3-min walk from Exit E, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (24)
Level1 2017-10-10
I spent some time in France, the food in Habitat is very good, sometimes better than in France. Very good surprise.I tried black ink risotto that was one of the best I tried. French oysters were very fresh. Crab cakes were good as well. The prices were very reasonable continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-09-05
It's been a while and we stopped by for a quick afternoon tea.With a nice view of the harbor, spacious seating, free wifi and a tasteful collection of furniture and little things for the home to browse, I never really understood why this café doesn't get more crowded than this (the place was nearly empty on July 1st, Hong Kong's "national" holiday). When I'm bored, I sometimes peep into the kitchen to admire its incredible neatness that mirrors the lined up goods for sale at the Habitat shop. The chef prepares the rare order that comes in with diligence and precision. Waitstaff working in the bar doesn't seem to mind my intrusiveness. They are truly a very friendly and dedicated team.First came a set of two oysters which, unfortunately, were not too fresh on this occasion.Then came chargrilled US sirloin with red wine butter. This was up to par with our expectations for a café and the roasted veggies were nice. I believe this set came down to $268 in total. I ordered a skimmed milk cappuccino which was splendid. I vaguely sensed that the barista put in a lot of effort to ensure that this was a perfect cup. And it was. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-08-11
我每日都要飲咖啡,今日未飲咖啡,就想搵間試試,搭升降機到15樓,一開門行入去好開心的感覺,原因佢係間法式家品店,仿如置身於世外桃源中,不同於外面,行到此間咖啡店中,好想試試,買杯咖啡,可惜走到女店員旁,店員好像睇我唔到咁,我同佢講想要杯咖啡,佢示意佢旁邊的一個枱上,已放數10個menu,自己拎黎睇。一間外表好靚的店,可以這樣嗎?之後我話要杯short size flat white,收錢後連句多謝都冇。吓。。。怎麼啦!是我不夠高級不能有招待嗎?就算咖啡再好飲,我都唔會再去囉。講真咖啡真係唔錯! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
好朋友生日,要食餐好既!一個又話要坐得闊落,一個又話要係市中心,之前黎過哩間食 tea, 環境幾舒服,又可以行下家品,一舉兩得。估唔到係 cafe 又可以食到高質既食物!我地5個人叫左七、八樣野,最正既係生蠔係 $13蚊起!傻的嗎?喺銅鑼灣鬧市食到咁平既生蠔,仲要係勁新鮮。真心推介嘅 72 小時慢煮牛肋骨!有水準之餘,喺呢度食平勁多,平時喺酒店食要千幾蚊。微烤過的外表,但係入面鮮嫩多汁,牛肋骨經過72小時慢煮後,變到入口即溶,肥瘦適中,同行既朋友都話好好食。以後過時過節都可以嚟呢度慶祝。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-07-02
第一次聽到有$13蠔,作為蠔癡,想休閒地享受鮮美生蠔,又唔想開到手斷時,的一絕佳選擇~ 蠔係最簡單的 Fine de Claire no.4, 清甜有海水味, 的的式式,任叫,我地兩個人一打再一打,滿足完蠔的甜美,朋友來到,再開一打 好喜歡酸辣蕃茄醬,應該叫一客麵包慢慢品嘗熱食的 烤龍蝦 剛剛好,新鮮而且彈牙,龍蝦羔錦上添花,好得!另配法國田螺牛油,配搭龍蝦或薯條,玩得不亦樂乎,有驚喜蟹餅,雞翼一樣精采,加上9點前紅白酒買一送一,值得再去 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)