Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE Diners
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (11)
Level4 2007-09-02
planned to go to Longham Place to have lunch. but it is rather expensive. suddenly remember the semi-buffet lunch here. arrived at 1:30. nearly full. three choices of main course: salmon, thin beef and udo in soup, and eggplant pot. we had the first two. the salmon is fried. not dry. quite tasty. the udo is good. some beef. not too large but adequate. We had some salad, smoked salmon, bread and soup on buffet table. then had dessert cheese cake, strawberry tart, 和果子and fruit. all are quite good. had coffee at last. very very full. the set cost $70 and add $15 had one main course. good price. 10% off with hang seng card. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2006-05-29
看過大家的食評, 決定和老公的家人前往食半自助餐補祝母親節. 半自助有熱湯和餐飽,凍盤有煙三文魚, 壽司,凍和式豆腐及各式蔬菜沙律. 甜品有三數種芝士餅等等, 西米露, 新鮮生果及細杯裝雀巢雪糕(豆腐,雲呢嗱及朱古力三種味). 雖然食物不是太多選擇, 但以凈沙律吧63元的價錢, 可算物有所值. 另68-85元可配三選一主菜, 試了德國鹹豬手(約73-75元), 焗得很香脆, 味道都ok.環境很好, 人不多, 清靜, 服務也ok.(恒生信用卡九折).可惜沒有恒生信用卡, 最後七個人結帳五佰零二元(因太飽, 只有一人試了主菜). 有機會可再與朋友試試. 隔鄰樂怡閣的自助餐則買三後送一, 聽落都好抵. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2006-04-05
上星期,路過油麻地,見到有個廣告寫往setlunch $63-$78。同女朋友用普通心情試試,本人想:酒店食semi-lunch buffet 是否真的咁平?入了去有好多沙律菜,好多condiment、更有日本sushi好新鮮。還有Soup、更有6-7款甜品。有我們最喜歡食的Cheese Cake and Tiramisu。Cheese Cake入口溶化,好有口感。機乎忙記,還有煙三文魚供應。食完了然所有食物都好飽,都唔需要叫Main Course埋單只係126pertwo.數真係好鬼Cheap。大家不妨試試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2004-06-17
星期日來這裡是一個不錯的選擇,這裡人不多,不用搶野食,main course 亦不錯,那個炸薯皮非常香口,但薄燒牛扒就"鞋"咗d,真是非常扺食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2003-05-19
6/5/03食半自助午餐hk$68,個main course雞扖烏冬-味道ok 啦(有4個選擇), 但我個friend的一份不大熟. 有沙律有甜品有煙三文魚, 最掂是個芝士cake. 只食芝士cake已回本啦. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)