2-min walk from Exit K, Yuen Long MTR Station continue reading
This cafe is designed with an elegant and stylish style which is suitable for couples and friends gathering. It serves Japanese-Western fusion dishes. The ice cream is one of the signature desserts and is used in creating soda drinks. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Accessible Environment Details
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (251)
週末約了好友到元朗Yoho Mall逛街,前一日已上網睇完要去哪間餐廳。選擇了這間「One & A Half」,再預先訂好位,避免等候。Brunch set相當豐富,包括了味噌湯、沙律、前菜、茶碗蒸、主食、白飯、甜品和飲品。茶碗蒸入口滑溜,小小一碗但都有冬菇、鳴門卷在內。前菜選了吉列廣島蠔,有3隻,外層炸至十分脆身。而主食唐揚雞排肉質juicy,配以松露蛋黃醬幾香口。甜品方面就點了一個迷你什莓醬雪糕新地,雪糕質感柔滑,牛奶味突出。覺得這個甜品蠻特別的!外層是以雪糕包裹着,切開就是tiramisu蛋糕。伴有玉米脆片、爆炸糖,隨著入口後的爆炸口感,終於明白為何命名為炸彈蛋糕了。Tiramisu偏重酒味,中間還夾雜了咖啡凍。另外蛋糕旁還配有幾塊蕨餅。Brunch set配了一杯熱鮮奶咖啡,拉花不錯,入口充滿奶香味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-09-08
趁暑假仲得閒,約咗朋友同佢個b女去high tea,b女好乖,全程食嘢都訓左覺,無吵到餐廳入面其他人,我地可以安心嘆返個tea。呢個high tea set有4款咸食,7款甜食,甜品比較多,咸既比較日式。呢個係黑松露野菌芝士酥盒,有一片黑松露系頂,仲有啲芝士,酥盒入面有啲忌廉嘅餡。炸忌廉蟹肉薯餅都好食,入面啲忌廉餡幾滑。呢個係牛油果醬煙三文魚牛角酥,用咗牛角包壓成窩夫模樣,微微脆。食完咸就食甜!甜品最吸引我嘅係雪糕,個眼神好盞鬼,比利時朱古力味都幾濃,不過太細支,一啖就無左!呢個係芒果忌廉泡芙,芒果肉幾甜,入面係吉士醬。2杯都叫咗冰果茶,甜甜地,有啲似水蜜桃味。連埋加一$300有找,元朗比較少呢種3層既下午茶Set,而且要就返朋友帶住個b女,所以我地至在有個舒服又近既地方傾下計聚下。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-07
放假同媽媽去YOHO high tea,見到呢間有三層下午茶食,知道媽媽好鍾意呢類型既下午茶,所以就入去食啦!High Tea Set $258免費跟2杯冰果茶/熱玄米茶,其他飲品需要額外收費。Tea set食物種類都幾豐富,媽媽一見到就心心眼,仲話應該都可以食得飽。上層:比利時朱古力迷你筒開心果忌廉牛油蛋糕芒果忌廉泡芙檸檬芝士餅中層:提子鬆餅什莓拿破崙卷芒果椰汁奇亞籽冰粉底層:牛油果醬煙三文魚牛角酥炙燒黑白芝麻吞拿魚玉子串黑松露鴨菌芝士酥盒忌廉蟹肉薯餅整體覺得咸點好食過甜品,不過價錢比起酒店級數平一半,呢個high tea set都多野食,打卡影相幾靚! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-08-31
某一天,我跟朋友經過形點,在等待睇戲前入咗呢間店,因為見到啲雪糕好似好有特色就進店試試,誰不知道這裏員工有歧視我朋友的想法,在選擇位置的時候,我最初以為因為店裏面要休息關閉部份不給客人坐,後來才知道原來才知道佢聽到我朋友說話說話帶有國語口音,那個員工態度惡劣大聲說唔可以隨便坐,仲帶有歧視眼光,一間味道普通員工歧視客人的餐廳,令到我呢個土生土長的香港人感到羞恥,一啲待客之道都冇,令客人不會再有光顧的想法😡😡 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-08-30
What a surprisingly nice and worth-trying restaurant in Yuen long which offers good food😍 I enjoy the dinner so much !!! We ate for 1.5 hrs… so jeng 😍 . Worth to give it a try. 👍🏻 The only environment and food are so beautifully decorated. We found the restaurant is fabulous so we seat in and had super nice catch up . We can park car and enjoy the parking discount in the shopping mall. I found the tea set is so wonderful 👍🏻Love it so much 🫶🏻 it’s very full !!! No matter salty one or sweet one ! Both of them are super yummy !!! Totally enough for two ppl ! We couldn’t finish it !The middle layer a bit sweet My favourite layer is this one !!! Salty one ! We also ordered this honey 🍯 chicken wings ! So yummy The tea set only cost $298 ! Very reasonable continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)