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Review (2)
(Non-member) 2005-01-30
It was the exact location of Liquid which was closed around a year ago.The deco is EXACTLY THE SAME!!!Different themes everynight, with different DJs.Not sure about price, but service is not too good.Seats are comfortable, while dance floor isn't that brilliant. Drinks are okay - to be honest, can't be really bad, can it? Good to dance with a bunch of friends if you wish! No toilet paper and soap in the restroom is a bit of shame ! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2003-11-07
呢度入口隱秘,就在玉葉甜品對面,淨睇門面似做不法鈎當多D,唔係朋友帶路都唔會搵到來。睇唔出入面幾新同幾大,聽聞開張左唔係好耐,D傢私都好新淨。分上下兩層,下層仲有得跳舞添。顏色以深色為主,所以感覺係幾暗。有DJ打碟,又有live band,樓上樓下都有唔同音樂,果晚係Jazz,幾正。當晚是絕對的陰盛陽衰,好多鬼妹,終於明白朋友帶我們來的原因。啤酒及各式酒類、cocktail都有,唔知點解夜晚十點幾好多人已經飲到有少少迷幻feel,感覺是有D雜。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)