Opening Hours
07:30 - 19:30
Mon - Tue
07:30 - 19:30
Thu - Sat
07:30 - 19:30
07:30 - 20:00
Payment Methods
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (303)
冇嚟松記食車仔麵冇八年都有七年,咁啱入嚟西貢心郁郁就走去食!叫咗個盛惠$75嘅百寶車仔麵,再加咗個$38嘅咖喱魷魚,以為執到寶!點知咖喱同魷魚之間好陌生,佢哋溝通唔到,咖喱黐唔到上魷魚,食落咖喱醬還咖喱醬,魷魚掛唔到汁,完全冇味!唔緊要,我仲有碗八寶車仔麵頂住,成碗嘢顏色豐富,滷水湯充滿八角嘅味道,甚至乎有個阿叔行過都聞到,仲話呢檔嘢啲牛腩好香好好味!等我仲鬼死咁開心,滿懷歡喜食落去,點知啲食物淨係有顏色,冇味道!咖喱魚蛋除咗顏色之外,冇咖喱味冇魚味,滷水雞翼滷得好靚,但係食落去淡如水!紅腸豬皮,正常交易未能扭轉劣勢…我以前真係好鍾意食呢間嘢,打死都冇諗過會落到今日咁嘅田地,比貴啲錢食一碗車仔麵,只要好食係唔會有問題,但係今日喺松記食嘅呢碗完全令我覺得成名係會令到質素降低,好希望下次我再入西貢,見返松記你,你會俾到我以前同你邂逅嘅感覺!加油! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-02-20
西貢美食街其中一間餐廳西貢松記車仔麵~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~呢間餐廳次次經過都見有人食。喺西貢都算出名嘅有一日同家人入呢條街就入去試下味道👅餐廳裝修同出茶餐廳差唔多坐落去都算舒服~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~車仔麵口感算ok 啖湯顏色深但飲落口冇乜味道都比較淡豬腸咬落有少少韌,但係處理手法都算妥妥當當同埋都好夠味豬手軟硬剛剛好但係味道都係偏淡dd 如果調味再多少少,會惹味好多 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-12-31
一轉角,發現松記門外熙熙攘攘,我就知道我選對了!店內空間比我想像中大,好有港式小食店嘅feel😌。餐牌上嘅選擇多到令人眼花撩亂,猶豫再三,我揀了牛筋腩麵加金錢肚,輕輕撥開湯面,啲牛筋腩富有彈性又唔會太硬,每一啖都滿是滋味😋。至於金錢肚,就算擺喺湯底下咁耐,都仲保持住佢嗰份鬆化嘅彈牙感覺,真係一流👍。蘿蔔煮得啱啱好,吸滿咗湯汁之精華,軟綿又不失蘿蔔嗰種自然甘甜;而啲車仔麵,小小嘅煙靭,係口感上實在太贏晒!😍 湯底醇厚得黎又唔會過於油膩,湯飲落去就熱辣辣,好暖笠笠嘅心窩。然後呢,當然少不了下午茶嘅傳統拍檔—奶茶🥤。啱啱好甜度,不過有少少太多冰塊,不過係大熱天飲,都算爽口。行過西貢,唔試下松記車仔麵真係會後悔㗎!就係咁準備好比松記浸一浸味蕾嘅hideaway之旅啦!🎉 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-11-30
今天與男朋友去西貢,打算揾好野食,我們去了這間被人稱西貢必食的車仔麵檔,剛巧有電視節目主持人來拍攝,也介紹這間是西貢出名。我們各自叫了三餸(最少三餸)。我叫了米缐,男友要粗麵。麵的份量很少,湯不熱,顏色深但味道淡,好似咖喱溝水。魷魚完全無味,豬皮也淡,但價錢貴,完全不值這個價錢。其他餸的份量也很小。比起其他車仔麵檔,這間被人稱西貢最出名的車仔麵檔,簡直令人失望,不知道為何可以出名,不會再去第二次。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-08-24
Passing by seeing this noodle place in a pretty big shop location, my family once saw their menu served beef entrails already decided to enter. Restaurant was pretty bright and spacious. Staff allowed us to seat freely but once we sat, she asked us to move to the center part of the restaurant instead of corner seats. Menu was already placed on the table, serving variety toppings for noodle.We ordered three bowls of noodle and two drinks. I will only talk about my food which we didn't shared. Mine was vermicelli topped with seaweed, beef tripe and black fungus. Noodle came in a pretty dark colour. Broth was very thick, similar to braised sauce. Vermicelli was in a small portion. Cooked fine but as it absorbed the broth. It tasted incredibly salty. Beef tripe was tender. As it absorbed all the sauce and the broth was kind of mixing by their sauce, it was extremely salty that it tasted slight bitter. On a positive side, they gave thick big beef tripe with generous amount. Black fungus was cut in big slices. Again tough and big pieces. Since seaweed absorbed all broth, of course all I could taste was saltiness. Whole bowl of noodle was all about saltiness. Not much other flavour. Sadly even after I finished, I still felt hungry that I needed another stop for food. My family couldn't finish theirs too. Didn't comment much but we all went for another place to fill up our tummy. There won't be a next time. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)