5-min walk from Exit B2, Kwun Tong MTR Station continue reading
It is a restaurant located in a industrial restaurant. People can choose the size for the food according to their needs. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Smoking Area
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (55)
Level3 2016-05-14
同同事黎食lunch, 點左個明太子意粉配紫菜帶子。份量唔大,望落冇咩橙色,但食落又有明太子味喎!帶子冇鮮味,個人覺得同明太子亦唔係幾match,細細碟食完都冇咩印象,價錢亦唔平,係環境幾寬敞。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2016-03-31
最近又響觀塘做嘢,食lunch差不多就係茶餐廳同連鎖食肆之選。心諗明明夜晚工廈大把花花世界,即使係lunch都實有坐得舒舒服服嘅地方。今次就終於搵倒間位於觀塘工廈嘅寬敞餐廳。餐廳坐位非常簡約而敞大,我們一行三人獲安排坐了一張可以容納6人的枱。餐牌選擇很多,基本上有齊魚生, 意粉,飯類,即使一大班人黎都唔怕有人揀唔倒心水。不過就價錢而言於觀塘就叫偏貴,要80-120倒,另有加一喎,唔太岩日日食,不過間唔中一餐都ok嘅!餐湯有南瓜湯同麵豉湯揀,我尼個就係南瓜黎。個湯都有南瓜味,但就啖左啲,濃返啲就好了。個主菜我揀左蟹肉奄列蛋飯,78蚊另有加一。個賣相就唔錯,金金黃黃,而且仲幾香。但同我預期唧樣有好大出入下。因為我expect會係蛋包飯,再有茄汁。不過anyway,好食就得。個飯炒得唔錯,可謂粒粒金黃,再鋪上密密的蟹籽及絲絲蟹肉,口感同味道都令我滿意。特別係蟹肉的鮮味沒有被沙律醬蓋過,份量亦叫大方,幾乎每口都有蟹肉味,蟹籽就更加是,值得推介。附送嘅餐飲我揀左熱檸水,無咩特別。不過份量很多,大大一杯,並非用茶樓啲杯。雖然尼間餐廳的價錢於觀塘屬中高之選,但勝在坐得舒適,而且食物用料足,不妨一試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-02-11
新年第一日返工,梗係食好啲啦!可惜初四開工嘅餐廳錯地方唔多,好彩卡蓮已經開示,於是即刻訂位飛的去食午餐!一坐低,見到個餐牌轉左,lunch包咖啡/茶(終於跟餐飲,好感動!)不過都係揀番最近人嘅牛扒配薯蓉。擺盤唔同咗塊牛扒比以前細塊,叫咗五成熟,但食落明顯已經七成熟,煮得太老over cook,牛味冇平時食開嘅西冷咁濃,似係轉咗來貨! 薯蓉好好味,充滿牛奶香,入口幼滑又creamy! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-12-03
同事介紹, 用TABLEMAP 訂左枱, 因為係1樓, 所以係走樓梯同後門上去估唔到都幾大幾特別喎因為用TABLEMAP, 所以有小食送-雞軟骨跟住我地睇SET 去叫野食沙律係墨西哥有機芥蘭又幾特別喎, 未食過呢個有機野, 又唔知我地中國的芥蘭咁的味好西方口味的沙律菜老公點左紅酒, 不過味道麻麻諗住叫鮮榨果汁, 但原來得返幾款, 可能LUNCH 俾人買晒剩返得幾支, 味道又唔係好啱飲, 所以都係叫左呢個朱古力特飲有面包奉上, 無咩特別湯今日係薯仔豆蓉湯好香好味呀!!我的主菜叫左大蝦拼雜菜串燒吸引好多隔離枱的人望可能顏色太鮮艷喇食落呢個味道仲好食過老公個碟有2串雜菜, 變左唔會話食得好熱氣好滯雜菜唔會話燒得過火, 好味蝦都OK個汁都好襯呢個主菜老公點了呢個牛扒, 反而有點失色, 無咩特別....最後古惑的老公, 原來同餐廳聯絡過安排左個甜品俾我初時諗住是日甜品好無食呢點知突然有件CHEEZE CAKE 碟個度寫左我名TIM好感動呀!!多謝老公~亦多謝職員的安排呢度食野無出邊餐廳咁拘謹, 位置又大D 闊D唔會話2個人就只係俾一張長枱仔你咁不過食物就希望再改善, 因為唔算係好特色, 一D 好一D 就麻麻.... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2015-12-03
I had a really great time at Kani. It was a little hard to find but that's what I liked about it. It was very spacious and comfortable inside which I find very rare in Hong Kong.I liked the open kitchen as you can see your food being made. Since I was visiting from Beijing, I just had to try some seafood. I had the oysters and sushi and they were really fresh and flavourful. The staff was really nice and it was a great experience overall. Their page said that there was no wifi but they did when I went there. I would definately come back when I visit Hong Kong again.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)