
4-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
Opening Hours
11:45 - 20:30
Mon - Fri
11:45 - 20:30
12:00 - 17:00
Public Holiday
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay WeChat Pay OpenRice Pay
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
DIY Your Poke Bowl!
Located on Jervois Street in Sheung Wan(near the Civic Centre). Healthy Hawaiian Poke Bowl offers a variety of high-protein food options, perfect for those who prioritize healthy eating and fitness. With white and wooden dining tables and chairs as the design focal point, the fresh decor creates a comfortable atmosphere.

The Signature Bowls not only offer multiple options but also allow for customization according to personal taste, including a choice of rice or greens as the base, protein, mix-ins and home-made sauces. Whether you prefer meat or vegetarian, you can create your unique combination, ensuring a fresh experience even if you visit frequently.

To cater a wider range of customers, Warm Bento Boxes are also available, maintaining the high protein and healthy elements. Paired with Pumpkin Soup or Coconut Soup with Clams, it’s definitely a comforting choice.

Review (378)
最近吃太油膩,想吃原型成物調整一下,於是決定吃Pokebowl, 店舖走Cafe休閒風格,有許多綠色植物,舒適的氛圍Salmon The Classic $118三文魚,牛油果,青瓜,蔥花,檸檬,芝麻 配自製醬油+豆腐配雜錦香菇 $20非常清新的配搭,三文魚份量很多有10多粒,鮮甜有彈性,吃得出新鮮,用麻油調味過很香,其他配料同樣份量足,吃得健康也要吃得飽,才能維持這個習慣Popeye Punch 2.0 $78慢煮雞胸(增量至150g),豆腐,西蘭花,雜錦香菇,芝麻 配日式照燒醬+刺身帶子 $45+香煎雞扒 $20做gym的友人選了蛋白質飯,配搭均衡適中,慢煮雞胸嫩滑,另外加的帶子刺身非常鮮甜,有驚喜IF椰青水 $15原支上的椰青水,同樣含蛋白質之餘不太甜,清新之選已經成為我固定會來的店,食材新鮮份量足 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
最近想食得健康啲即刻諗起上環既Poking 銅鑼灣都有分店💁🏻‍♀️menu上已經有各式各樣配搭好既Poke bowl選擇🥗連卡路里都寫埋上去 真係超級細心🫶🏻就算menu揀唔到都唔緊要 可以揀自由配搭而且天氣凍亦都唔怕 因為佢有warm bowl可以揀🤤好多新意配搭 選擇超多 下層可配壽司飯/壽司飯+沙律菜/糙米飯/糙米飯+沙律菜/蕎麥麵+$3/蕎麥麵+沙律菜+$5/沙律菜+$3/蕎麥粟米沙律+$15🫢我地揀左兩個壽司飯 一個蕎麥麵✔️Thai Good day $98 (390cal)香煎雞扒、鮮蝦、新鮮菠蘿、中華沙律、甘筍絲、花生碎配泰式沙律醬Popeye Punch $78 (310cal)慢煮雞胸、豆腐、西蘭花、雜錦香菇、芝麻配日式照燒醬Tuna The Classic $118 (323cal)吞拿魚、牛油果、青瓜、新鮮芒果、芝麻配自制醬油 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-02-04
過完聖誕又到元旦之後又到農曆新年呢啲日子都係食好多肥膩嘢搞到身體唔健康,所以都要食返啲健康啲嘅食物等自己減少罪惡感,但係食得健康之餘亦都要顧及自己個胃,都要揀啲好食嘅嘢,今次介紹嘅就係位於上環近上環街市嘅poking ▪️ Thai Good Guy:當中配料包括雞扒,鮮蝦,菠蘿同甘筍等等,再配合唔同嘅飯底,而我今次就揀咗壽司飯,鮮蝦咬落仍然爽脆而雞扒鬆軟彈牙,雖然我外賣到返屋企將近1小時,但仍然保持到鮮味,相信下次堂食味道會更鮮甜美味指數:🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟▪️ 芒果希臘乳酪特飲:有好濃嘅芒果味,加上好健康嘅乳酪飲完之後個人覺得身心舒暢,亦都放鬆咗唔少美味指數:🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
.‼️❤️ 記得CLICK我PROFILE關注我呀 ❤️‼️.🥗️ нєαℓтну ѕαℓα∂ вσωℓѕ @ 🌟 Poking 🌟.💁‍♀️ 圖片展示美食為:Creamy Baby HKD 128The Ultra Omega HKD 128.👽 要健康,食沙律絕對係好選擇。呢間沙律專門店餐牌好多選擇,想自由拼又得,揀已經配搭好嘅沙律碗亦得,仲好貼心起冬天提供WARM BOWL,四季都啱食。.🐟 好鍾意「Creamy Baby」,主打三文魚、牛油果,仲有雞蛋絲、豆腐、青瓜、蟹籽、木魚絲、脆炸蒜粒。配超醒神嘅芥末乳酪沙律醬,好清新!.🐔 另一碗就叫左「The Ultra Omega」,啱曬想食暖嘅熟食嘅朋友仔。有兩塊香煎三文魚,西蘭花、牛油果、溫泉蛋、芝麻、紫菜絲。重點係配蕎麥麵,絕對飽肚。再淋上自製醬油,好味。.😚 起呢度食沙律覺得好健康,自由度好大好多選擇,方便過自己起屋企備料呢。.📍 上環蘇杭街121號地舖.‼️❤️ 記得CLICK我PROFILE關注我呀 ❤️‼️.💯 最真實的美食點評 ❤️ 歡迎報料 ❤️.꧁𖠌ꕥ𖠌ꕥ𖠌ꕥ𖠌ꕥ𖠌ꕥ𖠌ꕥ𖠌ꕥ𖠌ꕥ𖠌꧂. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-01-20
有時放工之後唔想食得咁heavy,食Poke就啱晒喇🐟呢間喺上環嘅Poke店有好多款已經配搭好嘅Poke bowl選擇,啱晒有選擇困難症嘅人,亦都可以自由配搭😆I Am Greedy $158呢一款嘅配料好豐富😍有三文魚、吞拿魚、鮮蝦、蟹柳沙律、蟹籽、雞蛋絲、青瓜片、枝豆等等,飯嘅方面可以揀白飯或者糙米飯🍚仲可以揀一半飯一半沙律菜,雖然有咁多款配料,但係每一款配料嘅份量都唔少,夠晒送飯食🥗自選夏威夷蓋飯 $145另外一款就係自選嘅Poke,價錢就根據你揀嘅蛋白質而定,我就揀咗牛腱肉同埋三文魚🐮配料就可以揀三款,我揀咗蟹柳沙律、雞蛋絲同埋雜錦香菇🥬醬汁方面都有好多款選擇,有芥末乳酪醬、蜜糖芥末醬等等,而每一款飯仲可以揀兩款topping,我就揀咗木魚絲同埋日式飯素,所以每個飯都好豐富😎 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)