1-min walk from Exit K, Yuen Long MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (6)
Opening Hours
08:00 - 21:30
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
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Review (67)
I had a quick bite here and decided to try their Pistachio Tart and Mini Cheesecake.The Pistachio Tart was a slight disappointment. The flavors were closer to a normal egg tart with only a hint of pisatchio.  Again I feel like is is more of an expectation of the flavor.The cheesecake was exceptionally good. The cheesecake was not too sweet but still rich at the same time. It had a nice kick of lemony flavor and made this rich dessert refreshing to have. Hope their pistachio dessert can be improved. continue reading
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➲ 元朗Paper Stone Bakery➳ 宇治抹茶麻糬波波 & 朱古力麻糬波波 ⁽¹/¹⁰⁾外皮好硬,同入面分離咗,A4紙質地,朱古力同抹茶味可以話係零,包體唔煙靭。唯一特別之處係有麻糬餡,平均有3小粒牛奶麻糬。⤵ @paperstonebakeryhk元朗朗日路9號形點 I L1樓1022號舖#hkfood #hkrestaurant #hkcafe #cafehk #hk #hkfoodie #hkfoodblogger #hkcoffee #hkcoffeeshop #coffeeinhongkong #cafeholic #foodblog #foodblogger #foodreview #香港美食 #香港食評 #元朗美食 #抹茶 #朱古力 #麻糬 #麻糬波波 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-07-26
Paper stone麵包價錢唔平,但係每一個都好多料,最鍾意食呢度嘅蒜泥包😜相比之下,蛋糕就好抵食,三四蚊一件切餅,上次買咗幾款試都好好食,好有水準👍🏻尤其是係藍莓cheese cake continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
我想同你一齊食…麵包控整麵包都鍾意試唔同嘅麵包🤭一向係Paper stone嘅粉絲,今次佢哋新推出《伯爵茶系》,我當然唔會錯過唷😝🫖英式伯爵茶忌廉果釀盒子方包Wow 滿滿果仁同果乾充滿盒方包上,仲冇多多伯爵茶忌廉醬😍甜甜香香,層次又豐富,好味又滿足🥰🫖英式伯爵茶檸檬燕麥奶貝果 貝果扎實,口感煙韌不得,慢慢咀嚼陣陣伯爵茶香!仲有檸檬嘅清新香氣,很喜歡唷!🫖英式伯爵茶海鹽法包海鹽法包外脆內軟 ,帶點咸香味!不錯🫖英式伯爵茶方包 方包柔軟,伯爵茶濃郁🫖純燕麥奶貝果配英式伯爵茶忌廉芝士 貝果有燕麥奶奶香,簡單可以不簡單🤭配搭伯爵茶忌廉芝士,入口茶香幼滑,呢個時候配上一杯,英式茶就更加正正💕Paper Stone Bakery @paperstonebakeryhk📍 元朗元龍街9號形點一期1樓1022號舖其他分店:📍將軍澳唐賢街9號PopCorn商場1樓F27-28號舖📍葵芳興芳路223號新都會廣場4樓 420號舖📍荃灣楊屋道1號荃新天地地下 G11-12號舖📍屯門屯隆街3號屯門市廣場二期1樓10-11號舖📍馬鞍山鞍祿街18號MOSTown 新港城中心(4期)2樓2E-71號舖 📍九龍紅磡黃埔花園第十一期地下G13 號舖📍上環德輔道中 308號富衛金融中心地下4及5號舖#earlgrey #earlgreybread #伯爵茶 #英式下午茶 #afternoontea #hkfood #hkbread #bagel #貝果 #麵包控 #伯爵茶控 #hkbread #breadlover #方包 #香港麵包關注組 #香港美食 #麵包 #teatime continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-06-17
我一向都好中意去paperstone度買麵包,因為佢啲麵包比較西式又高質,有酸種麵包又有法包,款式又好多。呢排佢新推出左同Twinings crossover既英式伯爵茶系列,有好多麵包款式都用左英式伯爵茶做口味,中意伯爵茶味既就要去試下! 🔸️ 英式伯爵茶忌廉果釀盒子方包 ($19,8.5/10)呢個盒子包外型的骰可愛,方型麵包上仲有英式伯爵茶cream及豐富既莓及果仁。食落方包好煙靭彈牙,配搭埋伯爵茶cream及nuts有多重口感。 🔸️ 英式伯爵茶檸檬燕麥奶貝果 ($23,8.5/10)呢個bagel 大大個好扺食,配搭檸檬味道好清新。佢用燕麥奶就啱哂對牛奶敏感既朋友。貝果有咬口,唔錯。 🔸️ 英式伯爵茶海鹽法包 ($15,8.2/10)我幾中意呢個英式伯爵茶海鹽法包,外脆內軟,本身個包已經有少少伯爵茶味同咸地,唔駛搽其他都好食。 🔸️ 英式伯爵茶方包 ($15,8.2/10)有四塊厚切既方包,個包有淡淡英式伯爵茶味,我覺得最好就攞黎配芝士or肉鬆做topping黎食。 🔸️ 原味英式鬆餅配英式伯爵茶忌廉芝士 ($28,8/10)又係大大件既英式鬆餅好抵食,建議一定要返去焗番熱先黎食。鬆餅咸咸地既牛油味配埋甘甘地既伯爵茶忌廉芝士,其實都幾配。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)