7-min walk from Exit A1, Sai Ying Pun MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 23:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (41)
Level1 2018-10-03
已經食過幾次, 終於決定寫感想, 因為每次去光顧水準都有保証。事原路過時剛巧餐廳4周年, 便同朋友內進,打算飲一杯, 點知佢嘅白酒係超好飲,然後同老闆傾談咗幾句,才知道他會周圍去搜羅,當然果晚我同朋友點止一杯走人喔😋當晚食物及酒的質素算是上環區幾好級數。之後的日子我同我朋友分別都有光顧。今晚我食的 burger 稱number 2 , 食物、肉汁、甚至連薯條都配搭一流,大大好滿足!不用多言 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-09-24
Went here for lunch but somehow dessert was more attractive because they had apple and blackberry crumble.I was impressed to see that it had blackberry as Hong Kong rarely has this so I wonder if there would be blackberries in it or at least some frozen ones.Started with the salad which was ok.Strangely there was a poached egg on top.The apple crumble was quite modern in presentation as the crumble was more like blobs of pastry and not crumble.Anyway, it tasted good but I couldn't find any blackberry in it.More Custard would have been good and I appreciate the British items on the menu. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2018-08-29
佢出邊寫住話買三送一。但佢有兩個餐牌。如果你分別係唔同餐牌揀選食物,佢就唔會比買三送一你。結果沒有買三送一,要比四個餐嘅價錢。感覺完全唔抵,好似俾人呃左咁。其實個夥計真係有責任要提醒客人點樣先可以有呢個優惠。而唔係等到埋,單個客人問你先講。所以都反映到佢的服務質素。叫左兩杯凍咖啡,可以一杯落咗奶,一杯冇落奶。完全冇程序同制度。所以如果你真係要去食。要問清楚點樣叫先有呢個優惠。 整體都係唔好食,服務質素差,唔會再去。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2018-08-28
A friend was leaving Hong Kong and we were looking for a spot to grab a few drinks. After checking a few places in the neighbourhood of Sheung Wan (208, Corner Kitchen Cafe, The Dutch, Nivarna), we decided to come to The Lot. It turned out to be a hidden gem!They were currently doing a 4 Year Anniversary Special - $48 for wine, prosecco and beer. We had about 3 rounds of prosecco and it was delicious. To pair with our prosecco, we ordered Calamari Fritters. The calamari was very fresh and tasty, which was a good addition to our drinks. The services at the Lot was impeccable. We were asked on several occasions if the drinks and snacks were okay. By the time we were about to leave the restaurant, it started to pour cats and dogs! The kind staff at the Lot even lent us an umbrella. A cozy little hidden gem in Sheung Wan. It will become my go-to spot from now. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2018-08-25
同朋友行上環,路過呢間餐廳,見佢門面裝飾精緻吸引,幾有格調,加上行完成日街個肚好餓,就入去食個晚餐。我地點咗黑椒吞拿魚做前菜(有大小份量選擇)。我地揀咗細size淺嚐,一試不得了,吞拿魚非常新鮮,配埋黑椒粒食落去更加香口。同待應傾開計,原來呢道黑椒吞拿魚好受食客歡迎,不過我地仲要試其他嘢食,所以唔叫咁大碟啦店員推介我地食三文魚扒配甜薯,果然無介紹錯。三文魚扒煎得恰到好處,再配新鮮沙律菜,中和返魚扒嘅油膩,完全係perfect match呀! 杯blueberry lime soda都好好飲,微酸微甜又清新,加上薄荷葉嘅點綴,完全將夏天嘅悶熱一掃而空,好開胃呢! 餐廳有好多款burger供應,啱晒唔同人嘅口味,待應推介最新推出嘅全麥牛油果檸汁乳酪和牛漢堡,好啱追求健康同怕油膩嘅人士。可惜我朋友唔鍾意牛油果,所以最後點咗餐廳嘅皇牌88 The Lot Grand Burger。主角出場,我地見到咁足料咁厚嘅burger都呆咗,唔知何從入手。親切嘅女店員見到我地咁疑惑就走過嚟“教路”,教我地如何優雅而有效率地切開burger。一食就知無偷工減料,塊和牛好鬼juicy,隻老虎蝦烤得好香。食埋個burger已經好飽好滿足,牛油果控嘅我下次會試下新出嗰款burger!估唔到上環都有咁高質嘅西餐廳,值得再嚟 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)