6-min walk from Exit C, City One MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
11:30 - 22:30
Fri - Sat
11:30 - 23:00
11:30 - 22:30
Public Holiday Eve
11:30 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay
Other Info
Kid-friendly Details
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (74)
Level1 2021-08-01
越嚟越難食唔係話係常客 但係隔一段時間都會食下咁🧐但係冇諗過個質素下降左咁多📉個蕃茄牛肉麵d牛肉粒ok嘅 但係個湯底極似羅宋湯🥫 唔講仲以為佢偷咗隔離X仔啲羅宋湯煮麵😂然後個豬頸肉烏冬 豬頸肉ok嘅 但係個烏冬真係得一個字可以形容 「淡」🥲淡到好似淨係用清水煮咁 食落口嗰下仲以為自己失去味覺🥵然後個雜錦烏冬鍋又係 好淡 真-水煮烏冬😐個甘栗番薯餅都係OK嘅 個巨峰提子梳打都還可以嘅但係唔鍾意飲甜野嘅人 可能會覺得太甜但係一餐最重要嘅嘢係主食三個主食都唔好食🤭 咁呢一餐飯要點頂🤕咁樣樣三百幾蚊一餐真係唔抵食雖然呢幾年都係隔好幾個月食一次 但係應該唔會再有下次了👋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2021-07-24
由入門口一刻開始,到坐低落單,所遇到嘅兩位侍應都係不情不願地做嘢同對應。後來無論係放低張單定放低啲食物,都係一句聲都唔出,全部就咁「拍」一聲放喺枱面。食嘢嗰陣仔細觀察舖頭內幾位侍應,佢哋不論係落單、收銀、送食物、行過望人嘅態度,都係串串貢,黑晒面咁,而且收碟放嘢都係大大聲,都令人幾煩躁。真係隔住口罩都感受到佢哋嘅服務態度有幾咁「好」,基本上坐低喺呢間舖頭食嘢一啲都唔pleasant。叫咗兩個午餐,一個係雜錦壽司拼烏冬,烏冬湯底無味,烏冬質素麻麻,咬落去已經係浸到發脹左,壽司亦唔算新鮮。另一個係面試雞扒木魚湯烏冬,雞扒煎得好香,但一啲味都冇,湯底同烏冬質素都同上,試飲咗一啖湯,只得少少鹹味。另外加咗隻流心蛋,味道還好,但個樣真係令人汗顏~整體來講,食物係燒鵝髀嘅價錢,服務可以話係蔗渣嘅質素,仲要收加一,大家入嚟之前真係要諗清楚~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-06-19
話說瞓醒冇幾耐,諗住去同個朋友食個lunch~幾時見到呢間日本餐廳就去食下蕃茄烏冬😎😎😎叫咗一個吉列豬扒蕃茄烏冬同埋香煎雞扒烏冬~••香煎雞扒啲雞肉都叫做滑,湯底味道還可以,但係就冇乜配料~另外。。。滿心期待揀一個吉列豬扒蕃茄烏冬🥺🥺🥺🥺點知上到嚟豬扒,比想像中細件,而且睇落去炸得唔係好酥脆。咁當然要即刻試吓味先知道入面係咪有驚喜,一咬落去發現入面啲肉唔係好多而且好硬☹️☹️有少少失望添 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-05-30
The service was pretty bad, I asked for iced water and the waitress was very rude and almost spilled the water onto me. The ox tongue curry udon is really good. The meat was very tender and it melted in my mouth, there was also a lot of it so that was good as well. This can also be a ramen but since this shop specializes in udon, I ordered the udon, the udon itself was chewy but a bit overcooked. The soup was very flavorful but I could tell it was made by packaged curry due to the artificial mushroom and onions. The sweet potato tempura was very crispy on the outside but soft and fluffy on the inside, it was also very generous size wise with 2 big pieces as it was a $9 add on. I did however dip it in my curry and egg good as it is a bit dry. The egg was definitely the star, it was slightly sweet and very gooey. The perfect consistency for a ramen egg. My friend ordered the pork cartilage and cheese rice bowl so I did not get to try it but she said the pork was very tough and the cartilages were very hard. The rice was also quite plain as there was little to no sauce. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-05-11
喺第一城返工就知道第一城真係美食沙漠🥲附近都有唔少屋村商場,但入面嘅食肆都係連鎖呢間更加係沙漠中唯一食烏冬嘅選擇我就好鍾意食烏冬嘅 之前已經食過一次定食黎講選擇好似唔算多不過見佢單叫嗰份餐單都有唔同湯底同菜式選擇望落去都係正常價錢(偏少少貴啦)都唔奢望質素會係點🙊呢杯跟餐加嘅凍柑桔蜜正常味道 鍾意飲酸嘢嘅人可能會覺得失望因為唔鍾意酸嘅我覺得甜到啱啱好多啲柑桔嘅味道但又唔係好飲得出同柚子蜜嘅分別😂不過跟餐加$3呢個價錢來講算係咁我叫咗個麻辣雞讚岐手打烏冬配麻辣湯佢嘅麻辣食落去令我心情有啲矛盾一來佢唔係日式嗰種辣,都理解嘅,寫明麻辣呀嘛但係佢又唔係真係麻辣😂😂 食落去嗰陣燶味好重有啲似煳辣嘅味道辣到算輕度 食到尾只係有少少麻嘅感覺雞來講就普通,唔係好食到係麻辣不過佢比起普通用醬油炒更惹味既肉質普通吧烏冬都係失望嘅 雖然佢聲稱係手打烏冬 但係煙韌程度好一般朋友食呢個壽喜燒覺得失望一來佢好唔好彩地將隻溫泉蛋跌咗落枱 食嘅時候得返半隻😂二來佢嘅壽喜燒嚟到嘅時候已經見到唔係正宗嘅壽喜燒只係濃小小嘅吉野家邊爐碗飯係幾大碗嘅 但係配料份量一般大多數都係菜 牛肉就偏少女仔嚟講都食得晒嘅 但係男仔可能覺得唔夠.總括來講係唔抵食,只係冇選擇之下嘅選擇同埋覺得呢個價錢都偏貴仲要佢要加一,完全唔覺得享受過咩服務不過冇食過佢嘅邊爐,可能會好少少掛😂如果係因為烏冬想來試吓呢間嘅話,就唔使試了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)