Exit D1, Nam Cheong MTR Station/ Exit C1, Sham Shui Po MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
11:30 - 21:00
Sat - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Octopus WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Phone Reservation
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (51)
Level3 2016-10-23
早前知道西龍飯糰將於今個月結業一直抽不到時間到這裡吃最後一餐本來以為10月21日是最後一天後來延至23日好在趕得切吃最後一餐現在街外吃飯,很多都是多油多鹽很少有飯糰這類較健康的食物選擇我今年才知道西九龍中心有這間店可惜這麼快就要結業今次點了絕代雙色飯(紫米飯+五殼米飯)還雙加大飯糰(+$6)因之前吃過加大飯糰都不太夠吃而且包不住6種材料,材料太多要漏出來...海苔肉鬆基本上是必選這次還選了三杯雞肉片芝士牛蒡絲小麥胚芽雙加大飯糰份量很夠,吃了很久雞肉片不太軟不太硬芝士味道加飯一起感覺好牛蒡絲,不是很爽小麥胚芽,小麥碎口感還加了蘋果醋但酸了一點,有點灼咽喉今年才吃了三四次,就要結業,真的不捨得 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-10-19
A while back I got some serious food poisoning but there was no virus according to tests.Anyway, for weeks I kept shxtting out whatever I ate undigested.It was so bad that I was turning to health foods to see what could fix it.Coincidentally QQ Rice opened then and I made myself eat one everyday and it helped regulate my digestive system and my health improved.(Or it could have been psychological).At that time they had wild lake rice which has been discontinued now.Heard that they will be converting the shop into vending machines so I decided to get it one last time because you can still choose the fillings.My favourite crispy caraway was sold out so  I chose Emperor vegetables, pickled veg, tofu etc as shown on the order form.It was all good except for the chicken because the chicken was not fresh.The reason I prefer to eat vegetarian dishes as it is difficult to get fresh meat!Anyway goodbye for now and I hope to get a riceroll from the vending machine one day.Sadly there is only one I would choose and that is the chili beef. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2016-10-17
網上話qq飯團就黎結業以前開到成行成市 估唔到最後一間都就快結業 有d可惜專登出西九回味下排隊人龍都幾長大概十幾人不過唔算太慢 等左差唔多20分鐘點左六樣料既雙色飯糰飯係紫米同紅米材料揀左肉鬆,紫菜,三杯雞,皇帝菜,豬扒同粟米唔知係咪太多客既關係包得有d隨意 紫菜跌左d係飯外面唔太美觀所以冇影到相味道同以前番學食一樣--清淡主打健康既qq飯糰賣點就係唔多加調味反而係我鍾意既一點可以食到原始材料既味推介係皇帝菜 有口感同埋甜甜地 好有咬口三杯雞都唔錯 雞肉算滑 調味唔會太重手 同真正台灣三杯雞果種濃味有分別材料份量多 每一口都食到唔同餡料廿幾蚊咁多個餸咁多年冇點加價 執左都唔知再去邊度搵番 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2016-10-13
最近見到ig/fb post左話呢間飯團做多陣就唔做嚕今日咁啱又有時間所以就同朋友返學之前一齊去試下啦😆呢間飯團係係西九龍中心既佢唔係一間鋪反而係係一個conner位雖然唔係鋪但佢都有1個由木箱砌成既台仔同埋幾張長凳比人買完之後熱辣辣可以坐低慢慢食😋咁我同朋友就一人嗌左1個飯團同埋低糖黑豆漿飲啦~一睇到個meun我係嚇親既 因為超 級 無 敵 平!!!😱一個飯團可以自己揀餸同埋飯既 而1個飯團可以揀6款餸加$8就有野飲 我地就揀左黑豆漿😋健康d嘛~而飯團方面我就揀左糙米配粟米+肉鬆+烤豬頸肉+冬菇+芝士我冇揀曬6餸但都好夠飽😳可能因為舊飯好大啦所有配料都係熱辣辣既好好味但係個芝士反而有d失色 因為食唔出有芝士味😅係一片片芝士既味囉 飯團入面d料都唔會話好少 而黑豆漿唔會話好甜配埋個飯團食就啱啱好啦 因為淨係食個飯團可能會有d乾~如果你唔想自己mix配料佢都提供左d健康之選既配搭比你揀好貼心 總之呢個價錢極之親民 好啱學生食👍🏻👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-10-08
明明我係唔鍾意食五穀米紅米糙米既人,但中學既時候唔知點解好鍾意食呢間健康飯糰😂😂點知前2日上網見到原來最後一間分店都就快執😭😭五穀米飯糰($21.8 自選六款配料),本身想食紫米,點知太多人同我一樣知佢就執走黎懷愐下,所以有幾款都賣晒😟我揀左肉鬆、鹵蛋、肉燥、三杯雞、皇帝菜同冬菇絲,味道仲同以前一樣冇變,飯糰大大個,足料飽肚又健康,以後都冇得食喇,又少左個回憶既味道😭‼️溫馨提示,問左店員話做到10月21日,想食就要呢2個星期去喇😟另外今日去都比較多人,等左45分鐘先拎到飯糰,大家要比d耐性🙈 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)