Restaurant: Shanghai Lane (Gough Street)

To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.

For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign

5-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (3)
Shanghai Lane is Shanghai restaurant in SOHO District. Interior is Shanghai old school style. Star dishes include Dumpling, Sweet and Sour soup, Drunken chicken and Vegetable rice. continue reading
Additional Information
Meatless Menu Details: Wide selection of vegetarian dishes available daily.
Opening Hours
11:00 - 21:45
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:45
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (330)
星期日睇戲之前嚟咗呢一間喺中環一直都好受歡迎嘅上海菜食個午餐。餐廳位於鬧中取靜嘅歌賦街,兩點幾嚟到舖頭都幾多人。.餐廳裝潢古色古香有少少舊上海嘅風味。睇過餐牌之後,order咗醉雞擔擔麵、蒜香排骨菜飯、小棠菜餛飩,兩個女仔食份量啱啱好。.🐥醉雞擔擔麵:雞皮同雞肉之間有一層上湯啫喱,酒醉香氣有滲透到雞肉嘅肌里之中,好入味,表面有少許桂花花瓣,令到酒香味更加獨特。擔擔面湯底嘅花生味好濃郁,質感稠身,上面仲有大量嘅肉碎同埋花生粒,麵質🍜彈牙有致。.🥬蒜香排骨菜飯:大大塊嘅排骨炸得酥脆唔油膩,而且有切件上,幾方便食,上面有大量炸蒜,令到成件事更香口。菜飯調味適中,唔會太鹹,淡淡嘅菜香味,加埋微微油潤嘅飯粒,有少少台式嘅感覺,又帶點上海風味,幾高質。.小棠菜餛飩就飽滿大粒,外皮幾滑溜,而且有少少彈性,餡料係多菜肉少嘅比例,好似媽媽做的家庭式健康餛飩,口感爽脆,個人好中意。~~~上海弄堂菜肉餛飩 (歌賦街) (中環)中環歌賦街35-37號地舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
當日有時要黎到上環,Openrice一下睇下有咩好食,就發現到呢間餐廳都好似幾多好評,所以就黎試下啦!我地去到咁岩過晒食飯時間,唔需要排隊。黎到發現有Lunch menu!! 本身想黎食菜飯既我就變左心想試下個上海粗炒!上到枱熱辣辣!!仲超香!!個麵炒得好好食!唔會有好粉既感覺!不過個肉片就醃得咸左少少,可能係正宗上海菜既味道? 不過整體黎講都好好食!我地仲叫左個嫰雞煨麵!呢個對比起粗炒黎講,就清淡好多!如果下次黎,就應該會試下其他野XD。個LUNCH SET仲包杯飲品,可惜豆漿賣晒 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-01
今日來到歌賦街找朋友,午飯時間就走到「上海弄堂菜肉餛飩」嚐上海菜。  推門入內,店員即殷勤的安排座位及奉上熱茶,服務態度不錯。朋友在翻看菜牌,我就以手機掃描二維碼看看吃什麼。手機下單便捷,圖文並茂,還可按個人喜好選擇烹製規格,例如少油、少鹽,下單非常方便。前菜 - 花椒八角炒花生花生非常入味,又香又脆。✨ 燻魚醬香的燻魚,啖啖都是甜香的味道。肉質鬆軟不乾,美味。✨ 上海炒粗麵豬肉片份量多,肉質軟腍。粗麵口感煙韌,濃油赤醬,炒起來透出豉油香氣。色香味全的一道上海炒粗麵。✨ 小籠包肉餡肉質味道鮮美,新鮮多汁。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-26
呢間餐廳主打上海菜餛飩係招牌菜式深受附近上班族 同 街坊歡迎好多嚟幫襯都係熟客仔午市套餐都好抵食打開Menu款式選擇更多齊集不同主菜.前菜.甜品✨薺菜餛飩好多人都會專登嚟食呢度嘅餛飩手工包製.餡料主要選用絞碎豬肉加入切碎嘅薺菜每碗8隻.粒粒都巨大飽滿.好足料湯底清甜唔油膩✨酸辣湯酸辣度控制得好好加入豬肉.冬菇.乾雲耳.竹筍.豆腐 同 雞蛋絲口感同味覺 同樣豐富✨凍豆漿好耐無飲咁重豆味嘅豆漿味道唔會太甜香滑健康之選 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
每日食飯時間到諗一諗食乜好, 打開Openrice見到呢間賣相相當吸引, 離中環中心圈喺有D遠, 即管試一次啦! 唔行過去唔知, 原來歌賦街真喺好多食店㗎.12點08分去到餐廳, 眼見都有大半坐滿人喇. 有一部份因素應該喺中環無乜上海菜有關!! 諗好食乜就外賣番公司食.花雕醉雞配菜飯醉雞($59.5)雞件細細件好精緻,分別有雞胸肉同雞翼,份量剛好。黃澄澄的雞皮顯得油亮肥美,有着綿胎一樣的厚肉,不難看出用雞油泡浸了一段長時間,然而肉質嫰滑彈牙,胸肉的部分同樣幼滑,不帶絲亳渣滓,好驚喜。一口咬下去,雞肉能吃出雞油香味, 但花雕酒味略淡,雞肉亦略重鹹味, 配合一碗湯麵應該更好。菜飯跟餐的菜飯的軟硬適中, 一眼望落去就知唔簡單啦,而且炒得很香,軟糯而不會過油,如果加埋姜落去炒就可以拎滿分,呢個菜飯可以講得上喺香港絕無緊有嘅質素, 必定要試!桂花酒釀丸子翻開蓋淡淡的桂花香瞬間爆出嚟,軟糯香甜,簡單一個甜品,好吃到停不下,可以一試!沒想到中環上山的街角, 食物水準尚算高,外賣平台減價戰絕對不容錯過啊! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)