard him commending it (which he rarely does), I immediately made a lunch reservation. Upon arrival, I was surprised that we were the only patrons. Head Chef Nishimura Yukou served us himself. Foodie circle would be familiar with Chef Nishimura san’s late father, who used to run Nishimura Restaurant and Fukumura Japanese Restaurant at TST. Chef Nishimura San is incredibly young, skilled and friendly. Conversant in Cantonese, English and Japanese, he told us that he started his culinary journey with his late father. He then went to hone his skills at a restaurant in Ginza, Tokyo. Lunch was nicely done. My favourite was the hanasanshou, Sakuradai fish roe ball and takenoko - An elegant symphony of seasonal spring flavours. My other favourite was the tonkatsu that was served at the end. The exterior was crispy and light. The interior was tender and succulent. It would be perfect had the fat and protein proportion were slightly more balanced. A couple of days later, I brought a bigger group over for dinner. It was full house that evening. The meal that evening, to be honest, was a bit of a let down comparing to the lunch that I had earlier. That said, the firefly squid claypot rice was sublime. I asked for a second even though I was very much full to the brim. Wishing Chef Nishimura San the very best in his next chapter! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-23
今日見到網紅食評走咗去試間日本人開嘅餐廳睇吓有幾正宗先第一道菜係北海道新洋蔥湯,同法國嘅蘆筍一齊煮嘅。呢道菜有少少香味,冇咩辣味,冇加糖都好甜,係天然甜味。清酒我咗揀左清酒之神濃口尚彥出品嘅premium nouveau,口感清爽同有層次感,第二道菜係炸物,有螢光魷魚、鮟鱇魚同鮟鱇魚肝。第三道菜係煮物,入面有山上嘅野菜同一個百合根做嘅物體,好似饅頭餡咁。松葉蟹味道鮮美。都幾得意。第四道菜係櫻津三文魚,呢款魚比較瘦,魚味都比較濃,配埋空豆同蠶豆,同梅子Jelly一齊食,味道不錯。啱晒啲減肥嘅人士,但係如果你鍾意食肥嘅就會可能有少少乾。第五道菜係螢光魷魚煲仔飯,搭配白麵豉湯,有微酸味,好開胃。個煲仔飯嘅米飯口感好、原來佢哋嘅米係入咗日本櫪木縣出名嘅櫪木之星米口感煙靭有米香。最後嗰道菜就係甜品啦,係用紅酒做嘅啫喱,配埋香村縣嘅士多啤梨,有啲奶香同士多啤梨香味,好好食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-02-13
給自己安排了一次值得嘅自費割烹omakase體驗,🥰肚子滿足呢!好滿足愉快嘅體驗,感謝師父同老闆細心用心嘅舖排!傳統細緻嘅味道教人感動且難以忘懷,期待下次再訪!🥰師傅靚仔外仲好nice,多謝您嘅用心!永遠最簡單嘅料理係最難做好嘅!好味呀!😋🥰整體嘅體驗都好好!喜歡每道料理呢! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-10-29
呢間位於中環既omakase係早幾個月已經覺得佢吸引想食,終於有朋友陪我食,去到發現原來餐廳每個月都轉餐牌,好有創意又有新鮮感去到發現原來廚師大有來頭,同埋好有奮鬥目標,去延續屋企人嘅夢想,俾心機加油呀,你一定會好似爸爸咁出色❤️前菜北海道薯仔凍湯🥔 鍾意薯仔嘅我覺得佢好好飲,勁香薯仔味,有啲似飲得嘅薯蓉🥰草物配合返秋天,秋天菜水芹bb +甘荀,羅白,青瓜,松子仁加芝麻醬佢嘅芝麻醬仲用左研壓方法磨制,令芝麻有油香勁花心機,有機會我都想試吓自己整一品料理車海老加米通,食落比起平時嘅天婦羅口感更豐富,賣相精緻又好食旁邊仲配上銀杏同零余子,食落都幾香幾好味😋熟成深海池魚食落好肥美,原來用咗佢嘅赤身同腩位鏗魚,呢一款刺身我好似好少食,但佢比起平日食既口感不一樣北海道帆立貝,鮮味依然在仲配左紫蘇花紅鳥花同菊花 ,令刺身鮮味提呢一款菜式令我印象深刻烤夫賣相好靚,我以為佢係糯米糍啲friend,點知原來係麵筋做,真係估佢唔到,但食落去又真係有麻薯嘅口感,好特別旁邊仲配有無花果同石川小芋 而汁就用左菊花芡我覺得呢一款好啱秋天食 味噌西京燒 醃製過加上在表皮介上多刀,令佢更加入味雞肉菇湯炊飯用咗7款野菇係我哋面前煲成湯,每一碗湯都好多菇雞好滑嫩,菇味香,配埋飯一齊就剛剛好旁邊仲有漬物牛蒡同昆布 甜品京都抹茶雪糕+黃豆粉 見到個賣相就知道自家製,仲加左栗子,柿 ,松子同黑蜜做最後嘅終結就最好不過,感覺好幸福 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-10-17
🌟醸🌟係中環嘅🇯🇵割烹料理,由日藉主廚👨🏻‍🍳西村先生主理!🌟醸🌟每月都會轉新menu,今次嘅lunch menu🆕新鮮出爐,亦採用咗唔少🍂秋天嘅食材,真正不時不食!🌟Lunch Menu $880/person「印加的覺醒」係🇯🇵北海道產嘅夢幻薯仔🥔品種,出名香甜味濃,將其製成幼滑嘅凍湯,特別美味😋!將根莖類🥕🥒嘅蔬菜切絲,加入手磨嘅胡麻醬,清爽又開胃✨!七彩🌈嘅日本米通炸蝦🍤,外面香口,入面係彈牙爽甜嘅車海老🦐!🐠深海池魚 - 有薄切同埋厚切,厚切嘅腩位真係又肥又爽口🤤,係本年度食過最佳嘅池魚🥳!🐟鰹魚 - 魚肉有少少彈牙,魚味香郁❤️!🐚帆立貝 - 北海道產嘅帆立貝,✨清甜可口!🌼菊花高湯芡汁下面,係鮮無花果、💚麩、石川小芋、同埋大根,滿滿嘅菜甜味👏🏻!鷹鯧魚西京燒🐠勁入味,鹹香感重!以多種日本菌類🍄同埋雞肉🐓煮成嘅湯,清甜怡人!釜飯同埋漬物都係高水準💯!最後係自家製嘅🍵京都抹茶雪糕🍨,茶香怡人,綿滑透心涼!🌟醸🌟亦設有wine pairing,🍷紅白酒、🥂香檳、🥂氣泡酒、🍶清酒、🍹cocktail等,只要配合到食物,都會拎嚟pair,仲有唔少珍貴同埋靚靚✨嘅酒具,$600有6杯🤩! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)