3-min walk from Exit F1, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 23:00
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 00:00
12:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (32)
Level4 2017-11-11
我想食好耐嘅fro yo🤤llaollao.冇令我失望 以後鎖定佢😬我揀左七色芭菲 frozen yogurt 有3種水果+2種脆脆+1種醬料水果我揀左菠蘿,士多啤梨,蜜瓜(好似係)脆脆就要左Oreo同焦糖葵花籽最後必叫焦糖餅乾醬 係好好味👍🏼成杯fro yo我都好滿意啊😎_________________________裝修環境:✨✨✨✨服務態度:✨✨✨✨食物質素:✨✨✨✨(5個✨為滿分)價錢:$49________________________唔信我嘅可以自己去試試😂地址:銅鑼灣邊寧頓街9-11號登龍閣地下B舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
香港愈開愈多乳酪雪糕店,多到眼花繚亂,間間都形式都一樣,有時都唔知揀邊間,今次係銅鑼灣行過就試下呢間,望入去係咁試左2款,芒果乳酪底七色芭菲 $49呢個同上面既一樣,但用焦糖朱古力醬可以任揀2種脆脆,有果麥, 紅莓乾,oreo碎,杏仁碎,迷你曲奇。加三款水果,有西瓜,士多啤梨,菠蘿,紅莓等。醬有請蘋果將芒果醬牛奶醬朱古力醬咖啡醬白朱古力醬等等!好多選擇!乳酪新鮮,分量幾大!香港咁熱,行下街食杯雪糕/乳酪真係好爽好多! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
位於銅鑼灣時代廣場的llaollao,是一間來自西班牙的乳酪店。今天又掛上八號風球,一波未平一波又起呢。星期日理應好好休息,好好吃好西充充電,所以當變回三球風球時,小吃貨又出動揾食啦。Large Yogurt$49乳酪分為大中小杯,大杯3topping $49,中杯3topping $39,小杯1topping$29。貪心的吃貨,當然要杯最大最多配料的乳酪吧。乳酪雪糕有兩種,一種是原味,一種是芒果。芒果屬新口味,酸度較底,多一份清甜,超級大杯,夏日暑氣全消了。配料多達20多種,個人最愛Lotus焦糖餅乾,Lotus焦糖醬和OREO阿,肥仔的配料,多麽的邪惡,多麼的吸引阿媽咪。甜甜脆脆的口味,大人小朋友也不能抗拒吧!哎呀,好滿足阿 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-05-24
Tired this yesterday with a friend and use the buy one get one coupon on OpenRice. We got the medium size one which is $39 with 3 toppings. I picked the pineapple, strawberry and mango as the 3 toppings. The fruits are pretty sour!but I like the yogurt tho coz it's not too sweet and very smooth. My friend got strawberry, mango and Nutella. Somehow I like the Nutella with the yogurt and I think I ll get that next time. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-05-24
去llaollao 食Frozen yogurt , 興奮到1人吃兩杯$49,聽聞froyo 促進腸道蠕動,又比起雪糕卡路里較低,所以好開心咁黎食。點了新鮮水果 奇異果、士多啤梨、焦糖葵花籽仁,好大杯乳酪 無奈水果toppings 都是份量太少 相比起yomama toppings 的份量!yogurt favour is Orginal favour, good taste! Another cup with kiwi fruit, pineapple, again not much fruits , but i still like the yogurt continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)