68440944 (WhatsApp)
Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:30
*last order:22:00
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Review (6)
a late lunch consisted of a beef burger with fries ($68), though fish / chicken / pork burgers are also available. Buns were warm (I hate cold buns) and the patty was hot and thick without being overly juicy. Stainless steel cutlery and a full bottle of water provided.The rest of the menu seems to cater to middle-Eastern and Indian palettes, will try those next time.indoor and outdoor seating, limited parking spaces. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🔸️美味站 Tasty Point 🌍 西式📍元朗錦田公路361號地舖去左非常偏僻既地方,見到地圖上面呢間評價唔錯,就去試試喇!到達時估唔到餐廳裝修得幾特別,餐廳對面有位泊車非常方便。🗨️ 土耳其焗雞腿配飯 $58我以為喺砵仔飯上面同雞腿一齊焗,點知喺分開既,個汁係番茄汁味,完全唔覺得土耳其風味,我覺得唔算好食。。🗨️ 土耳其焗牛肉配飯 $58朋友話個牛其實幾好,不過個汁同雞腿飯一樣嘅,而且酸味配落牛肉果度係怪怪地,唔喺太夾🗨️ 烤羊肉Kebab $58朋友覺得哩個唔錯,我見佢啲餡料都好多,肉卷配薯條,薯條確實幾好味~🗨️ 芝士牛肉漢堡 $68朋友話個漢堡一般,都係配薯。薯條真係炸得幾好味,再讚!由落單到黎野食大約45分鐘到一個鐘,非常過份。由於大家太肚餓,相都無影就開動。當肚餓既時候食咩都好食既🤣所以評價甘高,奉勸大家好肚餓就唔好黎呢間了。不過附近真係無咩餐廳既選擇,當日去到lunch time都幾多人幫襯。餐廳外面嘅環境,確實都幾特別,樓上仲擺左啲做健身器材,廁所隔離都擺左兩部機,非常搞笑。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-08-30
成日搭車都會經過見到呢間餐廳都幾吸引,想試好耐,今日放假好想食,由於趕時間,就只能買外賣自取返屋企品嚐。打電話落單後15-20分鐘就有得攞,環境整潔,見到仲有戶外位選擇,下次有機會一定會去堂食🥰今次叫咗兩個Lunch set,Seafood pizza加烤雞Kebab連兩杯凍飲,一共$126,件Kebab一開二好大卷,烤雞有點辣,好味😋食物質素👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻美味👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻店員態度親切有禮👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻餐廳環境衛生(目測)👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻價錢實惠👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-03-08
65蚊個午餐 由廚房食物水準 侍應送錯食物 到杯野飲 都好唔店囉!!! 1)碟炒飯 好似求其搵個唔識煮野嘅人炒 好濕 無特色 望落去好似阿媽係屋企求能其炒碟飯咁 但間野明明係印巴人開 無獨特香料/賣相/味道 同廣東炒飯無分別! 2)野飲 一凍一熱的奶茶 一樣咁難飲!未飲過一間咁差的 根本唔合格 未夠班開鋪做生意 人地間間印巴沖的奶茶又香又甜 佢個d淡到發脾氣 垃圾! 3)個pizza 火喉唔夠 其他印巴店整的pizza脆香可口 佢的好似濕濕軟軟 未夠鐘攞出黎咁 鋪面的材料自然未焗出香味 好可惜 好差的廚藝。聽聞佢夜晚收費好貴 食過午餐已經鬧到飛起 對晚餐失去信心 絕對唔會再幫襯 扮異國風情 呃錢 我老公煮印度炒飯/沖印度奶茶 仲正宗過佢呀 反省下啦佢!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2021-01-08
喺呢度睇到廚房嘅心機價錢都非常之平民非常推薦大家去試因為錦田好少有咁大地方可以泊車.座位亦都非常闊落.環境非常舒服.衛生程度亦都可以.最重要一點食物水準非常之高.我個人認為大家可以一試 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)