2730 8027
Spasso Italian Bar & Restaurant located at the top floor of the Harbour City, occupy 7600 square feet. The restaurant divided into 3 areas including bar, main indoor restaurant and terrace,also there are four private dinning rooms.Bar-based glass freezer demonstrate daily fresh seafood.The main indoor restaurant provide open kitchen for customers to watch the production process of pizza.Restaurant also provide traditional Italian food, including pizza, home-made spaghetti,rome bake package and seafood. continue reading
Good For
Romantic Dining
Special Occasion Dining
Additional Information
Restaurant provides cakes.
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Verdure stratiform cake and Sugar Puff with lemon wine and raspberry Warm chocolate cake with chocolate sauce and italian coffee ice cream blue mussels with garlic white wine sauce talian frozen meat with Pickled mustard-green
Review (131)
Level2 2013-05-19
上星期六訂左台慶祝朋友生日。7 點去到人唔算多,訂了室外,好多人係度影鴨。叫左個 black mussels 同 Italian beef steak tomato salad 做頭盤。青口好好,煮得一D都唔老,個汁辣辣地,好味到不得了,不過份量比較少。沙津只係用簡單的橄欖油同海鹽調味,配上的蕃茄又大又好清甜,新鮮菜唔使加大量調味都好食。再要個 sea urchin risotto 同 parma ham pizza 。個海膽意大利飯就一般,中間放左一小塊海膽,配上一個橙汁做底又唔係好好夾,仲成$300,有D貴喇。不過好在 pizza 幾好,上面有大量火腿,一D都唔小家,餅底算厚,但又幾香脆。叫左一支白酒同個甜品。堆單兩個人 $1,300。有點偏貴。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2013-04-07
Spasso 一向是我最喜歡的意大利菜餐廳其中之一,因為它的菜式有心思,材料質素高,有時尚裝潢,又坐得舒適。可是期望愈大,失望愈大,這次的確有質素下降的感覺。食物餐前的麵包,冷冰冰的,因為已預先做好放在藍裡,沒有翻熱。麵包種類算多,脆條夠脆,陳醋和欖油味道一般。令人驚喜的龍蝦湯:色澤橙紅,看到有紅色的沉澱物,應該是用真材實料的龍蝦肉和殼熬出來的。一喝之下,味道鮮詌無比,很有深度,絕非一般餐廳所能做到。但用一個玻璃樽盛著,總是覺得有點怪怪的。四種芝士的味道爭妍鬥麗,各具特色,焗出來的 pizza 充滿了芝士香,非常美味。pizza 的餅底只是一般,偏厚而不夠脆。Seafood Linguine with langoustine tails, king prawn, mussels, clams and "calamaretti" on a rich tomato sauce - 這是一度令人失望的菜色,因為對於高級餐廳的海鮮料理總是有很高的期望。首先,海鮮的味道偏淡,正當我們在猜想是否因為用來煲過海鮮湯後才上碟,才發現 linquine 用的是番茄汁,而不是海鮮湯 。大蝦的味道尚算鮮美,但頭大身細,肉並不多。Linguine 做到 Al Dente 的口感,很滿意。餐牌裡明明寫著 "rich tomato sauce", 可惜一點也不 rich, 只有淡淡的番茄味,很失望。環境環境十分舒適,有時尚西式裝潢,給人溫暖的感覺。有室內和室外的座位,天氣冷時室外還會開著暖爐,貫徹歐洲餐廳的特色。服務十分一般。首先打電話 book 位 book 了 7pm,侍應說我們只能坐到 8pm。但到了 8pm 餐廳也只有一半滿,我們也當然繼續坐著,沒有人趕我們離開。另外,餐廳大而侍應好像不太夠,有時叫了很久也沒有人服侍我們,侍應態度麻麻。總括來說,雖然服務態度一般,但食物還算是美味。本來想叫 off-menu 的 truffle risotto,但可惜沒有貨,下次一定要一試,我是會再來惠顧的。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2013-03-13
hm..nice place with nice atmosphere. Especially Valentine's Day where there was a photographer who captures your photos and send you by email which I rejected. Just didn't want photos to be leaked / posted out.Straight to the point.Ordered Tuna Loin, Wagyu Beef and a Pizza.1) Tuna tasted fresh and juicy. Its outer layer is slightly seared which gives that bit of texture that it's cooked. Lemon juice were squeezed to go with the loin which makes it tastier and fresher.. Not bad not bad2) Wagyu Beef - was a slow cooked beef and it actually didn't taste like beef at all. The beef actaully tasted very strange BUT maybe it wasn't my cup of tea. Not much comment on this dish.3) Vegetarian Pizza: Pizza was very filling which my girlfriend and I coundn't finish them all. It was huge and texture was brilliant The cheese has a strong taste of milk in it.Not much comment regarding this restaurant. Overall, OK continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-03-08
看見個標題便知道我要寫的是什麼了約左朋友食生日飯,預早BOOK定位,而且準時到,服務員帶好位後就走了我足足坐左差不多15分鐘,都有一個服務員識得倒杯水比,這樣還算有服務可言嗎?朋友到齊後我地點菜了,我地原本想點住D小食同前菜食住先,點知點完小食同前菜簡直想即走呀D野差到我唔想影相呀先講下我地叫左D咩先※GREEN SALAD~~~好難會有問題的※凱撒沙律~~~也沒有問題※蕃茄長通粉~~~個蕃茄汁都可以的,但個通粉係未熟架!記住並唔係意大利口味的,係真係未熟呀※兩個PIZZA~~~個人覺得簡直不值一題呀,一間意大利餐廳做出來的PIZZA,個PIZZA底好似厚批咁厚呀!何為意大利PIZZA呢?※白酒煮青口~~~D青口簡宜尤如BB SIZE呀!究竟係本身係咁細仔定係煮得太耐而咁細仔呢?※蜆肉意大利粉~~~一上枱便聞到有嗅味的,蜆是變壞了的因為聞到一陣嗅味,便叫經理取走它啦,經理的反應簡直係不知所謂的,她說幫我們換過第二碟,但我們見咁樣真係冇膽量再繼續再食其他的,便要求CANCEL,個經理竟然提出送番D咖啡、茶作為補償,我們沒有接受,而且即時埋單轉場再食過啦!老實說這間餐並唔係一般廉價的茶餐廳或者PIZZA店,這樣的服務態度與食物質素真係要不得囉!如果唔改善我諗都不會生存多久吧! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2013-02-28
人越大越難遇到知心的朋友,一年一度的生日當然是朋友們珍而重之的聚會日,友人為壽星特意挑選佢喜愛的戶外環境用餐,十分寬闊的夜景盡收眼底,菜還未上但靈魂已餵飽了點了壽星喜愛的菜式,由於係友人點ge,名就恕不能盡錄....大家用餐都十分愉快,食物也算不過不失,但此時pasta出現了,賣相不甚吸引之餘一進口極鹹!!!友人們要灌幾啖水先衝走滿腔咸味..幸好接下來的risotto平衡番個味蕾...最後我地番車度用左跑馬地Wasakuraya‘’Premium''當生日蛋糕比壽星吹蠟燭許願,完整了一個美妙的晚上,希望壽星也快樂渡過了第26個的生日 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)