1-min walk from Exit C1, Cheung Sha Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
07:30 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus Apple Pay Google Pay TnG
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Review (15)
Level4 2019-04-20
呢排又出返天使蛋糕🎂(試食價:$188)係我印象中好似只係試過魔鬼蛋糕😋😋所以今次咁啱有機會就試埋天使蛋糕———————————其實呢個天使蛋糕真係好各花入各眼,如果你鍾意食Cream嘅話,咁呢個蛋糕你一定會食得好滿足,因為幾乎成個蛋糕都係cream,但係如果你唔鍾意食Cream嘅話,你應該真係會覺得呢個蛋糕好難食,因為真心幾滯,但係由於我係一個幾鍾意食Cream嘅人,而且仲有焦糖脆脆配埋法國鮮忌廉嘅雪芳蛋糕,蛋糕輕盈得嚟又好鬆軟,配埋Cream嘅感覺好入口即溶,所以真心幾符合我口味❤️❤️而且重點係外型好吸引 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2018-09-06
老豆買左美心西餅做早餐對上一次食已經係好細個嘅事,對美心西餅嘅印象一直停留係舊式餅鋪嗰啲椰撻同蛋卷到原來時代變遷,佢地嘅西餅都進步左咁多;唔再喺千篇一律嘅牛油餅底,撻底有真朱古力味,唔會一味死甜,面頭鋪滿朱古力碎,仲有幾粒原粒榛子作點綴,平民價錢嚟講個質素算有誠意 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2018-08-10
食母親節飯,蛋糕依D必要的食品無得走。有晚經過長沙灣地鐵站見到美心西餅門口人山人海,原來係因為3日前預訂母親節蛋糕可以有85折,我諗阿媽都會鍾意D粉紅色,所以揀左「美心花樣粉紅蛋糕」,原價$228,折左$193.8。去取蛋糕又係人山人海,等左好耐先揾到我個蛋糕,食完飯拎個蛋糕出黎,媽媽見到都好開心,因為個蛋糕真係好靚。蛋糕頂上係一朵粉紅色的朱古力康乃馨,靚就好靚,但食落就會好甜。而切開左粉紅色的海綿蛋糕,夾層內有士多啤梨慕絲、士多啤梨果肉同啫喱,仲有白朱古力的杏仁脆脆,係好香同好有口感GEI~媽媽都表示好滿意~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-12-22
I love Star Wars. And I think I've collected all the Star Wars pudding cups from Maxims? Hmm...yes. Yes, I have!These are the two latest ones: Captain Phasm (on the left) and Kylo Ren (on the right). Each costs $39.Captain Phasm's pudding was a milk pudding. It was ok. Not very creamy but at least a rich milk taste.Kylo Ren had chocolate. It was spongy in texture. I never understand why Maxim's chocolate puddings always have this odd spongy texture? But it had a rich chocolate taste.Portion is actually pretty small but I guess I was only interested in the cups anyways. They were nicely made and I think a lot better than the previous version where they had BB8 and R2D2. I had a Maxim cake voucher so used that to purchase. Thus, I only paid $28. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-12-29
今日老闆生日, 我地一早訂左一個熊仔蛋糕比佢, 係地鐵站取。幾方便,反工經過就可以拎埋反工。首先,雖然我老闆係男人,但佢見到個熊仔造型睇得出佢係開心既!就咁睇呢個蛋糕好似唔算好大, 但都成2磅幾。成隻熊仔都係朱古力mousse加少少朱古力蛋糕, 都幾甜下。食一兩啖會覺得幾好食,但食多少少就會覺得好漏,建議一大班人share會好D。其實佢既味道都幾似之前出過既魔鬼蛋糕, 不過魔鬼蛋糕反而無咁漏!不得不讚美心既方便同效率既, 因為我地本身係早一日訂,好多餅店都已經接唔切, 但係美心o係咁急既情況下都安排到寫埋名再送到指定分店, 係做得幾好既!  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)