Opening Hours
07:30 - 18:00
Mon - Fri
07:30 - 18:00
Sat - Sun
09:00 - 18:00
Public Holiday
09:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
TV Broadcast
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (145)
Level3 2025-01-21
Chef Ecy’s Dining Experience:🥰 Food | Ambience | Service | Price | Restroom Cleanliness | Wheelchair | Easy Parking | Pet Friendly | Cake Cutting Fee 🙂 Easy Access | Corkage Fee😠This well-known茶餐廳 is located in Sheung Shui opposite to Hong Kong Golf Club. It has been opened for over 50years. This is my first time visiting this place recommended by our friend. To my surprise, I have a very good dining experience here. Eventhough we just went there for breakfast but I can see from their venue and food quality and of course after chatting with one of the owners, this place is worth to come again if you are around that area. It‘s cozy and comfortable especially sitting outside in the patio. They grow many colorful flowers around. Maybe they are right at the intersection and we are in a rush hour timing, the traffic there is quite busy, many cars in & out around that area. Anyway, back to the restaurant, they provide free parking with big parking lot at the back. The place is very clean & tidy. Restroom is big and clean with electric bidet (first time I see it installed in a 茶餐廳). The food is good, hot & tasty, not salty at all. The unique dish 煎雞尾包 is popular. Outside the bun is crispy, inside is soft and hot… Yummy! Service is good & friendly. Price is reasonable too. It‘s easy to go by car if you drive but still you can get there by minibus or bus. They do charge corkage fee for HK$50 a bottle but no charge for cake cutting if you bring cake there. They do accept Octopus card on top of Cash. A reminder here is that they don’t open for dinner time, usually close at 6pm everyday. Other than dining in or taking away, they do sell some other stuff like chinese sauce, paste etc… Flowers and some organic vegetables too. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-12-13
喺上水突然有D肚餓,攞出電話穩嘢食。諗起之前睇到新聞講俾人爆格(絕無嘲弄之意)嘅老茶記,就即刻去食。人唔多啱啱好!🥢【澳門豬扒包】豬扒包大大個,個包外脆內軟豬扒大件醃得入味肉質嫩滑,入面嘅豬扒都幾大塊下又唔會好乾身,肉汁都唔會話烘到燶曬。食完都有啲飽肚,整體唔錯。🥢【秘製咖喱牛腩飯】咖喱汁有DD辣,裡面牛肉內分量都很多,蔬果蹭地咬落去餸飯真係好正。啖啖咖喱味十足。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-03
以前位於公路旁嘅茶座多數係方便俾駕車人士週末找個郊遊嘅節目,雍雅山房、西沙茶座等,都係比較出名嘅戶外搵食好去處。時至今日,生活習慣同環境都已改變,因此留下來嘅都要有特色。.榮昌茶座都係因為住得近,而且可以泊到車🚙,仲可以帶到狗狗🐶一齊用餐,雖然食物價格偏貴,但鄰近哥爾夫球場⛳️都係一個賣點。———————————————————————————🍽️生炸雞髀沙律🍗💬多數會叫嘅其中之一,炸髀生炸又脆又夠大隻,好有風味,薯仔雜果沙律🥗係傳統冰室文化,係戒唔甩嘅味道👅.🍽️西多士🥪💬邪惡食物系列,平時唔太習慣叫,因為太飽食唔到其他嘢,厚切嘅多士,加上濃郁花生醬🥜同糖漿,唔係日日駕馭到👅.🍽️蠔仔肉碎湯飯🦪💬近排大熱比較熱,湯飯都係很喜歡嘅食物,鍾意有湯水無咁乾同寡口,沒想到唔差得過潮州檔,蠔仔鮮甜,佈滿芫荽同芹菜🌿,係出色之選👅 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-08-26
上星期我係車友group有朋友仔話可以揸車去嚟呢間茶座試下,今日去咗試試佢😋😋。茶座喺粉錦公路旁,雖然位置唔係好方便(最好揸車,但都有小巴/巴士到附近),但都有不少捧場客,餐廳分室內和室外,室外位置設有風扇及冷風機,夏天嚟都唔會感到太熱,而且用餐時有短時間嘅免費泊車,所以都吸引咗一大班喜歡假日車聚嘅車友過嚟!第一次過嚟就先試左佢哋餐廳嘅餐牌推介先😋😋豬扒米粉🐷🍜肉質非常鬆軟,肥瘦均勻,而且中層有少許油脂部分,令口感更為可口!煎雞尾包🍔熱度啱啱好,食到新鮮出爐嗰種感覺,一個字正👍🏻熱奶茶🥛☕️呢杯奶茶冇令我失望,茶底很濃,奶的比例調教得很好,令茶質更滑!呢間茶座是值得過嚟一試。雖然位置有啲隔涉,但價格合理,分量又充足,加上地道的味道,讓人感受到香港的飲食文化在這片土地上的延續。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
朋友仔買左新車,去個morning drive. 黎到呢間粉錦公路既茶檔嘆個簡單港式中餐。呢個位置真係唔揸車都幾難到,亦吸引左唔少車友過黎。亦有唔少Fans遠道以來。餐廳有室內、半露天和室外,半露天及室外位置設有風扇,夏天時都是可以的。而且用餐時有短時間免費泊車,吸引咗不少喜歡假日車聚嘅老友過嚟!第一次過嚟既我就先試左佢哋餐廳嘅餐牌推介先😋😋豬扒米粉肉質非常鬆軟,肥瘦均勻,而且中層有少許油脂部分,令口感更為可口!豬扒包包身軟,豬扒煎得香脆又多汁鮮嫩,加埋洋蔥,呢個豬扒包我自己覺得比澳門🇲🇴嘅好吃!煎雞尾包熱度啱啱好,食到新鮮出爐嗰種感覺,一個字正👍🏻熱奶茶呢杯奶茶冇令我失望,茶底很濃,奶的比例調教得很好,令茶質更滑!熱咖啡大大杯既即磨咖啡,濃郁,酸度剛好!好醒神!呢間茶座值得過嚟一試,無論是對於懷念港式風味的老餅,還是對港式飲食文化感興趣的年輕人,這裡都不會讓你失望。價格合理,分量充足,加上地道的味道,讓人感受到香港的飲食文化在這片土地上的延續。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)