Restaurant: A BOUTEA (Lockhart Road)

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

2-min walk from Exit C, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (19)
61124112 (WhatsApp)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (43)
《黑糖珍珠厚鮮奶》好耐無飲 呢到啲黑糖珍珠係零舍好飲 固定甜度同冰係有原因 佢個配方咁飲係最好飲 濃郁黑糖色澤慢慢散落白色厚鮮奶一粒粒黑珍珠Q彈有咬感 充滿黑糖香 同滑順細膩既鮮奶根本就係絕配我仲追加埋花豹芋圓💜同黑糖珍珠差唔多大細 一啲都唔硬 唔會咬極都咬唔開 煙煙韌韌 有芋香.《黑糖珍珠抹茶鮮奶》黑糖珍珠系列係有好多選擇喜歡抹茶既可以揀呢款以抹茶鮮奶做基底 🍵🥛啜一啖個口先飲到回甘既茶底 再嚐到奶香最後咬比甜香既黑糖珍珠唔同嘅層次口感味道 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
同朋友行街經過呢間茶飲店店內四週圍充滿 Ian 嘅肖像唔少 Ian 粉絲都嚟打卡推出兩款夏日新口味有蘋果同青葡萄鍾情水果清新.嚟到當然試下✨青爽青葡萄烏龍 $28加入新鮮青提子果肉每啖都粒粒有口感揀咗微甜少冰配上烏龍茶嘅茶底.味道好清新炎炎夏日.消暑降溫嘅最佳選擇✨黑糖珍珠厚鮮奶 $33呢杯係Menu上置頂更加係Signature之一甜度冰量固定.控制得恰好煙煙靭靭嘅珍珠.充滿黑糖味道亦唔會太甜下次一定要試 「花豹芋圓」 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
花斑茶社有新出品啊!作為飲品愛好者嘅我就梗係要即刻沖去試吓啦!🤩燕麥焙茶拿鐵(寒天,仙草)外觀非常吸引人。它擁有深棕色的焦糖色調,配上奶泡的白色,形成了美麗的層次感。在頂部,放置了一些燕麥片和仙草葉,增加了視覺上的吸引力👍👍第一口的奶泡非常綿密柔滑,給人一種濃郁的口感。燕麥焙茶的風味非常突出,帶有一種淡淡的焦糖和堅果的香氣,非常迷人。寒天的加入使整個飲品更加清爽,讓人感到舒暢。仙草則為整個飲品增添了一絲清新的風味,使口感更加豐富🫶🫶🤩黑糖珍珠岩鹽厚鮮奶濃郁的棕色飲品,上面放著一層濃厚的奶泡,看起來非常誘人。在杯底,有著一些口感Q彈的黑糖珍珠,增加了整體口感的豐富度👏👏黑糖珍珠是整個飲品的亮點,它們煮得剛剛好,有著外脆內軟的口感,每一顆都散發出濃郁的黑糖香氣,非常美味❤️❤️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-27
善用lunch time時間去拎番副眼鏡頸渴見到花斑茶社啱啱開門 我要做第一個客🏅佢哋新出咗2杯新產品 其中一杯係完熟蘋果冰茶另一杯就係今日有叫到嘅🔹️清爽青葡萄烏龍👦話要飲啲清涼飲品 見呢杯係新產品就幫佢揀咗呢杯 個名都講到明清爽 😆有啖啖葡萄味 唔會好酸或者甜 烏龍茶亦夠香佢話下次要試埋另外一杯新產品喎 😆我自己就叫咗杯🔹️黑糖珍珠可可鮮奶珍珠有咬口 煙韌口感超重🍫味 但都唔會蓋過黑糖味 再咁飲真係變肥妹 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
花班茶社天氣很炎熱,在街上走著就想找點可口飲料來解渴,看到銅鑼灣駱克道這間茶飲店正在做特別的果汁飲料,小編便拉著朋友一起進去品嚐。清新青葡萄烏龍 $28小編點了新推出的春季特別飲料青葡萄烏龍、選擇了微糖加冰,喝起來清新爽口,明顯的烏龍茶香,再加上微甜的青葡萄果肉,適合在炎炎夏日解渴。宇治抹茶紅豆鮮奶 $36另一杯是宇治抹茶紅豆鮮奶,滿滿的紅豆口感十足,搭配滑順細膩的抹茶鮮奶,看到分層的飲品,就很吸引人。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)