4-min walk from Exit A1, North Point MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 22:00
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巨無霸 至尊漢堡 麥旋風 麥樂雞 薯條 雙層芝士漢堡
Review (9)
Level4 2013-03-30
麥當勞新品「韓風辛辣雞腿包」,某天路過北角某老麥已推出,就進去試試。包身輕盈,辣雞腿包以前不是很大的嗎?是我記錯?還是因為叫韓風所以要有韓國少女偶像團隊流行的幼腿?韓風辣汁很香,未打開都聞到,以快餐來說算辣,但很夠香口,雞腿雖小,但不乾硬,吃起來尚算軟身,亦算香口,整體味道不差,作為辣魔覺得勉強可收貨。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Got the Happy Meal because someone wanted the McD's Batman (launched in the US in 2011) so chose the Hamburger set which was the cheapest set at $15.The hamburger was the most basic item on the Happy meal menu and most probably the first hamburger you ever ate in your life unless you lived nearer to a different burger chain than McDonalds.The hamburger at this restaurant had a flame grilled taste, however there was not much sauce so it was quite dry.Anyway it still brings back memories of eating a hamburger as a kid, unwrapping the hamburger which made a crisp paper noise. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2011-04-16
天氣開始炎熱,又係食雪糕的好時候! 老實講,我對麥當勞沒甚麽好感,雪糕例外! 朱古力曲奇味麥旋風 ($9.6)雪糕夠香滑,餅碎唔太細。有杯裝住,唔怕 D 雪糕整污糟隻手。 麥當勞周圍都有,我沿途都見到兩間。夏天咁長,我要狂食呀哈哈哈! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-01-20
都是麥麥掛惹的禍... 到了這個時候,麥麥掛已幾乎斷市了,我才突然間興起要走去換,於是便少有地在這家麥記食早餐。吃了豬柳蛋扭扭粉餐配細鮮橙汁 ($21.3)。扭扭粉煮得不夠透,湯底有幾顆雜豆和椰菜絲但是是半鹹不淡有點曖昧。最正常的,倒是豬柳和蛋,但我總覺得它們還是跟鬆餅,專心做其豬柳蛋漢堡好些囉。薯餅是跟餐的,已戒了薯餅的我這天比較餓所以吃了半件,跟橙汁一樣「咪又係咁」,寫多無謂。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2010-12-05
第一次食M Selection 新包, 前2次的都沒有試, 這次碰巧中午做優惠, 就去試下整個包很大個, 寺我這個女生來說會很飽, 薯條什麼的跟本可以不用吃味道還算正常的, 只是牛肉真是太乾, 如果沒有蕃茄,洋蔥,茄汁等一起吃, 就會很咸...至於包本身側是偏硬, 但又未至於法包脆如果似中午的套餐優惠價HK$25 來說, 一試無妨 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)