印尼餐廳顧名思義吃正宗印尼菜,多款印尼美食如巴東牛肉,串燒及各款糕點均是店中招牌菜。 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 23:30
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
巴東牛肉 串燒 椰汁糕 椰汁雞
Review (39)
Level4 2009-10-10
one night walked passed this restaurant. miss the 椰汁糕 we had in singapore, and we saw there was a promotion $10 for 3. i remember its sold $5 or 6 each in the past, so i bought 3.but they were a bit disppointing, tried:- 九層糕: texture very soft and good but the coconut flavour not strong enough- 綠豆椰汁糕: 2 balls, the fillings were like 冰皮月餅, not very good as the texture is a bit hard. my friend said its a bit salty too- 椰汁糕(with 椰絲inside): so-so, but actually i dont like 椰絲i used to buy some when i walked passed the store. but i was disappointed this time. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2009-10-07
咪講笑皮脆肉嫩有香味既海南雞飯腍又香既炆牛利食到好感動!d 海南雞比勝利道既更好食其他野我諗都會好有水準...下次再試!!!!! continue reading
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Level4 2009-08-04
having just an hour's time for lunch before my tutorial class, my dad decided to have lunch at this indonesian restaurant which 'we haven't been to for a long time', he said. nt feeling especially picky and hungry, we said yes although my mum and i were not especially crazy over se asian food.my dad quickly ordered a gado-gado(indonesian style salad), padong beef(is it how u spell it?),an indonesian fried rice plus some snacks.i am not particularly fond of heavily spiced dishes and so didnt really enjoy the meal very much. the dressing of the gado-gado was a bit too oily for me. same for the pagong beef, but i kinda liked the taste of it. as for the fried rice, it was too spicy for me. but i like the snacks(deep-fried beef in mashed potato, sticky rice wrap, mysterious stick-like wrap) although their lukewarm temperature werent very appealing. id give it a 6 out of 10. indonesian food is just not my cup of tea. continue reading
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Level4 2009-05-12
星期六,母親節前夕。今年嘅母親節,除了以子女嘅身份替阿媽慶祝之外,還要以女婿嘅身份替外母慶祝。正日留番俾阿媽,前夕便與外母一家及太座嘅祖父到銅鑼灣食印尼菜。筆者對印尼菜一點也不陌生,皆因筆者嘅阿媽係印尼華僑,故從小以食了不少印尼菜。印尼文化冇中國咁源遠流長,所以菜系冇中國菜那樣多元化。與其他熱帶地區一樣,印尼菜以香辣為主。同時,印尼海岸線比較長,海產豐富,不過海鮮類都係以燒為主。此印尼餐廳印象中在此處營業已有一段日子,閑閑地都有二十年。內裡嘅裝修十年如一日,服務員都穿上印尼傳統服飾「巴的」及「沙龍」,望落都幾攪笑。他們皆能操粵語及印尼語,相信都係印尼華僑。一行六人,大家你一言我一語已經點了心水之選。醬燒雞 – 印象中嘅醬燒雞應以類似巴東牛肉嘅醬汁去肴製,但此店嘅醬燒雞只用了普通醬汁。雖然顏色好似都肴得幾入味,但入口不過而已,雞肉亦不是很嫩滑,難怪係咁多款菜式之中去貨最慢嘅一款 (味道2分);加多加多 – 其實係印尼沙津,以白菜、豆角、豆腐、青瓜、雞蛋、蝦片等,配以花生醬撈勻嚟食。雖然叫做沙津,其實印尼人當做係主菜咁食。好味嘅加多加多,其花生醬汁絕對係靈魂所在。此店嘅醬汁甜中帶一點辣,係正宗味道。至於點解有甜味,當然係拜椰糖之效啦!在本地寥寥可數嘅純印尼餐廳,呢度嘅加多加多可算是上乘之選 (味道5分);巴東牛肉 – 這是筆者當晚心水之選,一來牛肉炆得十分入味,而且牛肉纖維已經半溶化了,一入口,不需一點兒勁就已經咀嚼得糜爛。而且,牛肉肥瘦適中,齒脥之間留有牛肉香味。當然,一碟出色嘅巴東牛肉,醬汁也是主角之一。此醬汁可能係遷就香港人嘅口味,只係微辣,代之而起嘅係椰絲嘅香味。椰香四溢,但一點都唔太滯胃。只係用醬汁配白飯已經係一絕 (味道5分);咖哩雜菜 – 椰汁味比較濃烈嘅咖哩,除了一般蔬菜如豆角、蕃茄、薯仔外,還有粉絲,有如一鍋咖哩雜菜煲。不辣嘅咖哩,並不是筆者嘅那杯茶,對筆者而言味道一般而已 (味道3分);咖哩羊肉 – 此咖哩既有椰香味,又有適度嘅辣味,接近正宗印尼咖哩嘅味道。羊肉炆得十分腍,皮雖比較薄,但肉質鮮嫩滑溜,而且有羊羶味,所以筆者吃了一件又一件。係另一個推介菜式(味道5分);印尼炒貴刁 – 與一般所見嘅炒貴刁無異,貴刁炒得也算乾身有鑊氣,河粉也有咬口(味道3分)。除上述食品之外,一夥人還試食了蜈款印尼特式甜品,包括三色糕、紅豆糕、各類椰汁糕等。眾人皆認為除了三色糕甜味剛好之外,其他甜品椰味過重,吃後增加胃部負擔。三色糕甜味剛好之外,還有淡淡嘅香蘭葉嘅香味。令筆者奇怪嘅係,同樣係以香蘭葉為材料,點解珍多冰中嘅綠色物體質地似啫喱多過似用香蘭葉汁(可能多好多功夫嘅緣故)。埋單共九百六十蚊,平均每人一百六十蚊,見外母及太座嘅爺爺食得開心,大家有講有笑,老土講一句「此刻無價」。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2009-04-02
今晚試了以下菜:1/ 蝦醬波菜2/ 咖哩雞3/ 紅豆珍多冰4/ 青檸梳打蝦醬波菜 - 唔錯, 蝦醬香味不勁, 但入算不錯. 因不喜歡蝦醬香味太勁, 會攪到成間鋪都係.咖哩雞 - 味很好, not spicy, 但不喜歡雪雞紅豆珍多冰 - 普通青檸梳打 - 沒有青檸, 真已給按了***相片是否很奇怪...因為全部吃完才記得影相! 哈! continue reading
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