3-min walk from Exit A2, Tin Hau MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (21)
如果要話小琦係我喺香港食過最好食嘅炸雞,一d都唔過份😂。因為公司喺佢附近,所以我成日都會買,而且每次行過店外,雞油嘅香味都會湧出黎。佢嘅日式炸雞,可以食到雞油嘅原始香味,唔會好似韓國炸雞咁俾d汁掩蓋。一咬落去,外脆,而且內裏仲keep到雞油。每次order 佢都係即叫即炸,真係好好食,而且介熱辣辣!佢原味、辣味都好食!👍🏻👍🏻我食左好多次,亦覺得佢真係好值得推介俾大家😋之前都有介紹俾同事食,個個都話正,雖然佢得外賣,但真心去開炮台山值得一試😬我唔係打手,但真係覺得佢咁好食應該俾多d人知! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-06-16
起床已經很晏了,想起很久沒有吃雞肉,不如來一個外賣雞翼吃都好。辣味琦香雞翼 微辣的雞翼香氣撲鼻十分吸引,讓人食慾大增。經典琦香雞翼 鮮嫩多汁, 外脆內軟很好吃😋。- Thank you for visiting, and I wish you a pleasant day!感謝你的瀏覽,我希望你有愉快的一天!Thanks for your support continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
一人套餐C $49琦脆雞3件,琦香雞翼2件,中薯條,汽水Set C for one 3 fried chicken, 2 fried wings, medium chips, soft drink辣味琦脆雞Spicy Fried Chicken由於係即叫即炸,所以外皮極之香脆,亦做到外脆內軟😇 面頭有唔少嘅辣味粉,辣味唔會太勁,只會透着调味粉嘅悠悠气息🌶 All their products are freshly made, so the skin is very crispy while the inside is kept very tender and moist. There was a handful amount of chilli powder sprinkled on top, however it didn’t really bring much heat, just a hint of spiciness. 琦香雞翼Fried Wings雞翼都係每隻炸到皮脆肉嫩,脆卜卜💥 咬落去有肉汁滑落,非常Juicy💦 因為無加調味粉,只係被一層薄薄嘅炸粉包住,所以更加帶出鮮甜滑嫩嘅雞肉香味😚 The wings were also fried to perfection, and this was even more moist than the fried chicken pieces. They didn’t season it much, so the fresh and juicy chicken flavour was very prominent.中薯條紐紋薯條出面好少見,呢到竟然搵到,仲要係厚切😍 炸起嘅薯條之後均勻咁撒上細鹽,搭配上軟綿的口感真係好正😋 紙袋裡面仲有好多薯條喺底,份量真係唔少架👏🏼How rare is it to find this type of curly fries? It was even the thick cut type. After it was fried, they only seasoned it with salt which was enough for it to bring flavour. The middle of the fried had a mellow texture. There were so much fries that the container couldn’t even hold all of it! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-06-09
🔻 小琦唐揚雞 天后電氣道96號地舖/小妹好鍾意食炸雞,見到依間連續七年拎咗日本唐揚雞金賞嘅日本炸雞店,即刻慕名而來。🧃一人套餐C $53 (經典)琦趣雞3件,琦香雞翼2件,薯條,汽水要知道一間炸雞好唔好食,一定要叫佢嘅原味, $53有五件雞, size都唔細,薯條更加唔係普通嘅薯條,其實都算抵食。由於佢係即叫即炸,到手嘅時候啱啱炸起,香味撲鼻而來。食落口外脆內軟,熱辣辣,肉嫩Juicy,鹹味啱啱好,係唔知點解有浸雪味,呢下真係扣咗唔少分,冇咗浸雪味就Perfect。薯條方面,係扭扭薯條,又係外脆內軟,好好食。/🧃一人套餐C $53 (辣味)琦趣雞3件,琦香雞翼2件,薯條,汽水辣粉鋪到成舊雞都係,非常惹味,亦都應該冚左嗰浸雪味,個人就鍾意食辣味多啲,但係如果想無咁重口味,都係會建議食返原味,前提係佢要冇嗰浸雪味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2022-06-07
平時去居酒屋都好鍾意食唐揚雞,但只係賣日式炸雞嘅店舖喺香港就比較少見。相反只買炸雞嘅韓式料理店就比較多。而今次在天后遇到的小琦唐揚雞就厲害了,連續7年奪得日本炸雞大賽金獎🥺超好吃!炸漿又薄,而且咬落去爆汁!我吃過原味和辣味,辣味非常惹味,非常推介辣味!而且即叫即炸,不像一般炸雞店會先炸一次,保證新鮮。不過店內只有立式區,不設座位。如果要晚市加餸的話,也是非常好的選擇! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)