1-min walk from Exit F, Tsing Yi MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
*last order: 20:45
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
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Other Info
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (94)
Level4 2022-10-28
Tried their beetroot vegetarian soup as it was marketed as an easily defrosted meal. Indeed it was flavourful and convenient. No need to stain my hands and the frozen box of soup could be easily consumed after reheating. I like how the beetroot soup does not have an earthy woody flavour. Instead, it has a sweet aftertaste. I believe this is due to the good mixture of vegetables, perhaps with the mixture of carrots continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-10-14
佢嘅羅宋湯真係好好飲!好足料又多菜又多牛腩😘😘😘😘!同埋feel到佢煲咗好耐因為真係好香濃🤤🤤🤤叫咗個牛舌飯,雖然賣相一般,但係真係好好食💕💕💕,牛舌飯仲配有一隻流心蛋🫶🏻,算唔錯因為出面通常得半隻🥹🥹🥹 講返個牛舌先,牛舌勁有牛味,每一粒都切得厚厚地💯💯,所以咬落去好煙韌!食過返尋味🤭🤭🤭🤭🤤🤤佢嘅餐仲會送咖啡奶茶,成日聽人講覺得性價比唔高,因為佢哋主打係湯,但係其實我又覺得性價比幾高喎,因為個人幾鍾意飲湯🤭,然後佢哋個湯仲要咁足料咁濃,我好中意🥰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-09-26
全盛時期在旺角,銅鑼灣,中環都有開分店,現時只剩下較偏遠地區的三間分店,大概都知咩料啦。以平時茶餐廳或西餐廳個餐湯 - 羅宋湯為主題的餐廳,其實碗湯飲落味道唔差,但真係唔算好特別,算幾多料,大量雜菜,大大舊牛肉有三件,唔係太腍身,但還好唔痴牙。①  秘製醬油撈麵套餐 $68餐廳有不同套餐配搭,這個套餐就一碗醬油撈麵加羅宋湯,配凍飲要另加$8。上海麵份量算足夠,但就真係得醬油,蔥,炸蒜。基本上無叫小食的話,個餸就係羅宋湯渣。佢友人點經典羅宋湯套餐 $72,貴過撈麵幾蚊,就係得個餐包同一球薯仔沙律,感覺唔係好抵食。不過呢個餐配凍飲只需加$3。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-09-26
Wheatfield X 羅宋湯專門店💚海派豬髀肉羅宋湯 配菠菜麵(走肉) $62海派牛腩羅宋湯 配手打烏冬 $62另收+1服務費人均消費: $68 (2人) -海派豬髀肉羅宋湯 配菠菜麵(走肉)🥬🍜比較大碗個麵身比較淋佢嘅質感就係一咬即斷🥺唔會話太淋 不過就係冇乜咬口 冇乜彈性味道上 唔會特別菠菜味但都比較掛湯嘅個湯比較杰撻🍜🥣杰得嚟 雖然有啲飽肚但因為個羅宋湯本身係有啲辣辣地嘅🌶嗰種辣 我係接受到👌🏽所以都可以開胃下~整體比較上因為太杰同味道太重有啲會令人想要杯水/嗌嘢飲💦不過味道上係OK嘅😝另外讚一讚啲水 唔會有種水喉水味·😮‍💨:海派牛腩羅宋湯 配手打烏冬🍜佢啲麵比較麵還麵 湯還湯🥺啲烏冬比較一pat pat 但又唔係淋嗰種佢話係手打烏冬 但係好大陣粉味🥺唔會好似平時稻庭烏冬咁樣冇粉味可能佢冇過冷河/用咗同一兜水好耐啦👷🏽‍♀️可能叫甜餐包會好啲🍞佢啲牛腩比較煙靭就嚟攝晒落我啲牙罅度🤣個湯底真係太杰 打得太多芡不過味道上都OK嘅😚·以上評價 同😮‍💨一齊寫所以帶返頭盔先👷🏽 -21/9/2022 ate好sad囉本身係想試佢嗰個素嘅紅菜頭湯但因為佢賣晒🥺問咗個店員 仲有冇其他素🌱佢建議可以羅宋湯走肉不過最後其實佢個湯底應該都係有肉🥲下次我要醒目啲😤除咗預先打電話問收幾點 幾時last order仲要問埋唯一嘅素菜式仲有冇 先好過去-好味程度:🌕🌕🌕🌑🌑抵食程度:🌕🌕🌑🌑🌑環境靚靚:🌕🌕🌕🌑🌑服務態度:🌕🌕🌕🌑🌑會回頭率:🌕🌕🌑🌑🌑·#od青衣覓食之旅 #od食西式嘢·希望疫情快啲完結啦💛大家都要身體健康💛 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-08-17
羅宋湯專門店🍅評分:🌕🌕🌕🌖🌑·糖心蛋鹽燒牛舌飯呢個餐份量好大,肉質燒出嚟都算嫩,同埋佢嘅肉量同飯量都好多,配上大量雜菜同糖心蛋,不過不失之選。·羅宋湯配豬髀肉一向都好鍾意飲羅宋湯,貪佢酸味味咁又有蔬菜好開胃!餐有送細碗試飲~ 如果中意食大大碗,可額外點自選搭配-羅宋湯/紅菜頭湯,配上手打烏冬,煙靭彈牙同埋好飽,性價比都高嘅! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)