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Review (25)
Level1 2012-08-07
第二次去自家烏冬,都系同女友去,唔系咁多人,所以就唔曬等, 我地叫叫佐一個軟骨豬番茄烏冬,一個吉列豬扒番茄烏冬,湯底都ok,不過烏冬就有小小太熟,服務態度一般,叫佐好多次都冇人倒茶,去佐兩次,感覺都良好,兩個人食都系100¥左右, 下次有機會都會再食!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-04-15
3人行第2次去自家食,食完結果都係一樣以後都5想再去最5得既係呢杯野完全5知咩黎,冇味有氣既水本人感到不好吃呢個就最好味晚一個not good not bad10 分俾盡有4分湯5夠熱, 又冇咩味 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-04-02
自家烏冬吃過數十次, 是日打算試試銅鑼灣分店的水準.中午大約一時許, 這個時分竟然不用等候便可安排座位, 意想不到. set lunch 很吸引呢, 價錢大約四十多元, 有指定的烏冬,有小吃, 有汽水, 價錢更比單點的便宜, 可惜是日想吃熱烏冬, 所以點選了自家熱烏冬(HK$25), 另叫吉烈廣島蠔(HK$38). 不久侍應送上食物, 烏冬依舊彈牙, 湯底很清甜, 應該是白蘿蔔, 葱, 昆布的功勞. 最重要是夠熱, 不錯. 吉烈廣島蠔也很好, 外脆內軟, 沒有挑剔的餘地. 唯一要說的是價錢加幅太大和太快了, 以前吃的便宜三成. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2012-02-27
We had previously made reservations, so there wasn't a problem getting seats, but it was a testament to the popularity of the place due to the large number of people waiting for seats outside.Based on a friend's recommendation, we came here, and I was definitely not disappointed and actually pleasantly surprised how good it was. Usually, I'm not a big fan of udon and it never has tasted super special to me, but this time the broth was very good. I had the udon with pork in a shrimp broth! My first for a shrimp broth! When the noodles arrived it already smelled very shrimpy, in a good way, and tasted great as well.The service was attentive and the prices were reasonable. The others in my party thoroughly enjoyed their meals as well.I highly recommend making reservations if you can! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2011-10-10
本人超愛日本甜咖哩的但是這家的日本咖哩是辣的!!幸好本人也很愛吃辣的關係..所以無所謂!!其實我已經來了這家2次了..因為我經常出沒在銅鑼灣..上次來的時候人流很多, 排隊都要排30分鐘 真誇張可是這次呢..不用排隊就進去了 奇蹟阿!!話說..我覺得這次服務變比較好因為上次只有兩個員工 serve我們..這次吃的:我個人認為還不錯, 不會特別想說"超好吃"但是可能我很久沒有吃咖哩了吧總覺得這盤咖哩還不賴!! (Am I being too generous?)只是咖哩飯有點小盤..(雖然我吃不下一大盤)咖哩是辣的, 豬排炸得剛好, 不會太油.建議胃口很大的食家再另外點東西吃喔!!對這家最後的評論:如果下次問我要不要再來, 我會說I don't mind P.S That's because I love Japanese food ! Maybe I'll try the Hokkaido ice cream next time continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)