Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
06:30 - 20:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (56)
食口福A local old school fast food restaurant hidden among the residential area in Kwai Chung with long serving the neighbourhood for 50 year. You can surely find what you want from their extensive menu and experience local HK culture back in 1980s!Tried the best HK style afternoon tea set: deep fried chicken leg + red bean fleecy! This combo can’t go wrong. Very generous piece with reasonable price $53. Their signature chicken leg is freshly fried, flavourful and tasted pretty good! The crinkle fries is hot pillowy and well seasoned, reminds me of my childhood memory. This restaurant has been a hit lately as they will be closed on Jan 18 #光榮結業 so not a surprise to see a long queue outside. Sadly the raw food culture has become more scarce. ..#agnesfoodie_chakee #agnesfoodie_kwaichung .....📍食口福 Sik Hau Fook (Kwai Chung)G/F, 58 Wo Yi Hop Road, Kwai Chung.....#食口福 #食口福快餐店 #炸脾紅豆冰 #炸雞髀薯條 #港式快餐店 #港式下午茶 #葵涌美食 #石籬 #hkfoodie #hkfood #hkfoodblog #hkfoodlover #hkfoodpic #traditionalhkfood #hkteatime #kwaichungfood continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-12-26
睇到網上面話食口福就嚟執笠(T ^ T)非常感嘆😩好似香港嘅懷舊嘢越嚟越少😔今次食咗炸雞脾加薯條加紅豆冰$57炸雞脾個皮好香脆雞肉好嫩滑非常多汁!好可惜1月19號就會執笠😢香港嘅懷舊餐廳,又會少咗一間 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
早幾日係網上睇到有推介餐廳位置非常之近公司所以喺下一個工作日中午嘅時間就一定嚟試一試 《食口福》餐廳除左 門面同內部設計都非常懷舊而且落單方式都係食客係門口落單後 有一張手寫飛食客自行交到廚房 後等出餐係十分懷舊的運作流程黎今次為主要係食炸雞髀首先炸雞髀非常大隻而且厚肉估計都係先整熟一部份收到訂單是再炸香外皮雞髀外皮香脆 內裡雞肉嬌嫩即使好好好厚肉但最深入的肉 依然嫩滑沒有overcook 雞髀上碟用最簡單嘅淮鹽調味已經好出色!另外再落咗一個肉絲炒麵因為我好鍾意呢種脆脆嘅炒麵見一個要食一個雙層肉絲銀牙係正常發揮麵底炸得非常之脆餐廳好細心知道炸麵炸完之後會成舊捆綁埋一舊特登用鉸剪喺中間剪咗幾刀夾起嘅時候容易分散容易夾非常好👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-10-30
讚1.通常懷舊快餐店都係伏多,但呢間又出乎意料地唔錯,雞髀皮脆肉滑,有少少椒鹽香,茄汁唔係好假果種,係真係有好多番茄同洋葱係入面,飯底都煮得唔錯,乾爽,整體都有水準2.環境以同類快餐店黎講,係keep得超級好,我無係第二間見過有假花做裝飾,同埋超乾淨3.服務好熱誠,姐姐唔會只理熟客,同埋會叫老人家小心風口位彈1.凍奶茶就真係有啲淡身 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
細個長沙灣住就食開食口福,不過好可惜個間執左,今日專登去葵涌唯一既食口福去食個早餐,叫左個特別餐炸魚柳腸蛋。炸魚柳係即炸既,都好香口同夠魚肉。價錢都合理,31蚊。除左茄汁炸豬扒飯外,魚柳同埋炸雞髀都值得推介過黎食。唯一既不足只係地方唔太就腳。希望小店能夠經營落去! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)