Salary negotiable
18 days ago
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Exit A3 , Sha Tin MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (6)
Simplylife Bakery Cafe is a chain in Hong Kong that serves fresh handmade European style breads, pasteries and savory food. They are famous for the quick service and relaxing atmosphere. Guests often visit this restaurant before work or during lunch for a quick bite. continue reading
Opening Hours
07:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
07:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus AE UnionPay
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Accessible Environment Details
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (369)
Level4 2024-07-19
It was acceptable to wait ~10mins during a hassle lunchtime. Staff were efficient and polite even under the crowded pressure. Restaurant was spacious and packed. Menu gives variety options, both light or heavy options. We asked for the grilled fish and an egg florentine. Soup of the day was carrot soup. Hint of sweetness with a drizzle of cream for richness. It was served with a huge slice of baguette. Crunchy crust with soft crumb. Perfect to serve with soup. Grilled fish was crispy on the skin. Cooked just right. Even it was sit in the pond of sauce, it was neither too rich and nor heavy. It was on an oily side, but acceptable. Nice to have some grilled side vegetables. Potato was perfect and that was extremely filling. Egg florentine was alright. I asked to omit the hollandaise sauce expecting the runny yolk do their work. One poached egg was slight overcooked without a runny egg yolk. Anyway, it was surprisingly filling, maybe because of the big slice of baguette served with the soup and quinoa topped. Sad to have two slices of spinach topped. Anyway, not bad. Fruit tea was pretty sweet even asked for less and no syrup. Overall, not bad. Just need to expect there's always a queue. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-05-29
已經好耐冇去,因為覺得水準差咗,今日再去試試。食物水準難得維持一樣……,結帳嘅時候,來了位女侍應,掃yuu,,掃point dollar,最後本人手指揩咗Alipay嘅海外,即時sorry及更正再付款時,她說沒有扣point dollar,但頁面寫明已扣,女侍應乜都無講就走開。換來另一位男士(估計是經理),本人表明point dollar 作罷,會付全數,經理核實後,表示需由商場公司操作,便留下資料,言談有禮及做法合理。作為消費者,唔期望你有高水準嘅服務,中午食飯,人人爽快,唔係趕(客)快。本人覺得作為一個人,睇錯咗,起碼都講句sorry ,唔係粒聲都唔出就行開。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-08
同事请食tea,拣咗呢间嘅蛋糕。个样都好靓,价格介于30-40。 我拣咗草莓挞,上面有好多新鲜嘅草莓,酸甜多汁,淋咗一层糖浆封顶,有少少甜。饼底松软,黄油味好香,中间有少少cream。总体嚟讲非常不错。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-04-16
因為朋友要早上找個地方傾下野,去到新城市廣場好多鋪頭都未開門營業,焗住要去呢間啦野坐啦。但真係把鬼火,食物已經不是便宜,仲要入到去無人招呼的,大家都是美心集團,不如直接去快餐自己招呼自己,杯啡都唔好飲,真係明白香港飲食就是給呢d垃圾集團搞到變晒低檔東西。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
這幾個月有好幾個小BB👶👶出世,今日放假專程去沙田買BB禮物。行完一輪,到新城市地下搵野食醫肚。衆多食店,老公還是喜歡西餐,所以就去SIMPLY LIFE 食晚餐。晚餐都有好多選擇,我地點了燒安格斯牛扒啡菇蕃茄和煙肉芝士意粉,另外加錢 升級 要了飲品、湯和沙律。餐湯是🍅蕃茄忌廉湯,湯上枱熱,清新蕃茄味,完全不膩,好渴。是日沙律,橙蘋果沙律,十分新鮮,橙好甜👍開胃🥰正餐前麵包3份配檸檬汁牛油,外脆外軟,超好味,必食❤️芝士煙肉意粉,上枱一股香噴噴芝士味,意粉夠熱,煙肉好香,芝士味易入口,好滋味👍🩷燒安格斯牛扒,點了7成熟,份量夠大塊,牛味適中,口感仍然嫩滑,配有芥末和茄汁,真不錯👍❤️啡菇🍄‍🟫和蕃茄都燒到好香,薯條爽脆,好吃。今日是週末,餐廳客人多,侍應都好好服務、好有禮貌,唔會叫到傻都唔理你👍,而且餐廳可以入YUU 積分,又可以用Cash Dollars, 整體都好方便。有好質素 ,自然有客幫襯👍❤️經濟不景,香港人幫香港經濟🩷❤️經濟好香港好🟠香港人更好🔴 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)