Exit C, Tsuen Wan MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (8)
This local steakhouse brand is founded in 1963 and offers dishes with reasonable prices. It mainly serves steak with different parts of beef and also provides Western-style dishes. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay WeChat Pay OpenRice Pay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Accessible Environment Details
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (35)
 以前,"鋸扒"好像是很珍貴的東西。要家長獎勵才可以吃到的食物。我亦都是在這種童年成長,一年都未必會吃到一次"鋸扒"。所以到這種傳統扒房種是有一份喜悅與期待。人大了反而刻意不去扒房,怕破壞心目中的童年味道。花園餐廳就是經常停留在"想去"的層次。今天心血來潮想與小絲一起去懷念一番。現在的扒房好像沒有了過往的氣氛。以前是全個場都是漆黑黑,入到店舖就很有儀式感,就是有一份期待。入到來都是吃牛扒,很快就選了蝴蝶型肉眼牛扒,小絲點了她最愛的鐡板羊仔扒。店內大部份都是4卡位,所以我們坐得很舒適。湯與餐包是樓面的職員處理,所以很快就到,餐包是微波爐加熱已經不是甚麼秘密,所以這個用來加熱的微波爐直接放在可以給客人見到的地方。所以那個餐包都沒有甚麼期望,湯都是正常水準。蝴蝶型肉眼牛扒($139)蝴蝶型即是將厚厚的牛扒打橫畫一刀到末端不切開。那就成了蝴蝶型。其實食牛的,還是一整塊厚厚的比較好,生熟程度易控制。這個蝴蝶型太薄,很易變得太熟。牛扒都是一貫扒房的風格,就是用"適量"鬆肉粉醃製。牛扒已經沒有太多牛味,再加上要去除鬆肉粉的味,牛扒連醬汁吃是必需的。幸好份量都非常巨大,牛扒下邊還有些薯條,不用加意粉都很飽。小絲的鐡板羊仔扒就沒有試,見小絲沒留半點肉就知應該不太差。這餐連凍飲+10%服務費大約$360,是有點貴,不過來滿足童年的不想吃到食物仍值得的。阿偉評價:CP值低,味道普通,只為童年懷念一番。5.5/10 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
On 30th November 2023, my classmates and I went to Sweetheart Garden Restaurant.  First, I ordered the chicken wings with salad. My classmates ordered fried fish with fries. The tea set was twenty nine dollars and fifty cents for half a portion. The food was wonderful because the chicken wings was crispy. I think the decoration was good because it was neat and tidy. The waiter and waitress served nicely because they were fast.   My chicken wings with salad and the coke was sent 10 minutes after I ordered. My classmates just waited 5 minutes for the fried with fries.   I will go to Sweetheart Garden Restaurant again because the food was so yummy! I enjoy eating in Sweetheart Garden Restaurant very much. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-01-15
On 30th November, my classmates and I went to Sweetheart Garden Restaurant.First , I ordered the fried fish with fries. My friend, Kimi ordered the chicken wings with salad. It was better than the French toast. The fried fish with fries was the best because it was crispy. The fried fish with fries was twenty-nine dollars and fifty cents for half a portion.The decoration was good in Sweetheart Garden Restaurant. It was beautiful because there was some Christmasdecoration. The waiter and the waitress were nice and friendly. I have waited 5 minutes and my friend has waited 10 minutes for the food.  I will go to Sweetheart Garden Restaurant again because the price was reasonable and the manager was funny, so I will go there again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-05
花園餐廳主打扒餐,當然要試吓!有點驚喜!鐵板牛仔柳,五成熟肉質軟嫩咇汁,特餐只需 $79 比起其他餐廳想食鐵板牛柳,起碼都要百幾二百蚊落樓啦!這個價錢抵食,仲有餐包,餐湯同飲品,真係超值 👍🏻蜜糖芥末德國豬手真心有驚喜,豬手肉質鬆化,蜜糖芥末味香,配埋意粉或薯菜食,有助減膩,不錯! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
其實本身都對呢間野冇乜意見, 但真係頂唔順.1. 落order之後冇比單呢個都唔緊要, 咁咪自己行出去比錢講返枱號嚕. 但係呢D基本野唔知點解會冇嘅? 以前食果陣每次都有單, 係咪愈做愈懶?2. 好多staff都係唔出聲通常多人食飯上菜嘅時候都會問聲份餐點係邊位, 然後放上果位客人面前. 老實講你唔問就咁放低我都可以接受, 但係我唔明點解會有staff拎住份餐點企定定係度都唔出句聲問下嚕3. 好大嚿鹽啊!連續食兩次下午茶都有成隻牙咁大粒鹽, 上次食炒飯, 今次同人食炒牛河都有送大嚿鹽比我, 好後悔冇影到相. 唔通衣家炒粉麵係落岩鹽?4. 自助式淋汁個staff上完鐵板然後粒聲唔出就走左, 亦唔見佢有同佢D同事講, 係咪真係咁趕客? 等左幾分鐘又見唔到staff係場, 塊扒都就黎乾啦. 唯有自己去拎汁嚕. 唉, 真係比錢買氣受唔怪得衣家d人話係香港食野係交智商稅, 我自問食左幾年真係幫唔落啊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)